Etymology:SteelAttack said:What's the etymology of "Suck my dick?"
Suck my dick (command)
2009, from Eng. Suhk mahy dik "a request for felatio" possibly from Sp. chopa mi penga, lit. "kiss my wang" command used by drunken Manhattan, Chelsea boys around the presense of Mr. Phantom_Leo, usually preceeded by "Can I buy you a drink?" (11:45PM) then "God, you are SO hot!" (12:01AM) and "Wanna go watch a movie at my place?" (12:05AM) then "I'll go wave down a taxi." (12:06AM).
Dry spell during the summer, just like usual. I think I'll hold off on my Little King's Story purchase till June.
Hmm, Sands of Destruction is from SEGA. I'm suspicious of anything by SEGA.
And Muramasa's visuals are fantastic, but I'm wary of Vanilla Ware after having started and quit Odin Sphere.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileOne game added and some of the newer kids on the block bumped out of the classics post to the (still absolutely valid) noobie-games post.
( 'Cause really, Kratos, Redfield and Drake don't have the legendary status of "CLASSIC" just yet! )
Leo, you are still skeptical about Little King's Story, hey?
Did should put your mind at ease! (read from right to left)
P.S. no pointer control is very disapointing!
phantom_leo said:
Dragon Quest IX (NDS)
Looking at this poor quality screenshot, I have to wonder why a game that started as a SNES title (DQV) looks better than an original 2009 release game. [Says a lot about the staying power of the good old SNES, doesn't it?] Ah, no matter, I am absolutely positive this will be the game to quiet the haters and show them a real Dragon Quest sequel can exist on a portable! Huh? Am I getting old? I seem to be repeating myself a lot in this topic!?
Leo here are some better screens
Found them by using VGPress search function! So awesome.
Some nice info. You can actually see the armour you equiped on your characters. A nice touch indeed, but wait there is more! In battle you can see your own characters instead of watching through first person view! And after selecting your action all you allies and enemies will attack at the same time. Leading to quicker battles with little downtime. Oh, I almost forgot, you can see your enemies, so no random battles. I REPEAT NO RANDOM BATTLES!!
DQ IX has all the strengths with none of the weaknesses of Dragon Quest.
After playing:
Away Shuffle Dungeon
and reading reviews of:
Blue Dragon
Lost Odyssey
I'm not so keen on new Games from former Producer/Director/Members of the larger RPG companies that split off to do their own thing. They just seem to NOT have the magic of their former companies proven series.
I know this isn't exactly an RPG, but it kinda gives me the same vibe as the other games I mentioned above. It's still on my Tentative Preorder List, which is where those release dates above came from, but I'm not entirely convinced yet.
Yodariquo said:Great work, was missing these kind of threads.
Hmm, Sands of Destruction is from SEGA. I'm suspicious of anything by SEGA.
And Muramasa's visuals are fantastic, but I'm wary of Vanilla Ware after having started and quit Odin Sphere.
Haven't had the heart to post this much lately. This week it's working as a Catharsis for me so I'm posting like a madman.
Someone should REALLY make an XBox 360 version of this topic. (1) Cause I have no experience/expectations with/for 360 games. (2) IF I had a list like this to ponder, it may push me over the edge of buying one!
I just can't justify buying one right now JUST for Fable 2!
I feel like concentrating on some old games I have yet to pick up. Professor Layton and World Ends with you and Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn.
Edgecrusher is right, there is so much godamn content out there, you can literally play the games you want rather than just picking up full price new releases and you can be satiated as a gamer. I just got world of goo, cool stuff.
Bionic Commando PS3 has been moved from 2/11/09 to 6/03/09 ! ! !
GRRRR ! ! !

I have NEVER been disappointed with a Dragon Warrior/Quest game in the past. I would be shocked if this one was any different.
I think the entire nation of Japan agrees with me too...
phantom_leo said:Etymology:SteelAttack said:What's the etymology of "Suck my dick?"
Suck my dick (command)
2009, from Eng. Suhk mahy dik "a request for felatio" possibly from Sp. chopa mi penga, lit. "kiss my wang" command used by drunken Manhattan, Chelsea boys around the presense of Mr. Phantom_Leo, usually preceeded by "Can I buy you a drink?" (11:45PM) then "God, you are SO hot!" (12:01AM) and "Wanna go watch a movie at my place?" (12:05AM) then "I'll go wave down a taxi." (12:06AM).
11-02 House of the Dead: Overkill Wii
11-02 Ultimate Genesis Collection PS3
17-02 Fire Emblem NDS
18-02 Street Fighter IV PS3
18-02 Dragon Quest V NDS
28-02 Killzone 2 PS3
11-03 Mad World Wii
13-03 Resident Evil 5 PS3
18-03 Suikoden: Tierkreis NDS
18-03 Valkyrie Profile NDS
25-03 Infinite Space NDS
02-05 Little King's Story Wii
02-05 Infamous PS3
20-05 The Conduit Wii
03-06 Bionic Commando PS3
17-06 Splatterhouse PS3
16-07 Muramasa Wii
13-08 Sands of Destruction NDS
02-10 God of War 3 PS3
02-10 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3