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Red Steel 2 Payne Trailer Ubisoft says hello to big boss #1.
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Is there a "run" button? Not like dash, just running? [Fender0]
From Jason Vandenberghe, Creative Director
quote:Well, actually, our hero just always runs by default.
We spent a lot of time looking at the movement speed of the character, and decided that with this game, the number of times that the player wants to actually walk are few-and-far-between enough that it was much better to just set the movement speed nice and high (a-la Metroid).
I think that when you get your hands on the stick, you’ll find that you’re moving plenty fast. J
Will there be movements like running, strafing, crouching? [paxchen from wiiinsider]
From Jason Vandenberghe, Creative Director
quote:Yes, yes, and no.
Running and strafing are part of our primary movement set. (See above for running.) Left and right will always strafe – circle-strafe when you are locked on, and normal strafe when you are in “aiming” mode.
Crouching didn’t make the cut this time – it being more a hiding / taking cover kind of move, we didn’t feel it was an essential part of the player’s move set in this game. Red Steel 2 is more of a first person brawler (FPB?), and it turns out you need moves like dashing forward and backward to evade attacks, jumping, and dodging more than you need cover or hiding.
That said, there’s some neat stuff possible with a crouch move in melee, I think. Maybe next time.
Is Red Steel 2 going to allow you to mark and kill to take out multiple enemies like in Red Steel 1? [disBjeFFixD]
From Jason Vandenberghe, Creative Director
quote:Wouldn’t that be cool..?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileOur lasting memory of the first game was fighting Power Rangers in a Japanese funhouse – any chance of a cameo for our rainbow rivals here? “Those Power Rangers grew up, trained up and became the ninjas,” Vandenberghe reveals. “That’s the official back story. Well, it’s not, but you can say that’s the official back story and I’ll back you up.” So there you have it. And people said no good would come of Red Steel…
IGN TGS hands on
Oh, and before I split to write up the next Wii title on the list, I had a chance to try out the customization in Red Steel 2, and it rocks. The preview ability is a nice touch, there aren't too many options which could confuse gamers daring enough to mix things up in custom mode, and being able to drop the bounding box and speed up controls is vital this late in Wii's console life. Red Steel 2 looks to be joining the elite ranks of Medal of Honor Heroes 2 and The Conduit as far as offering hardcore gamers the customization needed to truly feel one with the Wii-mote.
Foolz said:This has seriously the best screenshots.
Yeah, they look so clean and sharp. Like your ass.
Dev diary video: Taking controls to the next level
This is really worth watching.
Much better than any trailer they've released.
Why they hell don't they do the Wii ads with people playing like that?!
What are these pics? Renders? Targets? It doesn't look like art, but it looks too good to be graphics.
ubisoft, please ... DON'T. FUCK. UP.
The first big improvement is the addition of body part-specific damage. You can now easily kill an enemy with a headshot, and shots to the chest and arm clearly injure them in those areas, making the need for strategic shooting even more important. It doesn't sound like a big deal but it's endlessly satisfying to pick off charging samurai cowboys with well-aimed headshots, and helps the gun controls feel as accurate as the swordplay, a concern from last time.
The HUD has received a bit of work as well, now clearly displaying remaining ammunition as well as demarcating attacking enemies more intuitively. Enemies that are susceptible to finishing attacks also have a different target surrounding them, and some of the lock-on sections feel tighter,
The MotionPlus-enabled swordplay is every bit as good as ever, picking up the strength and angle of your slashes with no difficulty. There weren't many new moves on offer although there was a new stab move with a forward thrust of the Remote, but sadly the rather fun-looking shockwave and lift moves weren't unlocked in this build.
Is Caldera the whole land and not just the city?
Let’s talk about the world of Red Steel 2 a little.
Caldera is a city in what is generally known as the “Nevada Territories”. It’s kinda northwest of Las Vegas, off the beaten path a bit, in what’s affectionately known as the “High Desert” (a.k.a. the Mojave Desert) – an elevated, hot, flat, chunk of the Rocky Mountains.
The land surrounding Caldera is named “Caldera County” as well, and one big crater was the most interesting landmark (a “caldera”, for the curious, is another word for a big sinkhole or crater).
So, no, Caldera isn’t the whole land. The “world” of Red Steel 2 is the Red West.
In fact, “the Red West” is a phrase used to describe the whole western part of North America.
Will there be other places than desert in the game?
But of course. The whole story takes place in and around the city of Caldera, and there’s a lot of different kinds of environments in that place. Ancient temples, ramshackle slums, desert, huge modern freight-moving systems… it’s a real city. Then you’ll roll on out into surrounding canyons, where you’ll find a pueblo-style mining town, a huge semi-automated strip mine, old, abandoned underground tunnels, an ancient ancestral monastery / temple clinging to the side of a cliff…
But if you mean “do you go anywhere cold, like the moon or something” the answer is no.
Will there be weather effects in Caldera (rain, sandstorms, etc.)?
Yes. When we were conceiving the ‘mood’ for each level, we tried to give the weather, time of day, and general atmosphere for each space a unique feeling, one that would fit the gameplay for that location. Honestly, there were a few times where our ambience people (lighting, VFX, audio, etc) showed us some stuff that we were convinced wasn’t possible on the Wii… but they did it.
Will there be night, dusk and dawn in the game?
The gameplay takes place over several days, and the Sun in the Red West rises and sets just like it does in the real world.
What I mean to say is that there will be a few night levels, yes.
Are there living people anywhere? I know the inhabitants left but are there any remaining?
Yes! Yes indeed! Crucial, key, power-granting inhabitants! You should be discovering that in the near future, in fact what I can tell you is there are four inhabitants of great importance the player that you will encounter repeatedly, get missions from, buy cool powers from, and who, in general, will help convey to you the Story. That is, assuming you don’t skip the cutscenes.
(By the way, every time you skip a cutscene, a fairy dies somewhere. I’m watching you.)
Looks amazing.