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2009--Everything OLD is NEW again!
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Thu, 01 Jan 2009 17:40:59
In spite of myself, I am going to look forward to the New Year and hope to get myself back into my favorite hobby, clear of conscience. To that end, I present to you the games I am looking forward to the most for 2009. [You'll see an obvious trend!]

SplatterHouse (PS3)

Sometimes, Logic fails, Talking things out doesn't work, Listening to Reason is Impossible, and you just gotta let that RAGE come on out. Back in the day, beating the shit out of hideous creatures and watching the inside of their rotted craniums splatter against a wall was just what the Doctor ordered. 2009, I am re-filling my prescription.

Bionic Commando (PS3)

The original Swinger is back, and I can't wait to play this game!  Nyaa  Please Capcom, don't let it suck! I've been waiting nearly 20 FRICKIN' years for this! DON'T LET IT SUCK ! ! !

Street Fighter IV (PS3)

Please Capcom, It seems like I have been waiting 20 years for this! Don't let it suck! Don't let the online gameplay suck! Deja Vu. Hmmm...

Suikoden: Tierkreis (NDS)

Why have some sites and magazines compared this game, quality-wise to TWEWY? Don't know, but that's more than enough to catch my attention! Prove the haters wrong and show 'em a true Suikoden game can exist on a portable! Go for it Konami!

Dragon Quest V (NDS)

Imagine, a much younger, more happier, little Phantom_Leo, who's hopes were suddenly dashed on the rocks when he realized Enix was not going to bring the latest in his favorite Role Playing series to the US Super Nintendo. Now imagine me in 2009, finally getting one of my childhood wishes granted in a time when I need 'em the most. Remade with more color and fine-tuned gameplay that the SNES couldn't provide; with a timeless story-line that spans the generations in the game from father to son and beyond, in what is the Father of Dragon Quest's (and Japan's) favorite RPG of all time... THIS and SFIV are set to make the bleakest of Winter's months (Feb. 2009), sunny and bright. I CAN'T WAIT ! ! !

Dragon Quest IX (NDS)

Looking at this poor quality screenshot, I have to wonder why a game that started as a SNES title (DQV) looks better than an original 2009 release game. [Says a lot about the staying power of the good old SNES, doesn't it?] Ah, no matter, I am absolutely positive this will be the game to quiet the haters and show them a real Dragon Quest sequel can exist on a portable! Huh? Am I getting old? I seem to be repeating myself a lot in this topic!?

The House of the Dead: Overkill (Wii)

Because, sometimes, shooting the crap out of hideous creatures and watching the inside of their rotted craniums splatter against a wall is just what the Doctor ordered. "I am here to re-fill my prescription, Doctor. Doctor?! EeYearggghhh...!" *BLAM* * BLAM* *BLAM* ! ! ! "Maybe, while I am here in this zombie filled hospital, I should get a catscan to find out why I seem to keep on repeating myself. Repeating myself?"

Punch-Out! (Wii)

How could I forget one of the most sought after sequels of all?! Looks like Little Mac has been putting some time in at the gym and has finally grown up to be Big Mac! Imagine throwing punches with wii-mote in hand and ducking and weaving with the balance board! Full body boxing interaction = W-I-N ! ! !

Gradius Rebirth (WiiWare)

Here to take revenge for all of the craniums splattered against all of the walls in this topic, is the original giant head stuck IN a wall: Moai of the Bacterion forces. Did you know that this guy has appeared in more Konami games than ANY of their other characters? Well, he'll be invading your Wii soon as well! (O_o Sounds painful!) Sure to make all the Spirits/Geeks/GodModes out there wet themselves with fear/glee!

Edited: Sat, 03 Jan 2009 14:56:58
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Thu, 01 Jan 2009 18:10:26

Leo, you forgot Kid Icarus Nyaa

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Thu, 01 Jan 2009 18:12:53
Oh, I'm just getting started!
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Thu, 01 Jan 2009 18:49:14
This coming year seems to be an absolute dream come true for classic gamers! Series that have been looong overdue for new games are FINALLY getting the attention they deserve! As it looks right now, even on day ONE of 2009, this year has a chance of trumping an incredibly impressive 2008!

To be fair though, I am not a complete classics-whore. (Really, I'm just a whore.) Here is a list of new games on my radar for the upcoming year!

Infinite Space (NDS)

Sands of Destruction (NDS)

MadWorld (Wii)

Not exactly the "Man Darts" I am used to, but I'll still give it a try! Nyaa

Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii)

God of War 3 (PS3)

Because, sometimes, beating the crap out of hideous creatures and watching the inside of their rotted craniums splatter against a wall is just what the Doctor ordered. Doctor Kratos, I presume?

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)

Because Nathan Drake is ten times hotter than that old, washed-up hag, Lara, and he has a nicer butt and snappier fashion sense, too! Don't you all agree?

...No one?! Really?!

...oops! I thought I was posting this on GayGamer.Net! My mistake! How silly! Next!

Resident Evil 5 (PS3)

Because Chris Redfield has bigger gunz and a nicer butt than Nathan Drake... Oops! Did it again, didn't I? Nyaa

Infamous (PS3)

Edited: Sat, 03 Jan 2009 14:55:26
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Thu, 01 Jan 2009 19:17:46
Splatterhouse will be shit. Fuck you Namco for making it 3D!

One of the site's forefathers.

Play fighting games!

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Thu, 01 Jan 2009 19:37:23

phantom_leo said:

Infinite Space

People looking forward to Infinite Space = 3

Leo, Steelo and me!

Edited: Thu, 01 Jan 2009 19:38:26
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Thu, 01 Jan 2009 20:03:06

Iga_Bobovic said:

Leo, you forgot Kid Icarus Nyaa

Fine, Iga, here you go... In a VG Press World Exclusive, I present to you the first actual in-game screenshot of Kid Icarus Wii!

Kid Icarus Wii

Notice the exquisite art-style in the same spirit as Sega's Valkyria Chronicles. Pay particular attention to the real-time character expressions, thought-bubble skulls and ultra-realistic, Nintendo patented "Sweat Engine!"

Butt wait! There's more!

Here are the first details on some of the enemies you will face in this new version as well!

All of these details provided by none other than Matt Casamassina's wife! So they MUST be true!

Remember, you read them here FIRST!

You can quote me here: Forget the mere Game of the Year, I officially call this as being the "Game of Forever and EVER!"

Edited: Thu, 01 Jan 2009 20:48:15
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Fri, 02 Jan 2009 00:14:34

Iga_Bobovic said:

phantom_leo said:

Infinite Space

People looking forward to Infinite Space = 3

Leo, Steelo and me!

Make that 4. Ex-Clover people are in the dev. team, so I expect this game will be quite good at the very least.

And Leo, "handheld console" is kind of a paradox. Nyaa

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Fri, 02 Jan 2009 02:35:13

Don't forget Punchout.
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Fri, 02 Jan 2009 02:58:37
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Fri, 02 Jan 2009 03:21:45
For those of you who still think we are a Wii dominated site, take a look at the games above!

7 -- Anticipated PS3

5 -- Anticipated NDS

4 -- Anticipated Wii

1 -- Anticipated WiiWare

Take that! Nyaa
Edited: Sat, 03 Jan 2009 18:34:06
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Fri, 02 Jan 2009 04:25:38
Don't forget Fragile!

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Fri, 02 Jan 2009 05:03:41

phantom_leo said:

Not really, but whatever. I won't keep nagging about the inconsequential. Just thought I'd have some fun with you. Nyaa

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Fri, 02 Jan 2009 05:09:49
The new Splatterhouse is a dream come true. I'm probably Splatterhouse's third biggest fan (only third, because I'm not one of the two people who enjoyed the mega lame Splatterhouse 3), and I'm going to go crazy waiting for the new one to release.

Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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Fri, 02 Jan 2009 06:12:35

Angry_Beaver said:

phantom_leo said:

Not really, but whatever. I won't keep nagging about the inconsequential. Just thought I'd have some fun with you. Nyaa

I was actually referring to adding Punch-Out! to the topic...

Why can't something be a portable console?

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Fri, 02 Jan 2009 07:07:43
console (noun)
1706, from Fr. console "a bracket," possibly from M.Fr. consolateur, lit. "one who consoles," word used for carved human figures supporting cornices, shelves or rails in choir stalls. Originally "a cabinet," then "organ body" (1881), "radio cabinet" (1925), then "cabinet for a TV, stereo etc." (1944).

When I think of other things called "consoles", I think of a stationary object, not something portable. The etymology above could possibly be taken to support this, using as examples those cabinets used for TVs and stereos. But speaking from my own experience--and I've sure you've seen this, as well--the stationary game systems are usually referred to as "consoles", while the handheld systems are usually referred to as "handhelds". With such a distinction being made, a "handheld/portable console" is rather oxymoronic, being as it then is an impossible entity.

However, since we are dealing with language here, which inevitably changes to reflect usage and other factors, Wikipedia recognizes "handheld console" as meaningful. Here are some articles I found:

Video game console
Handheld game console

I wonder if everyone who categorizes handhelds as consoles refers to the stationary systems as "home consoles" to make the necessary distinction. Is this true of you?

And while I realize this is all just pedantry on my part, I'm curious as to how everyone else here categorizes game systems.
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Fri, 02 Jan 2009 11:03:23

Our abs are twice as hard at anyones at Gaygamer. 

LOL you are right though, so many old revivals of games. Has anyone worked out whether the character in Bionic commando is white with a weave or light skinned black or what?

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Fri, 02 Jan 2009 15:45:31

Angry_Beaver said:
console (noun)
1706, from Fr. console "a bracket," possibly from M.Fr. consolateur, lit. "one who consoles," word used for carved human figures supporting cornices, shelves or rails in choir stalls. Originally "a cabinet," then "organ body" (1881), "radio cabinet" (1925), then "cabinet for a TV, stereo etc." (1944).

When I think of other things called "consoles", I think of a stationary object, not something portable. The etymology above could possibly be taken to support this, using as examples those cabinets used for TVs and stereos. But speaking from my own experience--and I've sure you've seen this, as well--the stationary game systems are usually referred to as "consoles", while the handheld systems are usually referred to as "handhelds". With such a distinction being made, a "handheld/portable console" is rather oxymoronic, being as it then is an impossible entity.

However, since we are dealing with language here, which inevitably changes to reflect usage and other factors, Wikipedia recognizes "handheld console" as meaningful. Here are some articles I found:

Video game console
Handheld game console

I wonder if everyone who categorizes handhelds as consoles refers to the stationary systems as "home consoles" to make the necessary distinction. Is this true of you?

And while I realize this is all just pedantry on my part, I'm curious as to how everyone else here categorizes game systems.

What's the etymology of "Suck my dick?"

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Fri, 02 Jan 2009 18:37:21

Fanatastic list Leo, pretty much got it all covered. Well I cant want for Killzone 2 cause it does look like it will live up to the hype. Also Heavy Rain looks very interesting.

But its the year of RE5. Its all I need.

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Fri, 02 Jan 2009 19:34:57

Dvader said:

Fanatastic list Leo, pretty much got it all covered. Well I cant want for Killzone 2 cause it does look like it will live up to the hype. Also Heavy Rain looks very interesting.

But its the year of RE5. Its all I need.

I agree.  Isn't it coming out in March?   What big releases will there be during the Fall/Winter of 2009?

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