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PS3 or 3DS?
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Wed, 28 Aug 2013 13:27:10

Ok, so I'm thinking of picking either one up before the end of the year.  Which would you advise me to get?

I've long been thinking of getting a PS3 for console exclusives, mainly for games like Journey, Lollipop Chainsaw, the Ico/SotC compilation, Catherine, ...  You know, all those games that aren't Uncharted or GoW or CoD.  I've actually bought one online 4 months ago, but that turned out to be a hoax and I lost my money  Sad

On the other hand there's the 3DS.  I haven't gamed much on a portable console for at least the last 5 years, and I don't like gaming on a small screen between my hands.  But I've got to admit that there are helluvalotta games there that I'd like to try.  Luigi's Mansion 2 alone would be worth it.

So, what will it be?

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Wed, 28 Aug 2013 14:44:17

Can't go wrong with either one Sup.

I have a stack of 3DS games myself, and still no 3ds. I was waiting for them to release some better colors for the XL...but Nintendo insists on not doing that. I'll likely just wait until the winter to pick one up. I'm more apt to do some handheld gaming when its cold out and I wanna just chill under a blanket with some hot chocolate.

PS3 is a pretty good pickup at this point too. Though the price is still stupidly high for a console that released in 2006....


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Wed, 28 Aug 2013 15:11:42
edgecrusher said:

Can't go wrong with either one Sup.

I have a stack of 3DS games myself, and still no 3ds. I was waiting for them to release some better colors for the XL...but Nintendo insists on not doing that. I'll likely just wait until the winter to pick one up. I'm more apt to do some handheld gaming when its cold out and I wanna just chill under a blanket with some hot chocolate.

PS3 is a pretty good pickup at this point too. Though the price is still stupidly high for a console that released in 2006....

Can't go wrong with either one?  What kind of advice is that?  Nyaa  And yes, PS3 is still too pricey for my liking.  The €30 reduction on the 12Gig model is a lark.  I'm still hoping that we'll see more significant reductions later this year when the PS4 hits stores.  I was hoping on spending about €170, €200 max on a 500Gig model.

Thing is, with a PS3 I'll have instant access to some games I really want to play, but I won't be able to talk much about them because they're all old news.  With the 3DS I could participate in some of the future discussions, but I'm not sure if I could reaccustom to handheld gaming.

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Wed, 28 Aug 2013 15:14:00
If you waited this long on a PS3 it probably won't kill you to wait a little longer. Edge is right, its a great system, but at this point it should be cheaper. I think once the PS4 launches it will be too.

Plus Lollipop Chainsaw and Catherine were multi-plat and should be on the 360 if you have one.

And as someone who just got a 3DS XL I can tell you the size of this thing is kind of a portable gaming game changer. Its huge and a lot of the size problems you may have encountered won't be an issue. It won't be easy to travel with but for playing in bed it'll be perfect.
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Wed, 28 Aug 2013 15:15:00

We're all about discussin gold games here. Nyaa

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Wed, 28 Aug 2013 15:19:50
Anyone want to talk about Game & Wario? Or even Gayman Wario?
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Wed, 28 Aug 2013 15:34:48
robio said:
If you waited this long on a PS3 it probably won't kill you to wait a little longer. Edge is right, its a great system, but at this point it should be cheaper. I think once the PS4 launches it will be too.

Plus Lollipop Chainsaw and Catherine were multi-plat and should be on the 360 if you have one.

And as someone who just got a 3DS XL I can tell you the size of this thing is kind of a portable gaming game changer. Its huge and a lot of the size problems you may have encountered won't be an issue. It won't be easy to travel with but for playing in bed it'll be perfect.

Well, I don't own an X360 either.  I'm living the future today!  PC+Wii/WiiU!

Also, it's not the portability or small size that bothers me.  I don't see me actually taking the 3DS places.  I don't know what happened along the way, but somewhere halfway the DS's lifetime I just lost interest in portable gaming.

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Wed, 28 Aug 2013 16:17:04
I understand that. I had a 3ds for a while and sold it after about 6 months because I just didn't have interest in hand held gaming. However when I look at the library now a little over a year later it really has exploded. Three of my favorite series now have installments on the system ann my favorite director is about to release a new game as well. Can't stay away now.
Edited: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 16:18:13
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Wed, 28 Aug 2013 22:40:18


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Thu, 29 Aug 2013 01:01:15

PS3, for sure. Catherine is a fantastic game; I really need to replay that again soon. Lollipop Chainsaw is a lot of fun too. I own Ico/Shadow, but haven't spent much time with either game yet come to think of it.

Edited: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 01:16:41

The VG Press

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Thu, 29 Aug 2013 01:36:01
Ravenprose said:

PS3, for sure. Catherine is a fantastic game; I really need to replay that again soon. Lollipop Chainsaw is a lot of fun too. I own Ico/Shadow, but haven't spent much time with either game yet come to think of it.

You've actually played Ico, but you forgot about it because you fell asleep while playing it.

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Thu, 29 Aug 2013 08:41:52
Yodariquo said:

Strong contender at the moment, although it might also by a psychological ladder towards eventually buying a 3DS.  "Oh look, a cheaper version of a piece of hardware I find too expensive!"  "But you know, I could just shell out a little bit more and get the full option handheld."  So instead of paying €200, I'm only paying €70 more then I would for the barebones model.

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Thu, 29 Aug 2013 10:09:25
SupremeAC said:

Ok, so I'm thinking of picking either one up before the end of the year.  Which would you advise me to get?

I've long been thinking of getting a PS3 for console exclusives, mainly for games like Journey, Lollipop Chainsaw, the Ico/SotC compilation, Catherine, ...  You know, all those games that aren't Uncharted or GoW or CoD.  I've actually bought one online 4 months ago, but that turned out to be a hoax and I lost my money  Sad

On the other hand there's the 3DS.  I haven't gamed much on a portable console for at least the last 5 years, and I don't like gaming on a small screen between my hands.  But I've got to admit that there are helluvalotta games there that I'd like to try.  Luigi's Mansion 2 alone would be worth it.

So, what will it be?

I was going to say PS3, but you don't seem to want the big games on the system. So I guess, get a 3DS XL. It's got a large screen and great library and you do love Nintendo games anyway. Solid bet I think. If you do get one before September 7th and register it online and I can gift you free Animal Crossing New Leaf  with the Welcome a Friend deal, assuming the promo is on the Belgium website?

Do not get a 2DS, the 3DS 3D effect is awesome and even if you don't like it, putting it on very low setting adds vividness to the screen and doubles the brightness. It also helps alot with some games, for instance last night I was doing the dragonfly hunting tourney on Animal Crossing and missing everything and wondering why. Then I realised I had the 3D too low, I popped it up and suddenly with depth perception I was catching bugs all night. You get a similar thing with Mario and even Luigis' Mansion. And the effect is adorable with Fire Emblem, it looks like there is a little 3D gameboard inside your screen.

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Thu, 29 Aug 2013 10:10:05

But bear in mind the XL has a bigger screen but that means the resolution is lower than the standard 3DS screen which bothers some people.

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Thu, 29 Aug 2013 10:13:05

I'd get a PS3, then a 2DS, then a 3DSXL.  The XL has horrible resolution and is uncomfortable to hold.  I regret buying it over a regular 3DS.

PS3 has a deeper library and more discounted games than 3DS. Also, dual analog Nyaa

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Thu, 29 Aug 2013 10:14:24
robio said:
Anyone want to talk about Game & Wario? Or even Gayman Wario?

I recently heard a very good breakdown of all I need to know abou that.  The two good games in it should be sold independently on the WiiUShop.

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Thu, 29 Aug 2013 10:57:20

Bah, Nintendo and it's pricing.  So if I were to get a 2/3DS, my options would be: €129 (?) for a 2DS, €169 for a 3DS or €199+charger for a 3DS XL.  I've played a bit on both in the past (enough spoiled kids in the family), to know that I don't really think one is ergonomically worse or better then the other, and the 3DS's abysmal pixel/inch ratio doesn't really bother me either.  Is there anything else that differentiates the 2 models, other then their size?  I know there were some promotions a few months ago that only applied to the 3DS, but other than that.

Also, GG, why would you rule out a PS3 if I don't intend to play the heavy hitters?  There have been plenty titles released over the years that I'd like to try out.  Enslaved, Catherine, Bayonetta, Journey, Flower, Motorstorm, ...  And like Aspro said, I could find most of those cheap (if at all), which is something you can't say about Nintendo's 1st party games on the 3DS

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Thu, 29 Aug 2013 11:24:55

Aspro you should ebay your XL, you would get good money for it and get a regular 3DS with better resolution.

Or just trade it in.


To me buying a PS3 and not getting the big games is like buying a Wii and not getting Mario and Zelda. You might do better with a 360, it has Enslaved, Bayonetta and tons more and usually the system is the lead sku for multiplats.

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Thu, 29 Aug 2013 11:26:52

Mrs Aspro uses the 3DSXL to play Disgaea (Original DS), so it's a keeper.  She likes the bigger screen.

I'll get a 2DS pending AU prices.  I like the chunk.  I really do.

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Thu, 29 Aug 2013 11:39:42
aspro said:

Mrs Aspro uses the 3DSXL to play Disgaea (Original DS), so it's a keeper.  She likes the bigger screen.

I'll get a 2DS pending AU prices.  I like the chunk.  I really do.

Sell your 3DS XL to Supreme for a bargain price.

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