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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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Sun, 27 Nov 2011 06:38:50

I almost fear getting back into this game. There is just so much going on. I have like 1000 quests active, I have to always manage my inventory and I need to make sure i level up properly. I don't even know where to begin when I pick it back up, its so different from Zelda.

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Sun, 27 Nov 2011 06:45:45

I just sell shit and dump the rest in a chest. Most of today I spent it not paying attention to any quests, just wandering here and there snooping around caves and shit. Found one with a fuckton of iron and corundum ore to mine. During those travels an ice dragon beat the shit out of my horse (that didn't die) and was killed after a long-ish battle.

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Sun, 27 Nov 2011 06:58:13
SteelAttack said:

I just sell shit and dump the rest in a chest.

I do too, but even then I need to make sure I have enough space for my current quest. I hate being in the middle of a cave and run out of space, I ain't going back to sell stuff until I complete that cave.

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Fri, 15 Jun 2012 19:08:44

Elder Scrolls / Skyrim fans, I have a question. I don't know if Enchanting works the same for all ES games, or if it is unique in Skyrim, but I have little experience with it. I am assuming you guys have at least more experience than me.

Say I want to Fortify Mana Regeneration. I know I can disenchant an object and learn the Enchantment. The object may have had a description of Mana Regen increased by 15%, for example. When I learn the Enchantment, though, it says Mana Regen increased by 8%. Is it my lower Enchanting Skills that is making the percentage lower for the learned Enchantment? If I were to DIS-Enchant the item at a higher level, would my learned Enchantment be Mana Regen increased by 10% for example? Or, is it ALL in the USING of that Learned Enchantment, when I apply it to an Object with a Grand Soul and Higher Skills? It seems as if, IF I were to use my Mana Regen increased by 8% Enchantment, with a Grand Soul and Higher Skill Perks the Enchanted Object Crafts to be Mana Regen increased by 10%... Is this correct? Sorry if this is confusing. I don't understand it, so it is difficult to put my question into words...

As I level up Enchanting, will my Base Enchantments ALSO increase? For example, will my Mana Regen increased by 8% level up into a base of Mana Regen increased by 10%?


Edited: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 19:13:45
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Sun, 17 Jun 2012 18:20:12

I have now devoted more time to Skyrim than any other Elder Scrolls game, ever. It is sooooooo nice to finally be able to enjoy one of these games (mostly) free of worry of any game breaking glitches or bugs. There's just so many things to love about these games, it's nice to be able to enjoy it now! I love the flexibility of playing how you want to. I love the beauty of the world. I love how your Skills can make the game play entirely differently. At times it feels like a kick-ass RPG. In the Dwemer ruins it almost feels like a Stealth, Fantasy FPS! I love how the world reacts and changes around you. I love the reaction when townspeople see you absorb a Dragon Soul. I love how Dragons can attack randomly. I love how there are so many paths to follow (or not) depending on your mood. I love the devotion to the mythology of the Elder Scrolls shown in the hundreds of books. I love the physics. I love the cinematic kill scenes. It's happened more than once where I killed an enemy and threw their rag-dolled body up against a wall SO hard, I find myself saying out loud: "OH! That would have hurt bad, IF you weren't already dead!" The music. The magic effects. The Enchanting. The enemies. So very much to do and see, I feel like I could play this game forever!

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Sun, 17 Jun 2012 18:58:18
You make me want to revisit this game.  I kind of rushed through, but I had a ball.
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Thu, 21 Jun 2012 10:03:42

I am going to play it for the first time coming up, maybe after Vanquish, maybe after Deus Ex... Anyone have any idea how long the campaign is (if you were to theoretically play straight through).

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Thu, 21 Jun 2012 11:19:59
aspro said:

I am going to play it for the first time coming up, maybe after Vanquish, maybe after Deus Ex... Anyone have any idea how long the campaign is (if you were to theoretically play straight through).

The original? It's pretty lengthy even if you stick to the main story. Probably 15-20 hours if you're very fast. It's a long time since I've played it, though...

There's actually not that much side stuff to do that isn't really tied into the story. You'll probably accidentally do a lot of side stuff. Nyaa

Edited: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 11:20:48

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Thu, 21 Jun 2012 19:56:37
Skyrim. Yeah. 15-20 sounds good.

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Sun, 24 Jun 2012 00:43:16

I have put about 62 hours into the game so far. I finished the Mage College quest line. I joined the Bard's Guild. I have opened the Dark Brotherhood, the Companions and the Thieves Guild quest lines. (I just don't know if I --WANT-- to be an Assassin, Werewolf or Thief.) I am a Level 31 High Elf equipped with hand-made Fine Elven Boots, Fine Elven Guantlets, Fine Elven Armour (all Enchanted) with a Glass Helm of Magic Regeneration, and I wield a Fine Ebony Sword that Drains Life and a Fine Glass Sword that drains Magicka.

I have been to Alduin's Wall with Delphine and that... Blades... guy and I am currently searching for those... things... to learn Dragon Rend.

I have not yet joined either the StormCloaks or the Imperials, but considering the Empire wanted to chop off my head in the beginning I am leaning towards siding with the Nords.

According to the Wiki I am about half-way through with the Main Quest...  GASP

...and DawnGuard comes out next week!  GASP not like I have a social life at the moment anyway...  Hrm

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Tue, 26 Jun 2012 09:39:30
Yep. It's Elder Scrolls alright:
"You cannot return the claw to Lucan until you've recovered the Dragonstone from the corpse of the boss draugr in Bleak Falls Barrow. Even if you have the claw in your possession, the dialogue to give it to Lucan will not appear until this part of the concurrent quest is complete."

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Tue, 26 Jun 2012 11:13:47

Does the bard's guild involve a karoake mini-game?

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Tue, 26 Jun 2012 11:45:36
Foolz said:

Does the bard's guild involve a karoake mini-game?

Unfortunately, no... You have to recover an ancient manuscript from a cave and re-write the missing verses of a sacred, ceremonial song with the head of the guild... and you're in!

Edited: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 11:51:23
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Tue, 26 Jun 2012 11:50:39
aspro said:
Yep. It's Elder Scrolls alright:

"You cannot return the claw to Lucan until you've recovered the Dragonstone from the corpse of the boss draugr in Bleak Falls Barrow. Even if you have the claw in your possession, the dialogue to give it to Lucan will not appear until this part of the concurrent quest is complete."

Just as a general rule: You're going to be finding quite a few of those claws. MOST of the time the doors and altars they open are in the same areas you find them... You're going to WANT to find these doors promptly anyway, as they usually bar the way to a word of power. If you haven't done so already, when needing to use them look closely at them first!

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Tue, 26 Jun 2012 11:57:16
I was still unable to get his dialog option to work.

I'm level 5 already and enjoying it as much as Morrowind so far. I am extremely impressed with the menus, much improved over Oblivion.

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Tue, 26 Jun 2012 12:12:08
phantom_leo said:

Unfortunately, no... You have to recover an ancient manuscript from a cave and re-write the missing verses of a sacred, ceremonial song with the head of the guild... and you're in!


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Wed, 27 Jun 2012 06:31:41
Fuck this broken-ass game.

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Wed, 27 Jun 2012 07:08:29

I have a week off next week, i may get back into this game and finally finish it.

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Wed, 27 Jun 2012 07:16:52
They are asking me to shout. I have one equipt, two dragon souls, selected it, pressing R2. Nothing. Read the manual, read detailed instructions online, nothing.

So onto Deus Ex. Fuck this shitty game.

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Wed, 27 Jun 2012 11:51:42
aspro said:
They are asking me to shout. I have one equipt, two dragon souls, selected it, pressing R2. Nothing. Read the manual, read detailed instructions online, nothing.

Errr... Although Shouts are equipped using the L2 or R2 buttons, in much the same way weapons and spells are, they are not assigned to the L2 or R2 buttons you use TO equip them. There is a dedicated 'Shout' button and that is R1 on the Dual Shock or RB on the 360 controller.

If THAT'S not it. Sometimes you'll shout before they ask you to and it doesn't register. If that has happened, you have to wait for the shout to recharge. You'll see a blue highlighting around your compass. This is your shout meter. You need this to clear and the compass to turn white again before it will allow you to shout again.

Are you actually playing the game on the PS3? Why would you want to do that to yourself? If you are a big enough fan, it is ---WELL--- worth buying a new SLIM 360 to play Skyrim. The value of the game more than makes up for the expense of the system.

Edited: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 11:52:40
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