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Straight from the Course Catalog -- The Wonderful 101 (101)
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Sun, 22 Sep 2013 02:51:15

Tips, Tricks & Advanced Techniques



Short of giving a detailed description level by level, I think I've said everything I wanted to say! Just gonna leave some random tips and tricks here as I think of them!


There really should be NO NEED to say this, but since I saw this "complaint" popping up in more than one review, let me just put this out there: This game's playing field spans the four corners of your Television Screen. I never noticed with ANY other Wii U game, but the Settings for my Screen had it set larger than the actual display! When the Team would go to any corner or the left or right sides of the screen, they were actually being obscured from my view! They are so tiny that any inaccurate settings for your display --WILL-- cause problems with the gameplay! Nintendo patched in the ability to adjust your Screen Size! USE IT!


There will be times your Team goes indoors or inside of a ship or vehicle and the view switches to the Game Pad. The game switches to Gyroscope controls for the view while in that mode. Don't like Gyro-Controls? Fine! Hold Down the "R" Button and control the view with the Right Stick instead! Oh Kamiya-san, you thought of everything, didn't you?!


I mentioned this already, but --PAY ATTENTION-- to P-Star! Nothing makes me more angry than reading a review where the writer complained about running into a dead end and not knowing how to advance... 9 times out of 10, P-Star is scanning something in the area and explicitly showing you what Unite Morph you need to proceed! I even did this: I was fighting on the arms of a robot the size of a skyscraper and had taken down one of them. The head was in striking distance, but his other arm was out of reach, no matter how hard I tried to jump to it! I spent 15 minutes hitting the head, waiting for the robot to die to no avail! I finally gave up! The next time, I noticed P-Star was scanning the space between the two arms, instructing me to Unite Build a --BRIDGE-- to the other arm! What a Wonder-Maroon I was!



  • Your Unite Spring gets a Mine Upgrade; not only can you Spring out of the way of an oncoming attack, you can leave a MINE behind too! Surprise!
  • Holding the "L" Button speeds up your drawing slightly; this helps in the heat of battle, that is, until you purchase the Speed Line skill and no longer need to hold the button!
  • You can TAUNT in the game too! Face your enemy, Press "X" + "A" and Strike a Pose! You gain some power --and-- if you hit "Y" immediatey following, you'll "Unite Camp" which AUTOMATICALLY RESTORES YOUR UNITE GAUGE!
  • If you pull off a successful "Climb Attack" you'll see a circle around your foe. This means you are LOCKED ON! Quickly do a Unite Morph or Multi-Unite to bring on the pain!
  • There are more Unite Morphs than those mentioned in this topic! There's a Unite Glider, a Unite Tombstone and Spike Upgrades for your Spring, Ball and Guts!


That's it for now, Wonder-Believers! As always, any questions, ask away!


Edited: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 03:40:00
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Sun, 22 Sep 2013 16:17:40

Here's an EASY way to get an --EXPENSIVE-- Item, Custom Skill or Whatever you want from the Wonder Mart:

Collect enough Space Carrots, Eggplants and Peppers to Mix a Platinum Credit Card! When you go to the Wonder Mart and pick out the thing you want, you'll see a Credit Card option at the bottom of the screen to the left! There's an item called Ukemi that lets you jump just before you hit the ground after a critical hit to absorb the damage. From what I hear there's also a "Hero Time" block. Think Bayonetta's Time-Slowing Dodge! WANT! The Ukemi normally costs 800,000 o-parts (currency) but you can get it and charge it to Commander Nelson's card! Don't know if there's any repercussions for doing so, but saving the World comes first!  WinkWink

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Sun, 29 Sep 2013 22:21:35

New Tip!

There's nothing spoiler-ish about this one; this is just an observation:  The --BEST-- thing about this game to me is the fact that Bosses and enemies --DON'T-- follow set patterns in their attacks! Enemies have multiple ways to attack and they never really use them in a way that you can anticipate a pattern! Sometimes an enemy may use a fire attack, sometimes that same enemy will use a laser. Sometimes they'll bodyslam you; sometimes they'll wind up an unblockable punch! Most of these moves can be countered using the right Unite Morph form, but you never know which one they are going to throw at you. This isn't frustrating, this is FUN! The game --ALWAYS-- keeps you on your toes! Good thing is, once you recognize the attacks, time slows a bit when doing a Unite Morph, you almost always have the option to be Offensive, Counter with a Unite Morph or simply Dodge! How you fight is up to you! That is one of the biggest strengths of this game!

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Mon, 30 Sep 2013 15:45:37

I've got a question for you Leo: I played the demo and you can create AI unite morphs that battle along with you.  How big of a thing is this in the game, can you get by without having to rely on the AI?  It just didn't seem like a mechanic that suited the game well.

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Mon, 30 Sep 2013 17:18:51

That's what's known as a Multi-Unite Morph I believe. Existing members on your Team that are not part of an already formed Unite Morph can be called upon to create additional AI controlled Morph teams. If you already have your Hero set to the Unite Sword, drawing the shape for a Morph, then pressing "X" will create another team using whatever Morph you drew. This can be any combination. You can be set to Unite Sword and draw an additional Sword team. You can draw a Whip and get an additional whip team. You can get up to 4 morphs going at once, iirc.

These teams do not last very long at all! They bascially throw out a few attacks, then re-join your main Team! They do not remain independent for significant amounts of time at all! They are good against bosses; they are good against larger groups or bigger foes. They are not necessary, but they make certain battles a bit easier!

A good way to use them is execute a "Climb Attack" to subdue an enemy, which is indicated by a circle surrounding the staggered enemy, then do a Multi-Unite Morph that AUTOMATICALLY attacks that particular, targeted enemy! VERY handy!

Once you get used to the symbols for the morphs and get proficient at drawing them accurately and quickly, you will find that you WANT to use them. In my play-thru so far they have not been MANDATORY, but they do help!

Edited: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 17:20:58
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Wed, 02 Oct 2013 13:41:04

Hey, AC... Did this answer your question? I'm used to writing almost wholly opinion topics, so when it comes to FAQs or Instructional threads, I have no idea if I explain things well enough, or too much! Good, bad? Constructive criticism?

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Wed, 02 Oct 2013 13:57:32

Your reply was informative and to the point.  I hereby grade you an 8 out of 10.  And that's because I don't believe in perfection and deducted you 1 point for being too thorough, while I want to abstain from reading up too much about tactics as I intend on playing the game in the future  Nyaa  I don't read FAQ's or walkthroughs, so I fear I can't give you any more specific criticisms.

I'm very happy to hear that they're not really required and will only exist for a short amount of time.  I think in this type of game, you need to stay on top of everything, and having a fraction of your team going at it on their own seems disruptive to that.

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Mon, 07 Oct 2013 22:56:33

Here's my OMG, HOLY CRAP, HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS BEFORE moment of the day:

I just posted this a moment ago in the news Forum:


Totally forgot to mention this before. Wonder Black's Unite Morph enables him to toss Bombs. The area where you get him is a strange continent with a huge, active volcano on it. It has overgrown grass you need to cut with your sword to find enemies and items and there's quite a few puzzles that need to be solved in its dungeon-like environment. The name of the land is Lowrule.



It's obvious what Kamiya is parodying in that last statement, but when you really stop to think about it: Bombs, Hammers, Swords, Whips. The different Unite Morphs are all different Tools, a-la Zelda, and each area you explore is a Dungeon! You have your cracked floors, scalable surfaces, locked doors, and hidden secrets. Just like Okami, The Wonderful 101 is more of a Zelda game than most any other game on the market, other than Zelda! The Combat kicks ass and is much more enjoyable than those other two games, but the idea behind using your Unite Morphs to fight and/or solve puzzles, the gradual obtaining and building upon skills... totally Zelda! I would go as far as saying: The Wonderful 101 is closer to a ZELDA game than a Pikmin game! I don't know why that hasn't occurred to me before!


Edited: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 22:57:19
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Fri, 18 Oct 2013 17:27:29

Time to begin. Will use guide if needed.

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Fri, 18 Oct 2013 18:33:10

I doubt you'll need it, but there's a few things in here you may not realize at first. Enjoy!

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Fri, 18 Oct 2013 18:46:08

Leo makes me really want this


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Fri, 18 Oct 2013 22:03:42

FIrst three missions done, omg that three headed dragon boss battle. This game has the blood of Bayonetta flowing through it, its the exact same level of insanity. I still dont care for the combat as much as Bayonetta though these games get better as you get all the moves and start going for master runs. So far its a blast.

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Fri, 01 Nov 2013 19:43:06

Time to really sink into this. I have read the Leo guide, I am ready.

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Fri, 01 Nov 2013 23:19:23

Excellent! I will sit here, drink beer and wait for your (hopefully) positive impressions!

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Fri, 01 Nov 2013 23:27:19

So when I last left off I was doing ok but still had no flow. I would always either run out of battery or get hit and have my dudes scattered all over. My ranks were more bronze and silver than anything else. So I read your guide and watched a few videos, your guide was amazingly helpful in leanring the secrets of the levels, sending people into windows! Hammer down to the bottom of the water! But in terms of combat I knew all there was, I just had to put it all together.

Today I replayed some older levels, I am still kind of meh but its starting to click. I am getting platinum awards on combo and time regularly now, damage is where I am having issues. My defense sucks, just too much going on the screen and I lose track of enemy attacks even though they are all telegraphed. The best thing is I felt that platinum games badass flow finally, it was all clicking and I was dancing on the controls. I had those moments where I was just sitting at the edge of my seat, palms sweaty and everything going right, amazing.

I think I may love this game.

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Fri, 01 Nov 2013 23:31:31

I think it's the damage that kills the score most of the time. Save up those Space Veggies, get a Platinum Card and buy that... thingee... that allows you to Jump just as you hit the floor when you are struck, to absorb the damage... and your ranking should improve!

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Fri, 01 Nov 2013 23:34:05

Wait until you get a few more of the main Heroes and you get more Unite Morphs and you should --REALLY-- be loving it!


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Sat, 02 Nov 2013 01:13:55

Oh I forgot to mention the rumble on the wii u pad is driving me nuts, its so loud and its almost constant on this game. I am going to turn it off.

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Sat, 02 Nov 2013 03:40:38

Back to frustration, trying to get a hammer guy on the fly is a super pain in the ass. It feels like every time I finally get one some super attack knocks everyone away so I get a tiny one, I have to do it again

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Sat, 02 Nov 2013 05:06:12

WANNA!!! This is the most insane shit ever put into a video game!!!!!!!!!!! WWOWOOWOWOWOWOW!

This entire game is pure insanity, forget action movies, crazy animes, I have never seen action like this.

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