Forum > Gaming Discussion > The Beaten Games of 2014 -- Let's all unite to take Foolz down!
The Beaten Games of 2014 -- Let's all unite to take Foolz down!
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Fri, 04 Jul 2014 13:18:05

Just updated with Shovel Knight, and Mario Kart 8. I know there's not a solid way to determine you won, but I've unlocked every character, I have a online score of over 2200, and have over 50 hours of game time. I think that meets most of the marks.

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Sat, 05 Jul 2014 01:24:41
robio said:

Just updated with Shovel Knight, and Mario Kart 8. I know there's not a solid way to determine you won, but I've unlocked every character, I have a online score of over 2200, and have over 50 hours of game time. I think that meets most of the marks.

I always figure opening all tracks or completing all races in any racing game means you "finished" the game.


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Sat, 05 Jul 2014 10:09:58

Far Cry 3 is done...

What a great return to form this series has undergone. Far Cry 2 was flawed, still decent, but so boring after awhile. And the setting...could it be more brown?

Far Cry 3 takes elements of Far Cry Instincts, Crysis 1, and Assassin's Creed, and wraps it around a pretty good story that reminds me of a fun date movie. Completely erases every issue of FC2, and is a blast from start to finish. This is one of the better shooters of the last generation. 9.1 Rating.


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Sat, 05 Jul 2014 11:24:38

My only problem with the game is the horrible screen tearing.  But of course, you probably never had that problem.

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Sat, 05 Jul 2014 14:25:12

Updated with Mario Kart 8 and Windwaker.

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Sat, 05 Jul 2014 18:52:04
robio said:

Just updated with Shovel Knight, and Mario Kart 8. I know there's not a solid way to determine you won, but I've unlocked every character, I have a online score of over 2200, and have over 50 hours of game time. I think that meets most of the marks.

When you beat all cups you see the credits. Thats beating the game.

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Sat, 05 Jul 2014 21:50:37
travo said:

My only problem with the game is the horrible screen tearing.  But of course, you probably never had that problem.

No...the only problem I had is a few points in the game enemy characters would have giant black triangles over them like fucking armor. LOL

It was more funny than anything, kind of like bald Lara.


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Mon, 07 Jul 2014 01:53:22
Dvader said:

When you beat all cups you see the credits. Thats beating the game.

1) at any speed? 2) the credits may actually roll simply after you beat the final cup: after winning that without having won all the cups the credits rolled for me.

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Mon, 07 Jul 2014 18:19:58
Foolz said:

1) at any speed? 2) the credits may actually roll simply after you beat the final cup: after winning that without having won all the cups the credits rolled for me.

Beating a game on easy is still considered beating a game. The speeds are a substitue for easy/medium/hard.

I thought you have to unlock each cup in order, you cant do the last cup until you have done them all.

Edited: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 18:20:28
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Tue, 08 Jul 2014 01:32:31
Dvader said:
Foolz said:

1) at any speed? 2) the credits may actually roll simply after you beat the final cup: after winning that without having won all the cups the credits rolled for me.

Beating a game on easy is still considered beating a game. The speeds are a substitue for easy/medium/hard.

I thought you have to unlock each cup in order, you cant do the last cup until you have done them all.

If that's what you need to believe to get to sleep, sure they are.

Ah, I think you're right about the cups for the first time. After that the credits roll on the last cups regardless.

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Tue, 08 Jul 2014 13:02:18

I didn't realize there were 9 pages to this thread.

Edited: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 13:03:45
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Thu, 10 Jul 2014 17:40:46

I was able to get Haze working after reloading the part I was unable to pass a bunch of times....finished it.

Hands fucking down the worst game I have played and finished in a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. Fuck a fat chick this game is horrible. I actually rated it the same score that IGN did, a 4.5 rating. lol

I do not know what happened to Free Radical during this game's development....if it was rushed or what. But its bad in all ways. Production values, story, pacing, controls, you name it. Very disappointing PS3 exclusive.


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Fri, 11 Jul 2014 21:31:52

Ok....this is a first for me in ages...I beat another game today after finishing Haze yesterday....2 games in 2 days?!

Jak & Daxter is done. Definitely glad I finally got around to playing the I've completed every game in the series. In many ways, I actually like this one MORE than the others, because where the others incorporated more of a platformer/shooter hybrid style, this game is just a straight up platformer. And a damn good one.

Kind of kick myself in the ass for passing on it on the PS2 thinking it was a poor man's Banjo. If I had given it a chance back then it would have REALLY blown me away. Still, the game doesn't feel dated at all and was very enjoyable even today, so that says something of its quality. Its a game in the same ilk as many of its peers at the time in the genre, but it stands on its own merits pretty well. Also love that it has zero loading times and a giant world where you can go anywhere you want a la Soul Reaver.

9.0 rating from me.


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Sat, 12 Jul 2014 10:29:47

I beat Wonderfull 101 yesterdayevening.  I marathonned the last chapter.

The game sure gets your adrenaline pumping.  Half the allure of it is the insane hyperbole, the endless stacking of superlatives, to the point where you can't believe what you just withnessed could be bested only to be proven wrong within the next few minutes.  I played the game on Normal difficulty, but didn't run into any problems beating it.  Part of this is also because there's no real penalty for dying.  However, in the whole last chapter, I only died one single time, despite only having expanded my health bar once during the whole game.  And I didn't die in combat, I died in one of those lame shmup parts.  This is my biggest gripe with the game.  The normal gameplay is very entertaining, but every so often you'll come by a shmup part, or a section that sees you navigating a tunnel at high speed.  These are just no fun.  The controls get all mixed up, moving around is slow in contrast to how buttersmooth the rest of the game plays out...  These bits really are the game's lowest points for me.

I think in the end these parts don't weigh heavy enough to drag the whole experience down.  The camera angle takes some getting used to, but the setpieces, the artstyle, the saturday morning cartoon storyline and writing...  I rate it an 8.8!

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Sat, 12 Jul 2014 17:39:30

I just started playing Wonderful 101 yesterday. Its definitely a very unique game, that's for sure. The only thing that kind of bothers me as of now are some of the can be overly complicated and confusing to figure out what in the hell they want you to do sometimes.


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Sat, 12 Jul 2014 19:57:36

The controls do take some getting used too.  The game also requires you to be able to adapt to some totally different control shemes on the fly every now and then, which complicates things even further...  Be sure to save up for custom blocks, the right ones can make quite the difference in battle.

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Wed, 16 Jul 2014 08:49:44

Updated with Turok.  I'll give it a 6/10 rating as it does run much better than Haze, looks better, actually has some parts that are fun, and killing dinosaurs with a knife is a good time.

Two PS3 games in a row that don't have trophy support. I'm not a trophy/achievement whore, but not having them at all kind of annoys me.

Edited: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 08:50:55


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Sat, 19 Jul 2014 01:09:27

Updated with Mario Kart 8.

Great entry. Not sure its any better than MK Wii though, outside of the giant leap in graphics.


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Sat, 19 Jul 2014 03:07:08

Updated with Watchdogs.

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Sat, 19 Jul 2014 03:47:55
travo said:

Updated with Watchdogs.

So, what did you think?

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