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Music Recommendation Thread
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Sat, 12 Feb 2011 01:48:42

Should I start with the collection of singles or the album?

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Sat, 12 Feb 2011 05:09:23

Probably wouldn't make much difference but the collection of singles came first so you may as well start there.  Leave "ten" for later


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Sun, 20 Feb 2011 10:16:29

Well I've given the single collection a few listens and can definitely see the similarities. It's actually also a bit like Not Available which is my favourite Residents album.

cLOUDDEAD is pretty damn good stuff. It's funny that it's musically so similar to Eskimo given how completely different it is in content or concept lol.

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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 12:34:28

I am going to be in Edinburgh for some days over Easter.  I'm so excited, as I have only been there just once before and I love the place so much.  I think I will make a one time exception to my self-imposed abstinance from booze ... get fooken pished on malt whisky, strip bollock nekkid (maybe) and sing this to the top of my lungs


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Tue, 15 Mar 2011 14:18:04

I just ordered the sheet music for this.  I doubt I am yet at a level to be able to do it justice but I still want to have it so that I can look forward to learning to play it.


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Mon, 16 May 2011 18:54:05

I'm learning to play this on the piano at present.  Brings me close to tears.


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Fri, 10 Jun 2011 09:56:07

It's the summer (for those of us in the northern hemisphere)!  Listen to Bob Marley.  Drink fresh coconut milk.  Go out and catch some rays of sunlight!


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Mon, 20 Jun 2011 10:30:30
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Sun, 24 Jul 2011 10:56:07

Amy Winehouse found dead in her house in Camden Town at age 27.  This news was very heavy on me when I got home last night as I had spent the whole afternoon and evening in Camden yesterday - one of my favourite old haunting grounds in London, but a place I have mostly avoided in more recent years - so yesterday was the first time I was there after a long time.

For many people it came as no surprise as she her drug and booze addictions were all over the tabloid so much of the time.

Goodbye gentle soul.  Thank you for sharing your gift, and for giving us tunes which will live on for many years.


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Tue, 18 Oct 2011 02:24:38

Bugs I think you posted a Dilated Peoples song in here, though I'm probably wrong. Anyway Evidence's new album is pretty good. A great collection of interesting production at the very least.

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Thu, 20 Oct 2011 18:01:21

I will have to check that out I think Foolz.

Started learning some cool new (for me) pieces on the piano.

More from my Bach Anna Magdalena Notebook:

This piece by Schumann


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Sun, 04 Dec 2011 09:45:05

Foolz did you hear the (fairly) recent Cunninlynguists album?  Do you like it as much as their older stuff?


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Sun, 04 Dec 2011 10:23:04
bugsonglass said:

Foolz did you hear the (fairly) recent Cunninlynguists album?  Do you like it as much as their older stuff?

Yes and no. There's just something about it that annoys me. There are some really great songs on it, but it doesn't seem to cover much ground, and when it does go into other concepts and use the concept of the album as a metaphor it comes across as really obvious. The song with Freddie Gibbs was one of my favourite at first, and it's done in a clever way, but beyond the cleverness of the metaphor there isn't much depth. I'd say lacks because it's a concept album, but so was Death is Silent and that's my second favourite CL-related album behind APOS. It just seems to lack some sort of depth. It's polished as hell, but after a handful of listens I'm not really noticing any extra layers in the lyrics or the music, I like it, but it comes across to me as being all polish and no soul, yet I can't really fault much of it . There's no doubt it's got some of Kno's best production, and the lyrics and flows are great too. But eh, there just feels like there's something missing in it.

I still suggest checking it out, as everyone else seems to really, really love it. Also I'm being a bit harsh on it due to my massive expectations after Death is Silent and how good all QN5 relases have been lately. If I'm being farier I'd say it's solid. Not something you can really lose yourself in, but worth checking out for sure. I say go for Death Is Silent first, though. It's basically a CL album anyway given how much the other CL guys feature on it.

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Sun, 04 Dec 2011 11:26:05

I sort of agree with you though I couldn't point my finger at what it was that I found lacking.  I liked it, I knew it was good, but I didn't find myself wanting to listen to it as much as their older work.  In fact it wasn't long before I went back to the older stuff.

Have heard and love Death is Silent, also the Deacon the Villain albums, I enjoy those as well


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Mon, 05 Dec 2011 07:00:56
bugsonglass said:

I sort of agree with you though I couldn't point my finger at what it was that I found lacking.  I liked it, I knew it was good, but I didn't find myself wanting to listen to it as much as their older work.  In fact it wasn't long before I went back to the older stuff.

Have heard and love Death is Silent, also the Deacon the Villain albums, I enjoy those as well

Did you check out the one Deacon did with Sheisty Khrist? What did you think?

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Mon, 05 Dec 2011 12:58:36

I think it's quite solid, better than I expected it to be.  A little bit too much electric guitar for my liking though.  Also though Deacon is a better producer than I knew him to be, I'd prefer Kno to maintain full production duties on most CL work.

Really love Kno's Excrementals.  Heard volume 4 and 5, really need to find and listen to the first 3


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Tue, 06 Dec 2011 03:05:05
bugsonglass said:

I think it's quite solid, better than I expected it to be. A little bit too much electric guitar for my liking though.  Also though Deacon is a better producer than I knew him to be, I'd prefer Kno to maintain full production duties on most CL work.

Really love Kno's Excrementals.  Heard volume 4 and 5, really need to find and listen to the first 3

Especially on the metal crossover song lol.

Kno is on another level for sure.

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Mon, 14 May 2012 19:31:37

Foolz, I'm finally tuning in and zoning out to the awesomeness that is Die Antwoord.  Ninja's flow is out of this world.  Best I heard from a white person or anyone not born in the US.

This is proper next level white trash hiphop


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Tue, 15 May 2012 02:42:58

Then start looking into his past and have your mind completely blown.

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Sun, 27 May 2012 07:56:01

Foolz is the new El-P CD good?


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