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Official Sonic Lost World thread of oh no not again
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Fri, 18 Oct 2013 09:29:49

Release Date: 10/29/13 for US


Well I was really excited for this game. It seemed like the spiritual sequel to Colors which I loved. The last few Sonic games have all been great and this one looked fantastic. Reviews seem to be mixed mostly negative. Please be good...


IGN - 5.8

Mediocre: Sonic Lost World lacks speed, precision and fluidity making it a big step back for the Blue Blur.

+Colourful Look

+Many Alternate Paths

-Poor level design

-lack of speed

-awkward controls

GamesRadar - 4/5

Nintendo Life - 7/10

EDGE - 4

Eurogamer - 4

Joystiq 2.5/5

TheSixthAxis 7/10

Gamespot - 5

Polygon - 6

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Fri, 18 Oct 2013 11:41:38

I checked out the review breakdown and it seems to be a split between love and hate. Some are saying it nears EAD Tokyo Mario Galaxy design in the best reviews then there are a lot of 5/10 or 4/10 reviews.

To me I would have to get it at a cut down price to mitigate risk.

So no Watch Dogs, no Sonic LW this year for me. Narrows my choices down, W101, Splinter Cell, Deus Ex, COD, AC4 stuff like that and Mario of course. Suppose it saves me money.

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Fri, 18 Oct 2013 12:40:20

It really is bizarre. Very rare to see a game with reviews that pretty much run the gamut like this. In a case like this all you can do is let people spend a lot of time with it who don't have a review deadline over their head, and listen to what they say after they've played it.

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Sat, 19 Oct 2013 00:12:29
robio said:

It really is bizarre. Very rare to see a game with reviews that pretty much run the gamut like this. In a case like this all you can do is let people spend a lot of time with it who don't have a review deadline over their head, and listen to what they say after they've played it.

The scores are consistently low though.  The only ones that gave it "good" scores were NintendoLife and SixthAccess (no credibility).

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Sat, 19 Oct 2013 03:08:20

Not even Galaxy could make Sonic good.

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Sat, 19 Oct 2013 13:06:13
aspro said:

The scores are consistently low though.  The only ones that gave it "good" scores were NintendoLife and SixthAccess (no credibility).

True, but The Guardian gave it 4/5 and while it's not a real great gaming news source oddly enough I've thought their reviews for games I've played are pretty spot on. They've got a slightly less judgemental standpoint, and a lot of the time that works for me.

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Sat, 19 Oct 2013 13:37:32
aspro said:

The scores are consistently low though.  The only ones that gave it "good" scores were NintendoLife and SixthAccess (no credibility).

Not true at all.

Lots of other good reviews from Gamereactor, Gamesradar, The Guardian, Venturebeat and more.

Also, Nintendolife gave it 7/10, Nintendo World Report gave it 9/10

And I have read their reviews before, they have lots of credibility. Not sure about Sixthaxis.

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Sat, 19 Oct 2013 13:39:33
robio said:

True, but The Guardian gave it 4/5 and while it's not a real great gaming news source oddly enough I've thought their reviews for games I've played are pretty spot on. They've got a slightly less judgemental standpoint, and a lot of the time that works for me.

The Guardian is a very old and well respected Broadsheet newspaper here heavy on serious content. Their tech section is small but the reviews seem very good to me. Obviously shorter but they work, even for gaming readers.

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Sat, 19 Oct 2013 13:50:06
gamingeek said:

The Guardian is a very old and well respected Broadsheet newspaper here heavy on serious content. Their tech section is small but the reviews seem very good to me. Obviously shorter but they work, even for gaming readers.

I'm very familiar with the Guardian. I read it a lot in college when I wanted to look pretentious and prove I was smarter than other people. "Look me all smart and reading this British newspaper! Fuck you and your Dallas Morning News! This is British!"

Up until recently though I had no idea they covered gaming stuff. I blew it off at first, but in fact I do enjoy most of the reviews I've read.

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Sun, 20 Oct 2013 12:55:02

Reading it on public transport wasn't easy, it used to be huuuuuge.

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Sun, 20 Oct 2013 14:13:10

Well at any rate I cancelled my pre-order for Sony and moved it to Link Between Worlds.

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Sun, 20 Oct 2013 14:22:51
robio said:

I'm very familiar with the Guardian. I read it a lot in college when I wanted to look pretentious and prove I was smarter than other people. "Look me all smart and reading this British newspaper! Fuck you and your Dallas Morning News! This is British!"

Up until recently though I had no idea they covered gaming stuff. I blew it off at first, but in fact I do enjoy most of the reviews I've read.

It's a good paper but it's considered kinda commie/leftist (that's probably an exageration but some people view it that way).  Probably best for you that people in Dallas didn't know what you were reading.


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Mon, 21 Oct 2013 01:04:47
gamingeek said:
aspro said:

The scores are consistently low though.  The only ones that gave it "good" scores were NintendoLife and SixthAccess (no credibility).

Not true at all.

Lots of other good reviews from Gamereactor, Gamesradar, The Guardian, Venturebeat and more.

Also, Nintendolife gave it 7/10, Nintendo World Report gave it 9/10

And I have read their reviews before, they have lots of credibility. Not sure about Sixthaxis.

I was going by your original summary in this thread at the time I posted.

And console-exclusive sites have no credibility.

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Mon, 21 Oct 2013 15:08:51

I disagree, it's the quality of the content and the realism. Each site is different and reports or reviews things differently. If you know a site is biased based on content thats different from assuming all sites are biased.

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Thu, 31 Oct 2013 06:09:39

I just tried the first world out, uhh what is this?! My first impressions are not good, Sonic feels totally off and slow (and yes I know all the speed boosts). The levels are just so weirdly designed, its not meant for speed, nor is it good for platforming, its lost in a middle ground of meh. I only have done one 2D level but wow was it bad, everything 2D in Unleashed to Colors to Generations is was way better.

Seems to me like the colors don't fit well in the levels, in Colors they flowed so well, you could pick them up and use them in an instant to quickly get around. Here you get the laser wisp and the game freezes, a message pops up, you have to aim then the game stops and an A button appears for no reason. Kills the flow.

How is there no score rank?!?!?! My mind is blown. Time attack is nice but the best runs are not ones where you simply skip as much as the level as you can but ones where you have to master everything, get the most rings and hold them, hit all the score bonues AND get a great time. This is bullshit. That is by far the best part of all 3D sonics.

I already got my first S rank on the first level, yeah you can get into a nice little speed groove but its nothing like getting an S rank in the last few 3D Sonics.

Still have a long way to go but at first play I do not care for the changes.

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Thu, 31 Oct 2013 11:39:19

Sounds rough.

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Fri, 01 Nov 2013 15:27:38

The GameXplain review is similar to Dvader's complaints.

I don't know how to embed on this site.


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Wed, 06 Nov 2013 01:24:16

I played some more of it, its better than my first reactions and so different from any Sonic game. It definetly is going for the more traditional platformer feel. Some levels are spaced out with all sorts of floating enemies, projectiles, secrets, at a quick glance you would think you are looking at galaxy. But the controls just arent spot on like mario and it has an identity crisis. You go from big open areas to 2D sections almost randomly. Some levels are all 2D with more speed oriented approach, not as good as past Sonic games cause they removed the best speed moves from the game. Its this game stuck in the middle of I dont know what, speed and platforming I guess.

I have a feeling there maybe some of you that will like this game a lot more than some of the modern Sonic games. As for me while some of the levels are beautiful and there are moments of Sonic speed zen it's simply not as good as the last few entries.

Edited: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 01:24:40
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Wed, 06 Nov 2013 10:41:33

Was this made by the Colors team?

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Thu, 07 Nov 2013 18:43:28
gamingeek said:

Was this made by the Colors team?

Its sonic team so yeah.

So I got to tropical something or other, its basically gusty garden from Galaxy. You fly around lush green orbs with giant fruit and all sorts of cool platformery stuff going on. Its also no where near as good as Galaxy and that is the problem, its not really Sonic like and not good enough to be Galaxy level so you get this which is fun but not great. I think this is a good platformer, there is plenty of variety with some really neat levels. If you are itching for a 3D platformer before mario or after Mario this game will do nicely.

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