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Metroid: Other M
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Thu, 09 Sep 2010 01:02:23

I REALLY, REALLY wish I had Fusion right about now!

I'd LOVE to play that again... I don't quite remember everything that transpired in that game any more. Major plot points, yes. Only tiny bits of the Adam/Samus dialogues, though...

(Oh! ...and Zero Mission, too!)

Edited: Thu, 09 Sep 2010 01:03:08
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Thu, 09 Sep 2010 01:03:17
phantom_leo said:

I REALLY, REALLY wish I had Fusion right about now!

I'd LOVE to play that again... I don't quite remember everything that transpired in that game any more. Major plot points, yes. Only tiny bits of the Adam/Samus dialogues, though

(...and Zero Mission, too!)

And this is why you shouldn't sell your games. *Hugs Fusion and Zero Mission*

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Thu, 09 Sep 2010 01:04:35

If I didn't sell games I would never be able to play new ones.

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Thu, 09 Sep 2010 01:05:38
travo said:

If I didn't sell games I would never be able to play new ones.

In that case rent them, its cheaper.

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Thu, 09 Sep 2010 01:08:15
Dvader said:
travo said:

If I didn't sell games I would never be able to play new ones.

In that case rent them, its cheaper

I usually don't sell them for a couple years.

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Thu, 09 Sep 2010 19:15:48

Ridley boss fight was cool, first time the classic music hit in and I got that vibe Grinning The cutscene really ramped up the adrenaline and I love how the FMV and realtime sort of seamlessly merge.

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Fri, 10 Sep 2010 00:29:11

I really wanted to skip work today to finish this.

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Sat, 11 Sep 2010 03:16:21

All Life in the Metroid Universe starts out innocent.

The Path a being picks is decided partially by circumstance

but mostly by choice.

Other M is a Tale of Two Women.

One is Flesh Wrapped in Machine.

The Other, Machine Wrapped in Flesh.

When the bonds between Mother and Child are Severed,

One chooses to open her heart to Emotion;

She learns to Love and Protect and becomes a Hero.

The Other is denied her Emotion

and chooses to Destroy.

Two sides of the same coin. An Ouroboros of Irony,

both giving Birth to each other.

One becomes the stuff of Legend. The Other meets her end in Infamy.

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Sat, 11 Sep 2010 17:19:38
phantom_leo said:

All Life in the Metroid Universe starts out innocent.

The Path a being picks is decided partially by circumstance

but mostly by choice.

Other M is a Tale of Two Women.

One is Flesh Wrapped in Machine.

The Other, Machine Wrapped in Flesh.

When the bonds between Mother and Child are Severed,

One chooses to open her heart to Emotion;

She learns to Love and Protect and becomes a Hero.

The Other is denied her Emotion

and chooses to Destroy.

Two sides of the same coin. An Ouroboros of Irony,

both giving Birth to each other.

One becomes the stuff of Legend. The Other meets her end in Infamy.

Uroboros? Complete Metroid saturation!  I knew Wesker was behind all this. Nyaa

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Sun, 12 Sep 2010 03:26:34

I didn't know Resident Evil was around during Antiquity!

Then again, the tank controls are pretty might onto something there, Vader!

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Sun, 12 Sep 2010 04:06:32

Nintendo Power's Top 9 Metroid games. Do you agree/disagree?

1. Super Metroid

2. Metroid Prime

3. Metroid Zero Mission

4. Metroid Prime 3 Corruption

5. Metroid Fusion

6. Metroid

7. Metroid Prime 2 Echoes

8. Metroid II Return of Samus

9. Metroid Prime Hunters

They only list 9 but 10 could be Metroid Prime Pinball!

Where would you guys place Metroid Other M on that list?


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Sun, 12 Sep 2010 04:08:04

I stopped when I got to 4.

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Sun, 12 Sep 2010 08:41:43
ASK_Story said:

Nintendo Power's Top 9 Metroid games. Do you agree/disagree?

1. Super Metroid

2. Metroid Prime

3. Metroid Zero Mission

4. Metroid Prime 3 Corruption

5. Metroid Fusion

6. Metroid

7. Metroid Prime 2 Echoes

8. Metroid II Return of Samus

9. Metroid Prime Hunters

They only list 9 but 10 could be Metroid Prime Pinball!

Where would you guys place Metroid Other M on that list?

List is wrong, who puts Prime 2 under the original, what the hell. And the best Metroid game is Prime.

  1. Prime
  2. Prime 3
  3. Super Metroid
  4. Prime 2
  5. Zero Mission
  6. Fusion
  7. Other M
  8. Metroid 2
  9. Metroid
  10. Hunters
Edited: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 08:41:59
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Sun, 12 Sep 2010 08:51:58


Your list has jsut put me off playing any of the other Metroid games. Sad

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Sun, 12 Sep 2010 08:55:07
Dvader said:

List is wrong, who puts Prime 2 under the original, what the hell. And the best Metroid game is Prime.

  1. Prime
  2. Prime 3
  3. Super Metroid
  4. Prime 2
  5. Zero Mission
  6. Fusion
  7. Other M
  8. Metroid 2
  9. Metroid
  10. Hunters

That's different from my list.

Here's mine:

  1. Zero Mission
  2. Super Metroid
  3. Prime
  4. Other M
  5. Prime 3
  6. Fusion
  7. Prime 2
  8. Metroid
  9. Metroid II
  10. Metroid Prime Pinball

I left Hunters out and put Pinball on there instead. That's how much I didn't like it. Sad


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Sun, 12 Sep 2010 08:57:56
Foolz said:


Your list has jsut put me off playing any of the other Metroid games. Sad

you love Prime 3.  you only think that you hate it


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Sun, 12 Sep 2010 09:21:36
bugsonglass said:

you love Prime 3.  you only think that you hate it

If only I loved or hated it! The things I despise most are those that are worthy of little reaction...and ironically result in a lot of vitriol from me. Nyaa

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Sun, 12 Sep 2010 14:53:12

Metroid 1 shouldn't be on anyones best ever list, even if its part of a franchise.


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Sun, 12 Sep 2010 15:39:43



Mother Brain, Ridley, the Space Pirates and the Original Metroids Gave Birth to (the Legend of) Samus.

Samus as a Bounty Hunter had to do some Horrific/Heroic things to achieve her missions (Exterminate an entire Species into Extinction).

Samus had a brief moment of redemption when she showed Mercy to the Metroid Hatchling on SR388. (She was becoming a Killing Machine.)

The Metroid Hatchling redeemed itself when it sacrificed itself to save Samus, also showing that Metroids aren't exactly Evil until they are made to be so...

Samus witnesses the eradication of the Baby (Metroid) in front of her eyes, and is covered in it's remains, but brings an End to Mother Brain at that point using its Power.

Samus unwittingly brings the Baby's Genetic Material back to the Galactic Federation.


The Galactic Federation initiaites a Plan to use the Metroids as a Bio-Weapon, cloning the Metroids using the Baby's DNA.

The Scientists realize they need a Mother figure to control the Metroids and Lead the Zebesian Bio-Weapons.

Using the idea of the Baby's Imprinting upon Samus as a Model, Madeline Bergman (gives Birth) Re-Creates Mother Brain in the guise of a Human Female.

As her intelligence grows, Melissa Bergman develops emotions and starts to see Madeline as a Mother figure to her. (Even Mother Brain isn't beyond Redemption!)

As the events of Other M unfold, Samus' acceptance of her responisiblity for her actions that brought about all of these events --PLUS-- the Love and affection she felt for Adam and Anthony...

...(the reclaiming of her Emotions) helped her Redeem herself, proving she was NOT the Death-Dealing, Bounty-Hunter, Killing-Machine she COULD HAVE become...

...Even as MB, being denied HER emotions --AND-- being ripped away from/feeling betrayed by Madeline Bergman, BECOMES the literal Epitome of a Killing Machine.


There's nothing mysterious or out-of-place about the entire Other M story-line. The story is written to be an illustration of the whole Birth-->Life-->Death-->Rebirth-->Life-->Death cycle seen so often in Literature and Anime.

This illustration is further driven home (with a ten-ton Hammer) by the whole deliberate Baby/Mother references scattered throughout the game. "Baby's Cry" being one. The "Bottle Ship" being another.

Samus plays the part of the Archetypical Hero here by recognizing her place in the Grand Scheme of things (MB gave "birth" to her, She gave birth to MB) and rises above it (as cliche as it sounds) using her ability to Love.

It's an incredibly well-written harmony of Cause and Effect, Birth and Death, Sin and Redemption... In my eyes, at least!

(Sorry, Vader but the plot of Other M makes a WHOLE HECK OF A LOT MORE SENSE than ANY Resident Evil!  Nyaa )


The Ouroboros or Uroborus[1] is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon swallowing its own tail and forming a circle.

The Ouroboros often represents self-reflexivity or cyclicality, especially in the sense of something constantly re-creating itself, the eternal return, and other things perceived as cycles that begin anew as soon as they end (compare with phoenix). It can also represent the idea of primordial unity related to something existing in or persisting from the beginning with such force or qualities it cannot be extinguished. The ouroboros has been important in religious and mythological symbolism, but has also been frequently used in alchemical illustrations, where it symbolizes the circular nature of the alchemist's opus. It is also often associated with Gnosticism, and Hermeticism.

Carl Jung interpreted the Ouroboros as having an archetypal significance to the human psyche.[citation needed] The Jungian psychologist Erich Neumann writes of it as a representation of the pre-ego "dawn state", depicting the undifferentiated infancy experience of both mankind and the individual child.[2]


Edited: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 15:41:24
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Sun, 12 Sep 2010 17:47:46

Leo there is a scientist that creates an AI cyborg that is supposed to control a bunch of bioweapons. The AI desides to revolt and creates a biohazard outbreak. A specialized team is sent into nutralize the biohazard theat. At the end there is a countdown and the lab self destructs.

The only thing that didn't happen was that MB didn't transform into a giant monster, though she did go crazy psycho evil at the end.  Its the same plot as every RE game except the RE characters show their emotions more than Samus. Nyaa

Edited: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 17:48:42
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