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The Beaten Games of 2013 --OR-- The Topic where Aspro and Vader put us all to Shame.
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Sun, 02 Jun 2013 00:25:06

Interesting take as always Leo. I would love to dissect your brain on the whole topic.

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Sun, 02 Jun 2013 05:15:27

Likewise, I find what you said very interesting but my experience with Bioshock is very fragmented and far far from complete so I can't relate to what you say (and even then I don't have the same experiences as you growing up so wouldn't necessarily make all the associations and deeper meanings).  Whatever experiences I've had with games trying to deal with mature issues I came away feeling that either because the gaming industry is still very young, or because the medium is still limited by technology or by its interactive nature, or perhaps most probably ... because all the best and most competent writers are already working in the film industry or writing books so gaming mostly has to make do with second tier writers...

Anyway, whatever the reason, in my limited experience adult issues in games seem hamfisted and forced and come across ultimately shallow.  For this reason (and probably even more importantly because I largely use gaming for escapism and relaxation) I prefer to eat magic mushrooms, rescue princeses, explore distant planets and weird new alien life forms, fight robots, fight spaceships, fight dragons, fight demons ... be robots, be spaceships, be dragons, be demons ... rather than worry too much about right or wrong or the meaning of it all with controller in hand.

Still one thing I do take, is that I must put proper time and pay proper attention into the Bioshock series.


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Sun, 02 Jun 2013 12:01:09

There was one point when I was playing 2 that my obsession reached such a fever pitch that I actually started a word document examining the similarities between Infinite, 1 and 2. I've stopped trying to tie them together, but, what it all comes down to: The themes that Irrational Games explores are quite unlike any other developer. Utterly thought provoking stuff.

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Sun, 02 Jun 2013 22:55:20

Finished Kirby's Dreamcourse today. Teenage Robio would be proud right now. I had a rather difficult time with this game back then, though I think I attribute that more to not really understanding the controls more than anything else. Anyway, another game from the days of yore that I couldn't complete now has a checkmark next to it. It also made me think that between the tilt and touch screen features, this game would a prime candidate for a remake or sequel on either/both the 3DS and Wii U.

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Tue, 04 Jun 2013 21:32:50


Yay, finished Uncharted 3!!

Fun game.  Follows the exact same template as the previous ones in the series.  Adds new locales, some fun new set pieces, nice new puzzles etc.  The story is the usual Indiana Jones cursed antique and lost city hunting stuff that's been in all the previous games.  It's a good but very by-the-numbers sequel.  It also has some major annoyances such as dream/reduced conciousness sequences where you move very slowly and your view is very hazy and it's almost like a cut-scene except you have to pretend you are controlling it.  It's bad, and it happens way too much and way too often in this game.  Also, complete lack of bosses (I know they are frowned upon nowadays and looked like a thing of the past only japanese games do anymore but I would like even this type of game to have something resembling a boss fight or two).  The ending is very anticlimatic.  The bad guys just die and you walk off with Sully and the girl (yeah major spoiler there sorry!).  So, fun game but I probably wouldn't altogether mind if no more Uncharted games were made (hopefully The Last of Us will be really good to give Naughty Dog something new to work with.


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Tue, 04 Jun 2013 23:05:56

I am playing Uncharted 3 right now too, and, at least for me, it's pretty apparent Naughty Dog just threw together the game pretty quickly. It's very much by the numbers. It actually has many of the features they have been touting as "New" for The Last of Us. Drake's reaction to the environment -- How he puts his hand out when he gets close to a wall or when he rounds a corner... it's contextual movement, JUST like in TLoU. How he fights ALSO evolved into TLoU's battle system. Countering and punching enemies near objects will USE those objects against foes...

It's clear TLoU uses an advanced Uncharted engine. The game has been in development for years though... They needed SOMETHING as a stop-gap AND to fund TLoU's development... They probably made Uncharted 2, started to make TLoU, refining the engine in the process, realized it was going to take longer than they thought, made U3 out of the newly developed assets and then continued to plug away at TLoU.

Even a "bad" Uncharted game is better than most, but I --CANNOT-- wait to see what Naughty Dog --REALLY-- has in store for us come June 14th!

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Sat, 08 Jun 2013 02:34:16

Persona 4 Arena is finished. The story was mode was repetitive as hell and pretty bloated, but it was just fun being able to play with characters that I had grown fond of from Persona 4. And getting to see slightly grown up versions of my favorite characters from Persona 3 was even cooler (but why no Junpei?). It did a good job of setting up Persona 5 whenever Atlus decides to announce it. And while I'm not crazy about Arc Systems' fighting games (animation just isn't smooth) I still foresee myself getting some more play out of this for some time to come.

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Sat, 08 Jun 2013 15:55:04
edgecrusher said:

Edge's Finished Games of 2013:

assassins-creed-3-official-boxart.jpgThe-Walking-Dead-Box-Art.jpg 250px-Mario_Kart_Wii.png AP_PS3FOB.jpgimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcSY3zO-IUsRFAXANmOXh4FDeEffKJERepjE_BEWqvu_s_iWNKL22340617-box_xcomeu.png1982776-box_ge007r.png2405691-box_traider.png_-The-Walking-Dead-Survival-Instinct-Wii-U-_.jpg1343974545_2910_ps3.jpg

The Last Story Boxart_-Resident-Evil-Revelations-PS3-_.jpg

Updated with Evil...


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Sat, 22 Jun 2013 02:52:42
edgecrusher said:

Edge's Finished Games of 2013:

assassins-creed-3-official-boxart.jpgThe-Walking-Dead-Box-Art.jpg 250px-Mario_Kart_Wii.png AP_PS3FOB.jpgimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcSY3zO-IUsRFAXANmOXh4FDeEffKJERepjE_BEWqvu_s_iWNKL22340617-box_xcomeu.png1982776-box_ge007r.png2405691-box_traider.png_-The-Walking-Dead-Survival-Instinct-Wii-U-_.jpg1343974545_2910_ps3.jpg

The Last Story Boxart_-Resident-Evil-Revelations-PS3-_.jpgThe Last of Us Boxart

The Last Of Us!!!


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Mon, 24 Jun 2013 17:59:41

Finished Luigi's Mansion 2.  I really enjoyed it for the most part.  Great Nintendo games have that certain hard to define quality which you don't find elsewhere.  I think this is one such game.  I loved the original on the gamecube and this is just a more fleshed out game along the same basic premise.  It has nice clever puzzles, a good variety of levels and a handful of bosses most of which are fun to fight and very different from each other.  The game is quite hefty, especially compared to the original LM on GC.  The mission structure is nice as it makes the game a bit more focussed but it's slightly annoying not to have the option to save during a mission is a little annoying as some of the missions can feel slightly long and you can't play the game in short bursts.  There's a bunch of hidden things to find which offer some incentive towards replaying certain missions, like some hidden gems, or a Boo in each level.  And when you find all the Boos in any of the "mansions" you open an additional level.  You also get a rating on how well you perform on a level but that's probably the worst of all the reasons for replaying.

I haven't tried the multiplayer.  I've read that it's a lot of fun but I'm not a very multi-player minded gamer.  And probably not too many people are playing this online now as it's been a couple of months or something since it was released.


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Thu, 04 Jul 2013 04:01:45

Updated with State of Decay!

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Thu, 04 Jul 2013 04:09:57
phantom_leo said:

Updated with State of Decay!

I want a review.

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Thu, 04 Jul 2013 04:12:03

Maybe. If I can find the time!

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Sat, 06 Jul 2013 20:38:27
phantom_leo said:

Maybe. If I can find the time!

This is what my girlfriend says when I want a blow job.


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Mon, 08 Jul 2013 02:52:51

After a slow start (for quality) this year is coming around.

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Mon, 08 Jul 2013 04:11:44

Updated my list with Game & Wario. Technically you can't really beat it (though they do kind of give you an ending after you unlock all the games), but I've unlocked every game and all the game variants so I'll go ahead and put it down. Overall a decent mini-game collection. Not an all-time classic by any means, but for the discounted price it's worth it and a few games really show off the Wii U pad's potential. Now if some skilled development team would just pay attention and notice it. Anyway solid 7.

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Sun, 04 Aug 2013 18:58:19

I can go ahead and add Earthbound to my list. Once again, teenage Robio would be very proud.

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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 01:40:40
Ravenprose said:

Updated. I just finished Catherine. Awesome game!

I thought that game was impossible to play.  You dug it though?

Two weeks 'till Saint's Row, had better pick my next game wisely (just beat Bastion).

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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 01:45:13
aspro said:
Ravenprose said:

Updated. I just finished Catherine. Awesome game!

I thought that game was impossible to play.  You dug it though?

Yeah, it thought it was great! The puzzle/platforming was very challenging, but a lot of fun. And the visual novel parts were hilarious. I've actually been thinking of doing another playthough soon; it has 8 endings, and I've only seen the True Good ending so far.

Edited: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 01:46:22

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Mon, 12 Aug 2013 04:28:58
edgecrusher said:

Edge's Finished Games of 2013:

assassins-creed-3-official-boxart.jpgThe-Walking-Dead-Box-Art.jpg 250px-Mario_Kart_Wii.png AP_PS3FOB.jpgimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcSY3zO-IUsRFAXANmOXh4FDeEffKJERepjE_BEWqvu_s_iWNKL22340617-box_xcomeu.png1982776-box_ge007r.png2405691-box_traider.png_-The-Walking-Dead-Survival-Instinct-Wii-U-_.jpg1343974545_2910_ps3.jpg

The Last Story Boxart_-Resident-Evil-Revelations-PS3-_.jpgThe Last of Us Boxart[IMG]

Updated with Pikmin 3.


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