Forum > Gaming Discussion > Shin Megami Tensei IV
Shin Megami Tensei IV
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Sun, 16 Feb 2014 16:49:39

I am not familiar with the series, although after going through this game, I'll make sure to check out as many SMT and Persona games as I can. This thread will be more an impressions one than a proper OT.

Roughly 9-10 hours into the game, I have a pretty good grasp on most of this game's concepts, and have all but scratched the surface of the insane amount of customization options and demon variety to ally with, summon and fusion. The game has a steep learning curve, but it kind of mellows out after a bit, once you start paying attention to strenghts ond weaknesses both in your own party and the enemies' sides, and learn to exploit them as hard as the AI will. There's always the likely possibility that a wrong turn will lead to a nasty surprise in battle, but as long as you save frequently (you can save anywhere in this game), you'll be fine and won't lose too much progress.

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Sun, 16 Feb 2014 17:07:27

Woo-hoo! About time someone learned to appreciate Shin Megami Tensei games as much as I do!!  Grinning  ...but WAIT... Do you mean to tell me, years ago, after I tried to convince you to try Shin Megami: Nocturne, you never did?!  Argh!  No bueno, good sir, NO BUENO!!  Nyaa

Edited: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 17:10:00
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Sun, 16 Feb 2014 17:12:05

Wait... did you say you are 9 or 10 hours into the game?! I played this game for 99 hours!! You haven't even scratched the surface yet!!

Have you even reached "the surface" yet...?


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Sun, 16 Feb 2014 17:42:24

I just got there!  

And of course when I think I got everything under control, there comes a boss and wipes her ass with my entire party.

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Sun, 16 Feb 2014 18:24:43
SteelAttack said:

...a boss and wipes her ass with my entire party.

This being a Shin Megami game, I could very easily see that being a Boss' Special Attack.

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Sun, 16 Feb 2014 18:28:26

Then of course, if a Boss did let you get that close to her ass...

I would expect you to whip out your magnificent Mara,

and stick it where the Sun don't shine!


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Sun, 16 Feb 2014 19:38:40


It's the Medusa. She has fucked me over thrice now, and I have to think things through and overhaul my party in order to have less significant weaknesses considering the attacks she uses. I curbstomped the Minotaur without breaking a sweat, but this bitch is going dominatrix all over my ass.

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Sun, 16 Feb 2014 20:08:15
The good news is if you switch to the Persona series (3 or 4, just skip the first ones) or Devil Survivor series (strategy RPG) you'll find them easier. Maybe not a lot easier, but easier all the same.
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Mon, 17 Feb 2014 01:53:40
phantom_leo said:

Woo-hoo! About time someone learned to appreciate Shin Megami Tensei games as much as I do!!  Grinning  ...but WAIT... Do you mean to tell me, years ago, after I tried to convince you to try Shin Megami: Nocturne, you never did?!  Argh!  No bueno, good sir, NO BUENO!!  Nyaa

Does SMT: Devil Summoner: Radiou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army count?

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Mon, 17 Feb 2014 01:55:10

Sure, but, you know, I never got to play those games all that extensively. I don't know if I'd like them as much as the main series, or not!

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Mon, 17 Feb 2014 02:03:56
phantom_leo said:

Sure, but, you know, I never got to play those games all that extensively. I don't know if I'd like them as much as the main series, or not!

I liked it enough to download a rom of the sequel soon after finishing it. (No English PAL version. Hrm) Though apparently not enough to actually play it yet. Nyaa

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Mon, 17 Feb 2014 09:07:00

2/3ds game right? I've been wanting a game to get me into the franchise (isnce I already have the games).

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Tue, 18 Feb 2014 14:05:40
aspro said:

2/3ds game right? I've been wanting a game to get me into the franchise (isnce I already have the games).

Yeah. As far as I know, it's as accessible an entry point to the mainline games as you're going to get, judging by stuff I've read here and there.

I beat the Medusa last night, fucking cunt. Took me a couple tries even with a party that was tailor made for that battle. At any rate, I just reached what I assume it's going to be the main area to explore and do shit in the game. I just wasted 40 AP in an app that I thought it was going to kick ass (MP recovery) but that turned out shitty instead.

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Sun, 29 Nov 2015 00:24:17

Wow it certainly took a while before I got back to this game. I kept trucking along, right now I'm in that part that comes after Ikebukuro. I'm a tad lost, however. Can not figure out where to go next and the only demon dominion I can enter has a nasty Lv 70-ish motherfucker that wipes  in a couple turns. i'm running a 26-29 party right now, so if I need to beat this one before moving on then I dunno how long will it take me. He casts Maziodyne like he's been paid to.

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Sun, 29 Nov 2015 00:45:59

Oh man I need to get back into this game as well. Only played a tiny fraction but really enjoyed it.


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