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Monster Hunter 3 (Wii) Reviews are coming in - the crowd goes wild PAGE 13
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Tue, 02 Feb 2010 11:14:56
Monster Hunter 3 ship battle trailer

1 February 2010 – Wii owners will get to taste the game that has become a phenomenon in Japan, when Monster Hunter Tri roars into life across Europe in April 2010. And you’ll be able to hunt effectively as a pack, as the game will be fully Wii Speak compatible!

The franchise, which has inspired an entire sub-culture in Japan will take bold new steps with the launch of Monster Hunter Tri, offering some exciting new features! A deep story led single-player mode allows players to immerse themselves into the world of Monster Hunter Tri, during which players will learn the skills required to be a successful hunter. The game will feature more new monsters and new environments, including underwater levels and marine-based monsters, than ever before. There is also the introduction of new weapons such as the powerful Switch Axe to master throughout this unique and exhilarating world.

The list of things to entice gamers is monstrous. Monster Hunter Tri’s beautiful landscapes make this one of the most impressive-looking games on the system. An open-ended, quest-based storyline with multiple routes to progression offers the potential for 100’s of hours in repeat gameplay.

If you prefer to share the action with your friends, the multiplayer gameplay options will offer an additional level of excitement! Two player, split-screen co-operative mode lets you enter the arena to take on a series of monsters with fellow hunters. Alternatively, team up with your friends using online multiplayer and take part in epic battles with enormous, intelligent monsters.

And thanks to the game’s use of Wii Speak, the microphone-based accessory that allows Wii users to speak to their friends over the Internet, hunters will be able to share their knowledge of monsters’ weaknesses, discuss hunting strategy in real time, and even cry for help when needed or celebrate after a victorious battle. The game can be played with Wii Remote and Nunchuk and is also compatible with the Classic Controller Pro putting the action right into your hands.

Monster Hunter Tri is no ordinary action game. The developer, Capcom, has created an entire living and breathing ecosystem, where monsters interact authentically and naturally with each other, their environment – and you. Your battles with the fearsome creatures you face will be challenging, tactical and you will learn to pick them wisely, respecting the creatures and seeking to defeat them only in order to gain vital items for your quest.

Every monster in the game behaves uniquely, based on meticulous research of real world creatures. Like real creatures, their stamina will lessen if they fight. If their strength is depleted, their movements will become slower and they will need to begin to prowl to find food for energy. Packs of smaller monsters will attack larger monsters and are part of a food-chain system where the strong feed on the weak – and you have the privilege of witnessing it first hand. Or joining in.

You assume the role of an up-and-coming hunter in a land where humans and monsters co-exist. At the beginning of the game certain features of your hunter are customisable such as hair and clothing, and as you progress through the game you will be able to change armour and weapons, using items collected from slain monsters by carving off horns, scales, fur, hide and bones. To achieve glory, you must accomplish various quests to collect items and supplies. These are vital to maintaining your village and to support your community which is in danger of destruction. Successfully completing each quest will also see you rewarded with items that can be used to improve your equipment and take on tougher challenges – many of which will see you interact with the majestic creatures that share your world.

Monster Hunter Tri will be available at launch to buy as game only and two separate special bundles: one containing a black Classic Controller Pro and one which contains the Wii Speak accessory and a black Classic Controller Pro. The Classic Controller Pro’s more traditional control configuration will afford gamers the ultimate Monster Hunting experience. The Classic Controller Pro comes complete with a second row of shoulder buttons and ergonomically friendly grips. The Classic Controller Pro plugs into the Wii Remote controller so players can enjoy wireless control.

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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 11:48:15

Summit pics

Monster Hunter Tri Screenshot

Monster Hunter Tri Screenshot

Monster Hunter Tri Screenshot

Monster Hunter Tri Screenshot

Monster Hunter Tri Screenshot

Monster Hunter Tri Screenshot

Monster Hunter Tri Screenshot

Free online play

Wii speak compatible

Classic controller Pro bundle

Spring release

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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 14:34:44

phantom_leo said:
Quick Monster Hunter Tri impressions.

Don't play it with motion controls. Don't play it using the right stick to attack.

The level of detail is unmatched on the Wii. The landscape is beautiful, the environments are varied. The monsters themselves are detailed, colorful and animated totally realistically!

Just watch what happens when you attack a younger monster in front of its parent! Try not to feel bad when you see a monster in its death throes!

The action is a bit daunting at first, you have MANY weapons choices to start with, all of them play differently.

The PLAY, though, is ACTION a-la PSO... thankfully NOT turn-based like White Knight Chronicles!

I only played a few minutes and walked away completely satisfied I will be playing a meaty, deep and fantastically well-done MMO style game on my Wii come April!

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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 14:37:20

phantom_leo said:
The more I play Monster Hunter the more FLOORED I am!

The depth of the game. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S ON THE Wii!

The graphics of the game. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S ON THE Wii!

The Hard-Core-ed-ness of the game. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S ON THE Wii!

PS3 doesn't have a game like this. 360 doesn't have a game like this! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S ON THE Wii!

What a dramatic change of pace to what's typically on there. How completely unexpected! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S ON THE Wii!

I think we are going to be hearing those very same words again and again the first half of this year!


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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 14:39:20

phantom_leo said:
Go to Capcom.Com/MonsterHunter to download the Demo Manual. The poster that comes with it ONLY covers the Wii-Mote and that's just NOT going to cut it!

Even if ONLY to see the varied weapon selection in the game, download it anyway!

You got a Sword and Shield.

You got a Great Sword.

...a Long Sword.



...(the transforming) Switch Axe. (Sword to Axe and back! More than meets the eye!)

...and the Bow Gun. (Yeah, this game has Fire-Arms too!)

There are a few different variations of most of these weapons besides what's listed! (Like a Heavy and Light Bow Gun, for example!)

All of these play differently...


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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 14:46:28

I've avoided this topic mostly because I've wanted this game for years and years and years... (I missed the PS2 version and regretted it since!)...

...and reading all of this would have been comparable to Chinese Water-Torture when it came to the wait time before I could get it.

I've seen the posts of the pics from the game in Weekly News and on the rare occurence I popped in here for a moment.

I NEVER believed the graphics looked the way they did in the screen shots. I thought "doctored" whenever I looked at them.

NOT SO. The game ACTUALLY looks as good as the pics. Even BETTER in motion! I am totally impressed!

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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 15:08:21

Vader, Pay Attention:

The combat plays like the ORIGINAL Phantasy Star Online! It's more about timing based combos than anything else. It IS real-time, Thank God! I got worried when I played White Knight Chronicles that turn-based was becoming the trend. Not so here!

I don't know if you can switch weapons with the same character yet or if the character class you pick at the beginning is the one you have to stick with --BUT-- the different weapons are incredibly inventive and play differently and --ALL-- are worth experimenting with! I can't wait to try the Bow Guns! ALL the different weapon styles are available to try in the demo!

I can't wait to see how the actual hunting and gathering aspect works. The demo is only 20 mins so it doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what this game offers. Regardless, I am STILL incredibly psyched!

Edited: Thu, 04 Mar 2010 15:18:46
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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 15:33:38
Leo will you be my hunting buddy?  WinkWink


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 15:38:43



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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 16:00:39

Just to note, Two other things:

(1) It seems as if there are "Photon Art" like Super Attacks in the game, too. I haven't been able to successfully pull one off yet. The Long Sword seems to gather "Spirit Energy" as you land successful hits and that leads to ITS Super. I'm pretty sure all the weapon-sets have something similar.

(2) There's a tiny price to pay for the exquisite graphical quality. The overall world is HUGE, yes --BUT-- it's broken up into smaller "chunks" that need to load pretty frequently. The load is quick and I think it's a perfectly acceptible price to pay for all of the incredible animation and all the advanced AI going on in the background of this game!

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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 16:53:30

To answer some questions posted throughout this topic over the past year:

(1) That little pumpkin guy you all were talking about (I believe) will be your companion in the single-player game. I have no idea if he will stick with you always or if he just serves as a Tutorial for starting players, but I'm pretty sure that's what it is.

(2) For those of you who may not know this game --->DOES NOT<--- require the use of Friend Codes --AND-- will be --->FREE<--- to play online!

(3) Those numbered sections on the map you may have noticed in some of the pics, those are where (roughly) the game needs to load. Numerous, but not bad.

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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 16:55:51
Now you have to go through all 10 pages of this thread Leo. I think I may have posted over 100 pics here. At least. The animation though, is incredible. Have you see the trailers of the sand ship and creature?
phantom_leo said:

(2) There's a tiny price to pay for the exquisite graphical quality. The overall world is HUGE, yes --BUT-- it's broken up into smaller "chunks" that need to load pretty frequently. The load is quick and I think it's a perfectly acceptible price to pay for all of the incredible animation and all the advanced AI going on in the background of this game!

Yeah I've seen the loading in videos. In its favour it's very fast, on the other hand when your nice game world is broken up by a loading screen it really breaks the illusion of the massive world. Why didn't they just use the Zelda technique? Create an artificial break in the eyeline, a funnel point, fade screen slowly and then fade in to the new area?

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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 17:02:55

I've already browsed through the pages now and posted a few answers to some questions asked throughout.

I'm still trying to avoid seeing all the pics, though; kinda ruins the game if you see everything it offers before you get the actual game in hand!

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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 17:06:34
I don't really think it's much like PSO at all since while the action is real time and you have combos (not really timing based, just the correct buttons, you can keep hammering them with no penalty) there's also huge emphasis in *not getting hit* since enemies do massive damage later on, and you have various evasive moves, as well as blocking (PSO didn't if I remember right) with some weapons. To me PSO was like Diablo without the point and click aspect but the same type of loot whoring constant progress... Here you don't even have levels, and you also don't have to go through tons of minions to reach the bosses, any enemy you don't need (for your mission, or for item gathering or whatever) can be avoided (unless it's in the same area as the stuff you don't want to avoid). Though of course sometimes you want to clear them so you can focus on other things.

And yes, any character can use all types of weapons and armor, it's the gear that makes you what you are, not vice versa, so any gear you use, your character becomes the appropriate, uh, user. It's up to you to learn to use the weapons, not your character to have some arbitary skill statistic. You get the experience yourself as you play and become better at it and learn the usefulness of each specific attack and maneuver available.
Edited: Thu, 04 Mar 2010 17:16:37
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 17:23:35
Is swimming in the demo?
bugsonglass said:
Leo will you be my hunting buddy?  WinkWink

I thought you were suppossed to be my dive buddy? Sad

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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 18:40:28

gamingeek said:
Is swimming in the demo?
bugsonglass said:
Leo will you be my hunting buddy?  WinkWink

I thought you were suppossed to be my dive buddy? Sad

Yes. Tried to avoid it as much as possible, of course. Bugsie's gonna have to hold my hand when I go in the water in the proper game...



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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 18:52:55

phantom_leo said:

gamingeek said:
Is swimming in the demo?
bugsonglass said:
Leo will you be my hunting buddy?  WinkWink

I thought you were suppossed to be my dive buddy? Sad

Yes. Tried to avoid it as much as possible, of course. Bugsie's gonna have to hold my hand when I go in the water in the proper game...



Don't trust him, as soon as you're waist deep he'll let go. GASP

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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 18:57:12
I'm going to get the demo in a few minutes. Hopefully, it'll be available at my local GS.

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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 19:01:57

gamingeek said:

Don't trust him, as soon as you're waist deep he'll let go. GASP


...big meanie ! ! !


Edited: Thu, 04 Mar 2010 19:17:58
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Fri, 05 Mar 2010 02:58:33

I just earnestly tried to kill the Raptor-like monster and...


The last 20 minutes have completely cemented this game for me and has shown how utterly UNLIKE everything else this game truly is!

The monster was nothing but fierce at first. It runs around with a pack of its young and going anywhere near them makes YOU the prey! I threw down some poisoned meat first. That didn't work, it was entirely focused on me. I lost to it quite a few times. I LOVE how you are unceremoniously dumped (literally) back at your camp when you are defeated!

Went back again and equipped some paralysis knives. Hit it once and it staggered for a second. Killed a few of its young. It came lashing at me with its tail twice as angry as it was before. Got a few more strikes on it, killed the rest of its young, it retreated to another zone.

Followed it there. Got killed again. Dumped. Worked my way back. Five minutes left on the clock. Threw some more knives; they appear to have a bit of a compounding affect; it's head reeled as I landed a few more blows. It went down and starting writhing on the floor. I mistook this as death throes and let down my guard.

It sprang back to its feet and came after me again. Noticeably slower than before. It was fatigued! Used a few potions, determined to beat it before time ran out. Landed a few more blows. It turned around. LIMPED away. I couldn't believe the realistic motion I was seeing. It got far enough away from me at that point and retreated into a hole I could not follow it into, to another zone.  The demo ended.

You have to plan for each battle. You need to evade, block and use your resources wisely. You need to be a hunter. You need to pursue your prey. These battles are NOT easy. No "hit the red spot three times to kill your foe" here! This game is gonna make you WORK and EARN your victories. Throw in the gathering, crafting and online questing. Damn! Damn! Damn!

I can't believe this is on the Wii!
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