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Leo's 360 Topic -- Six Months Later...
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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 16:41:02


Edited: Tue, 28 May 2013 02:08:52
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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 16:57:04
Yeah I don't get all the negativity towards the Call of Duty games either. Ever since Modern Warfare came out I've actually been interested in this franchise. The set-pieces are phenomenal, the action intense, and the online completely addicting.

I'll have to wait a few more weeks until I can pick-up Black Ops but I'm pretty certain this will be a GotY contender for me.


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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 17:00:01


Edited: Tue, 28 May 2013 02:11:45
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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 17:03:07


Edited: Tue, 28 May 2013 02:12:11
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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 17:05:10


Edited: Tue, 28 May 2013 02:13:36
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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 19:30:49
LOL Yeah I was really hoping to pick up Black Ops this weekend but sadly it wasn't meant to be. Should only be a couple of weeks more. I was very tempted to trade some games in but I really want to keep building my collection.


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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 19:32:54
phantom_leo said:

Read it. Damn! sad

There is a definite, pronounced LACK of Loot Games this generation.


Yeah, what happened with that?

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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 19:37:13

Well, there was Sacred 2 and Borderlands --BUT-- I am STILL waiting for a Champions of Norrath or Baldur's Gate-esque style of game!

You would think with this generation's online focus they would be a shoe-in!

I have a funny feeling throughout much of this generation there was a "Diablo 3 is coming! We don't want to compete with that!" mentality going on with the game developers. Now it's a couple of years later and we're sitting on a Stalemate.

Edited: Sun, 14 Nov 2010 19:38:51
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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 21:40:12
phantom_leo said:
Archangel3371 said:
Yeah I don't get all the negativity towards the Call of Duty games either. Ever since Modern Warfare came out I've actually been interested in this franchise. The set-pieces are phenomenal, the action intense, and the online completely addicting.

                    I'll have to wait a few more weeks until I can pick-up Black Ops but I'm pretty certain this will be a GotY contender for me.

I have been stalking you on Live, waiting for the moment I see you playing Black Ops... Someone here HAS TO get it, sometime soon!

I was really disappointed Travo wasn't impressed...

...but even after he expressed his disappointment, I still saw him online playing!  wink

          Oh, I still want to play through it.  I just wasn't too impressed with the beginning.  The issues I had with the controls are over now, but it just felt like the game was stringing me along. Follow this guy, now this guy, now this guy.  That's not what I expected as a CoD semi-newbie here.  Now I've only made it past the prison area, escaping by motorcycle, so maybe it'll open up more.  I played one zombie mode so I can't so anything about online yet.  I'm the kind of person that prefers to play online with friends, not strangers, anyway.
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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 01:00:44


Edited: Tue, 28 May 2013 02:12:44
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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 01:05:32

All CoD games I have played have been excellent, I will never get the hate. I dont get the complete insane love either but I think a lot of the hate is backlash cause of that.

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 01:10:58

Leo's post is all win.

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 01:25:06
phantom_leo said:

Well, there was Sacred 2 and Borderlands --BUT-- I am STILL waiting for a Champions of Norrath or Baldur's Gate-esque style of game!

You would think with this generation's online focus they would be a shoe-in!

I have a funny feeling throughout much of this generation there was a "Diablo 3 is coming! We don't want to compete with that!" mentality going on with the game developers. Now it's a couple of years later and we're sitting on a Stalemate.

I have yet to pick up both Sacred 2 and Borderlands. They're still a bit out of my hobo comfort zone, but I'll get them for sure.

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 02:13:35

Kinda wished I had Borderlands again.

Edited: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 02:29:48
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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 02:46:16

I will say that even on my SDTV, Black Ops looks gorgeous.  No expense spared on the visuals.  It has a very steady framerate, sometimes it looks like 60fps.

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 11:57:20
phantom_leo said:

I can't see how dual wielding would be done on a Wii Remote with one controller. You need to use both the left and right triggers to do it. They are independent of each other.

The hell?

In the wii version you use press the B trigger to fire one weapon and the Z on the nunchuk to fire the other independently.

Dvader said:

All CoD games I have played have been excellent, I will never get the hate. I dont get the complete insane love either but I think a lot of the hate is backlash cause of that.

No, I haven't bought 5 COD games because I hate them that would be frigging stupid. I like COD4 and WaW, I don't like Black Ops.

Its paper thin design is starting to wear pretty damned thin and most reviews say that about the campaign too. Even the good ones.

Please stop this "hating on popular stuff is cool" bullshit.

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 12:16:07


Edited: Tue, 28 May 2013 02:13:20
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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 12:17:24


Edited: Tue, 28 May 2013 02:13:02
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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 12:42:00

Leo you are working under this assumption that the only reason I don't like Black Ops is because I am playing a lesser version.

There are plenty of reviewers and forumers who have played or reviewed Black Ops HD and have the same negative impressions of the campaign and of the multiplayer.

For instance:

Hanmik said:

I just donĀ“t get how people are enjoying Multiplayer Black Ops on PS3 at the moment..?

          The game is laggy as hell, hit-detection is broken, spawn sucks etc..? how can people enjoy that..?

sdornan said:

Just finished the campaign. It was decidedly mediocre. The ending was fucking dumb

DennisK4 said:


          GRENADE SPAM!

          Who the fuck thinks this is a good gameplay mechanic in 2010?

          They fixed it in MW2 and now its back!

          Fucking cheap bullshit.

I simply cannot believe the respawning enemies and super-restricted linear corridor gameplay in 2010.

          Is it really not possible to design the game without respawn? Halo does it. Crysis did it. Are people actually fond of this gameplay? I don't understand....

          And the restricted game enviroment....*sigh*.....its almost literally a corridor. BFBC2 was a lot more open. Again, do people really prefer this?

          Its god damn infuriating is what it is. The setting and premise are great, if only they had gotten rid of the respawn and the corridor....

Maximum 360 said:

The game is utter fail on many levels. Spawning in MW2 was bad while in black ops it's atrocious. Hit detection is absolute garbage. Sound effects are equally bad. Removing stopping power was just idiotic (they should have at least made given every gun the stopping power equivalent instead of taking it out entirely). Knifing is just as bad as before because your guns are powerful to put people down as they lunge

Cuevas said:

I don't get why everyone loves this campaign, it has to be the most boring pile of poop to come from a call of duty game.

bobs99 said:

From a gameplay perspective its probably the weakest CoD campaign so far, but from a story perspective I was kinda hooked.

Dryvbye said:

PS3 Question:

          The frame rate, so far, has been just fine, but the lag seems to be really weird. I've ran into several issues with stabbing people, where a charge and knife ends in a miss. I've also ran into me shooting people over and over, yet they someone kill me and on the kill replay, I missed all my shots. Anyone else experience this?

Foliorum said:

Just finished the SP. Overall, I'm disappointed. I thought that Treyarch would take note from the Modern Warfare games and bring their own thing to it, but I found it was more a mix of their old game design and bad copying of IW's finest moments.

          It was solid and enjoyable but there was no edge. Nothing impacted me like experiencing the AC-130 mission, dying in the nuclear blast, having to witness the Russian airport slaughtered or seeing America in tatters as the country is attacked. There were one or two dicey moments, like the game of Russian roulette in Vietnam but even that wasn't too shocking. Infinity Ward knew how to shock me and push the envelope in some way, there was nothing like that here.

          I also feel that IW do pacing better than Treyarch. The narrative structure made the game too disjointed. I know that IW games jump around different theatres of war and whatnot, but it was jarring to be in the middle of a mission in Vietnam, get flashed back to the interrogation room, then be 15 minutes ahead in the mission. It felt more like playing the greatest hits of a war rather than fighting through all of the action myself. There were also long stretches where you were just shooting guys. Yeah, I know that sounds stupid to say about an FPS, but I felt that every 3-5 minutes IW always threw something unique at you, whereas this was a lot more reliant on clearing out room after room, and throwing in some mechanics you'd already done in MW/2.

           Also, I found the story to be even more ridiculous than the ones in the MW franchise. Yes, those are over-the-top and Michael Bay influenced, but nothing was as far-fetched or unsatisfying as (removed for spoiler) I'll take a rogue US official orchestrating a war over that.

          This may read like a fanboy IW post, but I did have high hopes for this game and it just doesn't have that edge or excitement that the Modern Warfare games did. Treyarch took the WW2 formula and perfected it with World at War, but here they fell a long way short.

I'm done with this game in multi, I think. It has just as many flaws as MW2 but without any of the really cool shit to make up for it. I spawned four times earlier in the sights of an enemy. Atrocious.

          It honestly amazes me people think this is an improvement.

Lord Alu said:

Poor level design, horrendous player AI, bottomless enemy pits and broken checkpoints. Ugh.

tongue said:

This is by far the most lag infested piece of shit I have ever had the misfortune of buying.

          Normaly mp games are shit because I live in Montana.

          This piece of shit takes it to a whole new level.

Stripper 13 said:

So I finished the single player today, and as I've stated before this is my first CoD campaign play through.

          I really disliked the first half of the game - I found the flashbacks, scripted events and vague objectives/directions/reasons to do anything, completely annoying. I also found the corridor shooting, surprise enemy attacks (walking down a hallway only to experience a scripted enemy to jump out and injure me before I can react is never fun) and general 'shooting gallery' feel to be absolute shit next to something like Reach or any decent FPS for that matter.

(He began to enjoy some later parts but ends the post with):

I'm still not a fan of CoD campaign gameplay, it's far too scripted and in-your-face-intense, and the gameplay/design leaves something to be desired at many moments during the game... but given my initial impressions it was a pleasant surprise.

sFlufan said:

The terms "AI" and "Call of Duty game" are mutually exclusive. Simply put, there really is NO AI in the CoD series, only respawning bots to provide the challenge where actual AI would normally be.

          This has been the case since the first game in 2003.

zlakto said:

World at War and this both have some horrdenous A.I and methods to kill you that are 100% cheap. World at War was massive amounts of grenade spam against you so you just constantly die.

          This game you die in 1-2 bullets, weapon range is thrown out the window in campaign(shot guns can literally hit you like a truck from 50+ foot range and I'm not exaggerating), enemies are programmed to rush you if you reload/cook grenades, etc. The fact none of the enemies miss you, can shoot at impossible angles, can infinite respawn in various areas in the campaign, and are not at all effected by your allies team A.I is 100% retarded. The team A.I really stuck out as the worst in the CoD series I've played. Numerous times on my attempt to rush down to the trench line at the top of the hill while the NPCs talk the 2 guys on the left would let soldiers just waltz on up to me and crap on me, while other times they'd not let them get close.

          Modern Warfare 1 was a great experience even with infinite enemies respawning, and while Modern Warfare 2 never killed me cheaply it also didn't challenge me one bit.

Domcorleone said:

Everything u just mentioned has been frustrating me about the game so far, great presentation and graphics and I like the gunplay, but I don't feel like my smarts will win in a battle like I do with bioshock halo and killzone

          Maybe it's cuz i'm playing on hardened

I will stop there, I could literally sit here for 48 hrs and still have stuff to post, haven't even got into the reviews yet but you can see the pattern here.

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 12:44:16
phantom_leo said:

That's not what he said, GG. He said he doesn't understand the outright hate or the insane love. He doesn't get either extreme. You see that A LOT with CoD games, maybe not here, but certainly everywhere else.

Vader said that maybe the hate was because of the insane love.

I hate Black Ops because I think it's crap, not because it's popular or insanely loved. I like COD in general as this was my 5th game bought and completed.

More HD version impressions, there are literally hundreds more I could quote.
zlatko said:

I beat the entire campaign on Veteran, and I don't recommend it to anyone. All it is is a chore and will completely frustrate the monkey crap out of you. If you have played enough videogames in your life you will literally start yelling at your TV about poor game design mechanics and how idiotic shit like what's happening to you didn't come up in a board meeting or get picked up from someone testing it.

               The vehicle sequences had me so pissed off. There's one where you roll through the streets in something that Left bumper and right bumper shoots grenade launchers while Right Trigger will shoot a machine gun. Problem is every corner you go around will completely throw off the aiming for you so you whiff shots, and since on Veteran enemies don't miss and you die in 1-2 shots you literally play sequences to complete them purely on luck and nothing on your skill to conquer that area.

               I think the worst part of the game was the end of the roof tops level where, you lay on your back with a pistol and about 10+ guys come to blast you. They won't miss and you have to basically survive 10 seconds until a van kills them all, but numerous time the van would show up right as I died. About 50 failed attempts later and it just randomly worked. I had to punch a pillow to calm myself.

Dresden said:

BO has a terrible campaign. I wish they'd just put in a thirty-minute cutscene as the single player with none of the terrible gameplay attached.

Neuromancer said:

The gameplay's fine I think, it's the overall game and level design that sucks.

Kmg90 said:

Yeah this is gotta be the WORST COD single player campaign ever... the characters were annoying, the "interactive" scenes were CRAP "press L1 to break glass"? "Press R1 to punch"? are you kidding me?

          The Graphics yeah were pretty dated, the snow effects that were in MW2 are not included for some reason in BOPs for some reason...

          Also someone said Black Ops single player is better than medal of Honors, ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?! The voice dialog is top notch and believeable in MOH the story is actually followable (with no SEIZURE-inducing flashback sequences), and the AI (friendly and enemy) actually had believable behavior, I lost count of how many times I've gotten killed FOLLOWING a squad mate and have them completely ignore and walk right past enemies that completely ignore them also that in the end SHOOT ME!

          In MOH you could believe you were in a squad of elite soldiers, in Blacks Ops it feels that if you weren't there they wouldn't last one mission.

Edited: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 12:50:40

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