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PC Exclusives...from a few years ago I should play
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Mon, 07 Dec 2015 23:32:23
SupremeAC said:

Cows and hermits, the lot of 'em!

Took me 5 minutes to remember what that reference meant. What were the names for Xbox and Nintendo fans again?
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Mon, 07 Dec 2015 23:35:30
robio said:

Took me 5 minutes to remember what that reference meant. What were the names for Xbox and Nintendo fans again?

Lemmings and Sheep respectively.


  • SMB Mix-Up! (1AB2-0000-0047-5A7D)
  • Storm the Castle (77BD-0000-00E0-A9C0)


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Mon, 07 Dec 2015 23:37:00
Ahhh yes... Good ole System Wars.
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Mon, 07 Dec 2015 23:37:54

Who are the sheep again?

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Tue, 08 Dec 2015 01:14:45
travo said:

Who are the sheep again?

Most people here. WinkWink

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Tue, 08 Dec 2015 01:20:20

So be it.

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Wed, 09 Dec 2015 13:36:18
phantom_leo said:

Let's just say: Some people there REALLY don't like some people here and this site is way too Nintendo centric for most of their tastes. Just look at what happens when Vader starts a Nintendo topic there.

I just clicked your link and saw CarnageHeart....that's all I need to see to know that if these boards ever merged into one, I would be saying my goodbyes. Dude is a clown.


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Wed, 09 Dec 2015 14:05:21
Foolz said:

Most people here. WinkWink

You say it like that's a baaaaaaaaaaaa-ad thing!

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Sun, 13 Dec 2015 01:36:21

Do you know the spec ballpark your PC will be around? That would make recommendations easier. Skip SimCity 4 in favor of the much more modern CitiesUneasykylines. You are going to have a blast browsing through GOG's catalogue as well as Steam stuff. There is no way you won't be able to play a ton of games regardless of your preferences.

Also, play Euro Truck Simulator 2.

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Sun, 13 Dec 2015 02:31:46
Let's see. The specs are it has a computer chip and a hard-drive. That's all I really remember. God, 15 year old me would be so fucking disgusted with me right now.
Edited: Sun, 13 Dec 2015 02:59:08
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Sun, 13 Dec 2015 02:45:46

Grimrock and Grimrock 2 are pretty solid recommendations. First one is quite lenient in requirements, dunno much about the second but it shouldn't be so different.

The Torchlight games as well, pretty nifty Diablo clones. Not really my cup of tea, actually. But they are very charming.

Give Antichamber a try but be warned: it is a Foolz favorite. Actually every single time I have played it, I feel as I usually do when interacting with him: dizzy, a bit disoriented, and with the nagging feeling that the game (and the man) has something intricate going on well above your head and you won't be able to grasp it ever.

I think Antichamber is Foolz as a game. Or is it the other way around?

Edited: Sun, 13 Dec 2015 02:46:32
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Sun, 13 Dec 2015 10:56:33

System Shock 1 & 2 Enhanced Editions.


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Tue, 22 Dec 2015 05:21:41

This year

-Age of Decadence: RPG codex cats finally putting their money where their mouth is, and making a classic styled crpg but with some major under the hood twists. It's world doesn't pop in the vibrant way that Pillars or Divinity does, but with a lot more twists for anyone willing to actually read along. It's setting is wildly different, it's merciless from a difficulty standpoint, and its love affair with the pen n paper roots also happens to lead to a pretty dope structure and questing.

-Crypt of the Necrodancer: You play the game using the arrow keys, you move through dungeons dealing with some fiendish monsters, traps, all in the layout of a rogue-lite, in a classic sense since it's more grid based, all to the rhythm of the games soundtrack. Plus it allows custom soundtracks, as soon as you get the hang of the game, imagine what it's like with Hotline Miami's soundtrack, you can also apparently play it with a DDR dance pad.

-Duck Game: I didn't really get to play this game all that much, and the mp community is deadish now. But it's a game that has a quack button, so you should get it on principle.

-Gravity Ghost: You know that part about Mario Galaxy where you hop scotch from one planet to the next, as each planets gravitational pull tends to suck you in, it's an indie game platformer built on the back of that, and it's fucking rad.

-Her Story: It's rad, fuck Tomas.

-Infinifactory, add in Spacechem and TIS-100: If you puzzle games, you should play Zachtronics games. other puzzle games have more story or more personality, maybe a Jon Blow game actually matches up in terms of pure satisfaction of solving a puzzle. Why? because these games aren't one solution puzzles, they have multiple solutions, often more efficient solutions, and the player has enough incentives to aim for those. That's fucking brilliant when you consider how many puzzle games we get in a post Braid and Portal world, and how only the Zachtronics games can offer multiple solutions it seems, and still have a challenging set of puzzles.

-Invisible Inc. - Credentials its made by the team that made Mark of the Ninja, but the game itself is a turn based strategy game with stealth. It sounds like it shouldn't work, but it fucking works.

-Shadowrun Hong Kong - convential wisdom tells you to get the Obsidian CRPG, but good taste should tell you to ignore that shit and play the Shadowrun games instead. Dragonfall and Hong Kong happen to be killer, with very little filler. Shadowrun Retruns could have been better, avoid Boston like the plague.


last year stuff

-Armored Hunter: Gunhound Ex: I mean look at this shit: it's so dumb, it's rad

-Banished: It's Cities Skylines, but more rural, more primitive, and borderline pilgrim? Trade traffic worries with worries about did your farmers harvest enough food for your civilization to survive cold ass winter. It's rad.

-Door Kickers: they are never making Rainbow six the way it used to be, so this top down shooter is the closest we are going to get. It is basically an entire game built around the planning phase of old Rainbow Six. You control a squad, there are permenant deaths, there is a scoring system, and there are clases obviously to separate who can do what and what they are weak at. During its best stretches you are going through aganozing planning trying to account for everything, failing a few times, but when it all clicks and your plan works flawlessly, you feel like the most tactically sound mother fucker since Tom fucking Clancy. Plus no tower climbing, give it some time, that'll be in a Rainbow Six game.

-Legend of Grimrock 2: If you like dungeon crawlers, and ever played stuff like the old Ultimate games or remember OG Elder Scrolls, this is up your alley, modernized with a combat engine that isn't throw away.

-Xenonauts: It's OG Xcom, not new Xcom, your daddy's Xcom. Merciless Xcom, make your every little move with the patience of a saint, because one fuck up can spiral the whole bitch out of control XCom. It's rad.


-Antichamber - First person puzzle game with a bizarre visual style would be a dime a dozen type game, except Antichambers best quality is that in spite of it being a block puzzle game most of the way, it's the parts where Antichamber constantly mixes up the rules and throws curve balls at the player that really makes it an enjoyable game. it's fucking crazy, it requires some real outside the box thinking at times, its visual direction adds a lot to the bizarre nature of how it all works.

-Gunpoint - It's a 2d stealth game

and of course Leviathan Warships. Now I never played this game, not even for a second, but watch this footage.

Right? It's not that you play it and like the game, it's because you like the idea of you being a guy who likes Leviathan Warships. That's why you should get Leviathan Warships, because someone should find out if the game is as good as the trailer (highly unlikely, but that trailer could be the great game of all time, so that's not a fair expectation).

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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 13:00:03
Thanks Gagan. Hell of a list there. Will look into a few of those.

Consensus seems to be to check out Grimrock 2 so I think that will get pushed pretty high up on my list of games to check out.
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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 19:19:56

If you enjoy Dungeon Crawlers, Grimrock 2 is ace.

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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 19:50:51

I definitely enjoy dungeon crawlers. I'm working on Darkest Dungeon at the moment for that fix, though it's more a strategy dungeon crawler. Once I'm done with that and ready for the next one I'll check out Grimrock 2.

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Tue, 05 Jan 2016 05:52:38

Darkest Dungeon looks rad, shame it's an early access game. Thus aids until released for real real.

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Thu, 07 Jan 2016 15:46:25
Foolz said:

Antichamber. Probably won't like it, though.

I'm playing it right now. It's stupid.

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Thu, 07 Jan 2016 15:48:42

This is a great thread as I am joining the master race soon. The master race that over pays for everything and ends up broke.

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Thu, 07 Jan 2016 16:24:42
They also underpay for tons of games via Steam sales...and inevitably overpay because of the deals and still end up broke.
Edited: Thu, 07 Jan 2016 16:25:16
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