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The Anime Watching and Recommendation Thread (94 series now watched and rated)
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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 20:19:35
Just finished Stein's Gate. One of the best anime I have seen in years. Put it up there with Full Metal Alchemist and Blood+!
It is about a self proclaimed mad scientist that wants to change the world order with a time machine build with a microwave and a cell phone. The whole series has only 24 episodes. Go watch it now or I will hurt you!
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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 21:25:35
Iga_Bobovic said:
Just finished Stein's Gate. One of the best anime I have seen in years. Put it up there with Full Metal Alchemist and Blood+!

It is about a self proclaimed mad scientist that wants to change the world order with a time machine build with a microwave and a cell phone. The whole series has only 24 episodes. Go watch it now or I will hurt you!

heard its gr8 is on my list along wit code geuss. r u talking about fma or fma brotherhood?

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Wed, 05 Mar 2014 01:42:13
Iga_Bobovic said:
Just finished Stein's Gate. One of the best anime I have seen in years. Put it up there with Full Metal Alchemist and Blood+!

It is about a self proclaimed mad scientist that wants to change the world order with a time machine build with a microwave and a cell phone. The whole series has only 24 episodes. Go watch it now or I will hurt you!

I'm going to play the game first. So I'll never get around to watching it.

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Wed, 05 Mar 2014 04:41:09
gamingeek said:
Iga_Bobovic said:
Just finished Stein's Gate. One of the best anime I have seen in years. Put it up there with Full Metal Alchemist and Blood+!

It is about a self proclaimed mad scientist that wants to change the world order with a time machine build with a microwave and a cell phone. The whole series has only 24 episodes. Go watch it now or I will hurt you!

heard its gr8 is on my list along wit code geuss. r u talking about fma or fma brotherhood?

One of my best friends has been on my case to watch both Code Geass and Stein's Gate and telling me how amazing they are ... so they are on my to watch list for the summer since it looks like there won't be any travelling for me this year.  I watched the first few episodes of Elfen Lied the other day and that looked pretty promising as well.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Wed, 05 Mar 2014 05:20:25
gamingeek said:

heard its gr8 is on my list along wit code geuss. r u talking about fma or fma brotherhood?

Brotherhood! The other one is nowhere near the best ever list!
Foolz said:

I'm going to play the game first. So I'll never get around to watching it.

The game is the source material. The anime the adaptation. Seeing as the game is a visual novel, it will be pretty much identical. With the main difference that the game has alternative endings. I will allow it.
bugsonglass said:

One of my best friends has been on my case to watch both Code Geass and Stein's Gate and telling me how amazing they are ... so they are on my to watch list for the summer since it looks like there won't be any travelling for me this year.  I watched the first few episodes of Elfen Lied the other day and that looked pretty promising as well.

I said watch it now! Be prepared to be hurt, right after you watch Elfen Lied, which is disturbing but awesome at the same time.
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Wed, 05 Mar 2014 05:22:56
Iga_Bobovic said:
The game is the source material. The anime the adaptation. Seeing as the game is a visual novel, it will be pretty much identical. With the main difference that the game has alternative endings. I will allow it.


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Wed, 05 Mar 2014 10:32:51
bugsonglass said:

One of my best friends has been on my case to watch both Code Geass and Stein's Gate and telling me how amazing they are ... so they are on my to watch list for the summer since it looks like there won't be any travelling for me this year.  I watched the first few episodes of Elfen Lied the other day and that looked pretty promising as well.

elfen, is dat the 1 with the girl with cat ears? uber viiolent?

along with fma brother, code geussand steins gate seem to b highly acclaimed

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Wed, 05 Mar 2014 13:47:39

Yes, that's it.  Starts of with heads exploding and limbs flying off in every direction.  Looked very interesting to say the least


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Wed, 05 Mar 2014 15:34:30
bugsonglass said:

Yes, that's it.  Starts of with heads exploding and limbs flying off in every direction.  Looked very interesting to say the least

mew mew.

i didn't like it

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Fri, 07 Mar 2014 11:33:55

watched 3 eps of Code Geuss Lelouch of the Revolution

it's like  Death Note with mechs. da machinations aren't done 2 exhaust like dnote. it's inconsistent but can b pretty good. seems to f up a few elements and uses some overfamiliar anime tropes.

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Fri, 07 Mar 2014 11:35:38

im comin 2 reaklize tht fma brother is in a legaue of its own.

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Sat, 08 Mar 2014 11:34:02

watched up to ep5 of Code Geuss, decent, great in places but overall inconsistent.

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Sun, 09 Mar 2014 01:59:56

I am following in the Canadian Doom Guy's footsteps and watching Kill La Kill (I think it was him that mentioned it here). It's almost as awesome a parody as Excel Saga and Puni Puni Poemi (no afro and no fast talking, so it loses automatically), but the more serious, subtle episodes feel a little staid after the craziness that preceded them. Still really good thus far, though. One thing that's fun about it it is that it's drawn to look like an old, pre-CG anime. So it's very soft and warm visually, if that is the correct jargon. By the same director as Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, Hamster.

Edited: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 02:00:57

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Tue, 11 Mar 2014 14:18:40

death not go better with 3rd Kira.

Code geuss, can be cool, but also so inconsisten. needs a hell of an upswing to achiev true greatness. .plus that son of pm with a super mech is an idiot

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Mon, 17 Mar 2014 17:54:38

watched the 1st 6eps of Steins Gate.

Not sure how much I like it yet. I tend to watch my anime near bedtime, but this series is filled to the brim with dialogue and rambling, only 30% of it is important so you have to be alert and ready watching it, to catch the important bits. The main character is hilarious and the English ver voice actor is a legend playing the part. He reminds a bit of Chloe in 24, I could never write a character like that, so leftfield, hilarious. So far they've been microwaving a lot and talking about CERN time travel but not much has actually happened.

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Mon, 17 Mar 2014 17:58:17

btw Fairy Tail is awesome but you wont realise till around ep 17 or so. After that it gets much better with unified stories. reminds me so much of 90s Pokemon anime, same sort of atmosphere but when it wants to be epic, it can be.

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Wed, 19 Mar 2014 11:25:29

Didn't mention, I finished Gantz, it kinda just ended and left questions hanging up in the air with no definitive answers. Also didn't really understand the final episode, so all the people in the game were people on the train platform when he died? What's the significance?

Also near the end of Hellsing Ultimate and it's pretty awesome if you grew up in the 90s watching things like Vampire Hunter D and Fist of the North Star. It's almost exactly in the same hyper violent, posturing style, but now with gorgeous looking animation and design. But DOH! The final parts aren't released in the UK yet. I could watch it in Japanese but I'm waiting on the english dub as I watched the rest of the series in English. It's a good series to watch as it's not episodic, there are parts and each part is about 40 mins. So in total it's a fairly short anime to watch yet still cool.

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Wed, 19 Mar 2014 11:30:51
bugsonglass said:

After GG's recommendation of fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, I started watching fullmetal alchemist (the original series) ... I'm kind of OCD about not doing things in chronological order even if I know it's of no significance.  Have watched three episodes today, hope it maintains my interest.

I started rewatching it recentely, saw the first 7 eps or so. Yeah after Brotherhood it seems a little tame but there is lots of good stuff there too like seeing Yoki and Barry the Choppers origins which are further fleshed out in Brotherhood. What I noticed about these FMA early eps are the order is still messed up, the series starts in Liore where Ed and Al are state alchemists already then it goes way back to before they even went to central and took the alchemy exam. Only the series never really makes any of this clear, so you get to ep 6 or so and Mustang orders them to Liore..... only we saw that in the first episode already. What I notice is that these early episodes flesh out episodes which were 1 episode in Brotherhood, giving 2 sometimes 3 eps to the same stories.

Sometimes half the episode seems boring or junky but then the other half will be great and delve deeper into the main story. So I guess stick with it, I came to love FMA - and Brotherhood is over the top. If you can't get into the original, just go with Brotherhood as it's the one true to the manga and really epic.

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Wed, 19 Mar 2014 13:59:46

Started Bleach series 6 which follows up to the story thread which ended at the end of series 3.

Series 4 and 5 were about the Bounts - spiritual energy vampires.

So far series 6 seems to be formulaic, introducing new enemy types but the same old confrontations and it's feeling stale but I'm only 6 eps in to series 6 so far.

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Thu, 20 Mar 2014 11:30:47

Just at the halfway point in Steins Gate, whoa, what just happened? Shining Finger...

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