People may argue with me but Street Fighter IV was a fantastic game. . . except for that ugly ass art style. Just didn't work for me at all. It just hurts to look at it.
Not being able to invert the cameras is a total f***over for me on some games. My brain is trained to have cameras move the way I want them too.
gamingeek said:
Not being able to invert the cameras is a total f***over for me on some games. My brain is trained to have cameras move the way I want them too.
If the X-Axis camera is wrong in a game (like Sly Cooper or Evil Dead: Fist Full of Broomstick), then I simply cannot play the game. They will go unplayed forever.
To the topic, my mind of course goes to the games I am playing right now. In Turok they combine high difficulty with bad checkpointing with LONG load times. So you start a level, loads for 50 seconds, play for a minute or less -- die, get sent back to the start, load for 50 seconds, and on and on. It's not like that throughout the game, but at certain times. Hey fuck faces! Learn how to use the fucking buffer. I understand that they don't want load times within the game (which they don't avoid either), but split up the environment if it's too big. They load a jungle, a massive T-Rex and the interior of a monumental military complex all at once. How about putting an invisible wall at the door of the warehouse, and if I get close to it add a forced CGI of the T-Rex to load the warehouse. :sigh:
Then with Final Fantasy 3, as with all old JRPG's there is the complete lack of direction as to what to do next. So you have this huge world and no indication of what you have done or what to do next. Your next stage may be under the water in an obscure cave you can barely see, but they'll never even hint that that is your next step. Instead you have to go on a pixel-by-pixel traipse across the world looking for action.
Not just long load times, but pointless ones that bring the experience grinding to a godamn halt. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Mapping DeBlob's jumps to waggle.
Mass Effect's horrendous inventory system.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYodariquo said:Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn's interface. They are something on the order of 5 different menu designs accessed as many different arbitrary ways.
Hmm, I need to get my Wii back so I can finally give the PoR/RD FE combo a try.
Worth it or no?
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Hate that.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
ASK_Story said:^^ Funny you guys mention Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn. I'm so close to getting it this week, but the $34.95 price tag even as a used game is giving me second thoughts.
Worth it or no?
Covered it a few times on the podcast when I was playing through it. The short of it is it's good regardless, but better for Fire Emblem fans, and I highly recommend playing on Easy to avoid frustration for the wrong reasons. Oh, and it's 60 hours long.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYodariquo said:Covered it a few times on the podcast when I was playing through it. The short of it is it's good regardless, but better for Fire Emblem fans, and I highly recommend playing on Easy to avoid frustration for the wrong reasons. Oh, and it's 60 hours long.
That's pretty long for a SRPG, especially for a FE game which lacks the addictive customizable stuff in games like FF Tactics or Disgaea.
I heard of the difficulty. But I know FE is always about strategy and precision. You just can't move your character wherever you want and expect to win.
I'm still thinking about it. $35 is a lot for a used game.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
ASK_Story said:
That's pretty long for a SRPG, especially for a FE game which lacks the addictive customizable stuff in games like FF Tactics or Disgaea.
I heard of the difficulty. But I know FE is always about strategy and precision. You just can't move your character wherever you want and expect to win.
I'm still thinking about it. $35 is a lot for a used game.
The reason for playing on Easy isn't the precision aspect, it's the leveling aspect. Your characters are actual characters that level up and you can't let die -- their growth is vital. So if you play on harder difficulties, you're driven by necessity to try to manipulated the system for the most EXP possible. When you attack, you get EXP, so you game the system by taking as many attacks to kill an enemy as possible. There are item specifically made for this purpose as well. It turns the strategy aspect into drudgery.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
Or the controller sideways which is basically unplayable.
I could talk about the AI (which compared to other football games probably isn't much worse, it's just got a much harder job to do dealing with motion controls) and the lack of option file transfer with SD card, but no GC controller support kinda takes the cake. WTF.