phantom_leo said:The List as of 10/26/10:
Disk Based
- Alan Wake
- Bayonetta
- Culdcept Saga
- Crackdown
- Deadly Premonitions
- Dead Rising 2
- DeathSmiles
- Fable 2
- Fable 3
- Gears of War
- Gears of War 2
- Halo: Reach
- Mass Effect
- Mass Effect 2
- The Orange Box
- Splinter Cell: Conviction
- Alien Hominid
- CastleVania: HD
- Darwinia +
- Dead Rising: Case Zero
- Geometry Wars Evolved 2
- Ikaruga
- The Maw
- Pac-Man CE
- Plants vs. Zombies
- Rez HD
- Shadow Complex
- Space Giraffe
- 'Splosion Man
- Super Meat Boy
- Trials HD
- Winterbottom
- Zeno Clash UE
Updated for Fable 3 tomorrow! With that, all the games I've wanted to get will be mine!
Also updated to reflect Completed Games!
^You got some noticable ommisions there homey.
OH SHIT! You bought Deadly Premonition! I can;t wait to hear what you have to say about it!!!!
aspro said:^You got some noticable ommisions there homey.
OH SHIT! You bought Deadly Premonition! I can't wait to hear what you have to say about it!!!!
Splinter cell and POP are two franchises where I have bought 4 games in each series and given up.
The first was the best, the rest was downhill although Chaos Theory did have pretty visuals. SC4 killed the series for me. Perhaps if Conviction was like the original concept I would have been more interested.

phantom_leo said:Like?
Well, here are some 360 exclusives that are a little off the beaten path.
Blue Dragon
Earth Defense Force 2017 - Mostly fun if you can play multiplayer with someone.
Eternal Sonara - Fairly run of the mill JRPG but has some unique touches. I htin kthis was re-made for PS3 now I think of it.
Infinite Undiscovery - Square game. some people love it, some don't -- I've never opened it.
Magna Carta 2 - The first was great but for the voice acting.
Spectral Force 3 - Got low reviews, ubt hey, it's Atlus, and it's exclusive.
Tales of Vesperia.
I just ripped through two locations in one sitting:
Lincoln Memorial
When I said Solid Snake can learn a few lessons here. I REALLY meant it. I don't know who did it first, but the use of Black and White to show when you are under-cover in the shadows is done here TO PERFECTION! I also like how agile Fisher is and how he can quickly Climb Pipes, in and out of Windows and along ledges, etc. Dragging enemies out an open window and dropping them to their deaths or dropping down from a pipe up above them NEVER. GETS. OLD! I haven't played a Splinter Cell since the original on the first Xbox, but certain things still hold true. Shooting out the lights and creeping along in the shadows is STILL as fun as ever!
The BEST thing they added though is the Execution move! It REALLY makes you feel like you are in control of a Super-Spy, Trained-Killer, Professional! If you succeed in taking out an enemy with a Melee move (simply done by hitting the "B" button when they are close) you earn an Execution. You then target between 2 to 4 enemies, depending on the weapon, you then mark them, hit "Y" and THWIP. THWIP. THWIP. THWIP. Four silenced bullet-shots to their heads = Four dead enemies! Watching it all play out is ike watching an action movie... in action!
The game is also INCREDIBLY pulse-pounding! (Good thing my heart is OK!) One moment you are holding your breath, trying to remain undetected and avoiding pressure sensitive floors that illuminate rooms when stepped upon... The next moment you are in an all-out fire fight. Zooming on enemies, dropping them with head shots, ducking and rolling behind cover, ducking and running from cover to cover, disarming and silencing an enemy in one smooth move, then finishing off all his buddies, execution style... Whew!
Again. Another game on the 360 that I am floored by. There just isn't an experience like this on either of the other two systems!
I am ripping through this game at a very quick pace and I have heard that it is short, but I don't even care! This game is one of the biggest thrill-rides I have been on in YEARS!*
Steels wang doesn't count as a thrill-ride... Does it? Nevermind...!
Hey, did you not have an original XB? And good impressions, reminds me why Iliked the first 2 Splinter Cell games.
Yeah, Leo, like Aspro said, you need to get Tales of Vesperia.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
I'll take your recommendations into consideration, but I am having a GREAT time playing games on the 360 that are totally and completely out of my normal gaming habits.
Truthfully, after DQIX... I've kinda been ruined for JRPGs, too.
I'm not really looking to get a collection for "collecting's" sake. I am looking to get games I want to play.
I think I've been pretty successful picking GREAT titles so far!
The ONLY game I have my doubts about is Deadly Premonitions, but you spoke so highly of it Aspro, I thought I would give it a try.
aspro said:Hey, did you not have an original XB? And good impressions, reminds me why Iliked the first 2 Splinter Cell games.
I did have an original Xbox. I played the original SC, but not too much of it. It was too serious and tactical for me at the time.
THIS game though is *best Homer voice* FUCKING AWESOME ! ! !
It just has that suspenseful, summer blockbuster, action-packed, thriller, mission impossible, James bond, 24 FEEL to it...
The pacing is perfect, the production values are perfect. It's not too long, not too short...
BEST thing of all: I got this game for FREE during the Toys 'R Us "Buy 2, Get 1 Free" sale.
Total, Epic, Hobo Win!
phantom_leo said:I'll take your recommendations into consideration, but I am having a GREAT time playing games on the 360 that are totally and completely out of my normal gaming habits.
Truthfully, after DQIX... I've kinda been ruined for JRPGs, too.
I'm not really looking to get a collection for "collecting's" sake. I am looking to get games I want to play.
I think I've been pretty successful picking GREAT titles so far!
The ONLY game I have my doubts about is Deadly Premonitions, but you spoke so highly of it Aspro, I thought I would give it a try.
Yeah, you've done an amazing job of building an instant collection, one that would take you at least 2 years to get through already. If you see any of the ones mentioned for cheap though, I'd pick them up just so you have them for when you need them -- at least that's my philosophy. I know I'll get to all my games eventually.
Deadly Premonition, is not a perfect game, but it is surprising in every possible sense -- which as you would know is not easy these days in gaming. Worst map in any game ever though. :
As for you being burnt out on JRPG -- :LOL: that would explain the headlong run into Gears of War. The perfect antidote. That's why back in the day I always had an FPS and JRPG going at the same time.
aspro said:Yeah, you've done an amazing job of building an instant collection, one that would take you at least 2 years to get through already. If you see any of the ones mentioned for cheap though, I'd pick them up just so you have them for when you need them -- at least that's my philosophy. I know I'll get to all my games eventually.
Deadly Premonition, is not a perfect game, but it is surprising in every possible sense -- which as you would know is not easy these days in gaming. Worst map in any game ever though. :
As for you being burnt out on JRPG -- :LOL: that would explain the headlong run into Gears of War. The perfect antidote. That's why back in the day I always had an FPS and JRPG going at the same time.
Really? 2 Years? I was thinking more along the lines of this winter! I'm on the verge of beating my 3rd game, and I've had the system for only about a month!
A LOT of 'em are Arcadey Downloads, or games that don't last all that long.
I was hoping o finish most of 'em during the Winter and maybe replaying ME1 and 2 and Fable 2 and 3 during the colder months!
Yeah, took another look... but the Orange Box will bog you down for a while if you play all the content. Crackdown can gobble up some time too depending on how much you get into it.
I am in Third Echelon's building and I FINALLY got Fisher's trademark Goggles!
Playing without them was like playing naked! NOW I am a COMPLETE bad-ass!
I loved SC: Conviction. Too bad you didn't have a 360 when I had the game.
I haven't read up much on the game... I probably could answer my own question too, BUT is it true that there is a Multiplayer Prologue with a Storyline...?
I liked Conviction (the first SC I enjoyed really) but I wouldn't compare it to MGS... It's a fairly limited, short, and easy game without the attention to detail MGS has in things like the AI reactions and level layouts... I really enjoyed it on PC but it was way too short. Although those levels with the random enemies were replayed a bit, and I didn't get to play the co-op specific campaign as nobody I knew had the game so I guess if you can play that it will be more worhwhile as I heard it's of a decent length (so the answer to the above is yes).
I just ripped through two locations in one sitting:
Lincoln Memorial
When I said Solid Snake can learn a few lessons here. I REALLY meant it. I don't know who did it first, but the use of Black and White to show when you are under-cover in the shadows is done here TO PERFECTION! I also like how agile Fisher is and how he can quickly Climb Pipes, in and out of Windows and along ledges, etc. Dragging enemies out an open window and dropping them to their deaths or dropping down from a pipe up above them NEVER. GETS. OLD! I haven't played a Splinter Cell since the original on the first Xbox, but certain things still hold true. Shooting out the lights and creeping along in the shadows is STILL as fun as ever!
The BEST thing they added though is the Execution move! It REALLY makes you feel like you are in control of a Super-Spy, Trained-Killer, Professional! If you succeed in taking out an enemy with a Melee move (simply done by hitting the "B" button when they are close) you earn an Execution. You then target between 2 to 4 enemies, depending on the weapon, you then mark them, hit "Y" and THWIP. THWIP. THWIP. THWIP. Four silenced bullet-shots to their heads = Four dead enemies! Watching it all play out is ike watching an action movie... in action!
The game is also INCREDIBLY pulse-pounding! (Good thing my heart is OK!) One moment you are holding your breath, trying to remain undetected and avoiding pressure sensitive floors that illuminate rooms when stepped upon... The next moment you are in an all-out fire fight. Zooming on enemies, dropping them with head shots, ducking and rolling behind cover, ducking and running from cover to cover, disarming and silencing an enemy in one smooth move, then finishing off all his buddies, execution style... Whew!
Again. Another game on the 360 that I am floored by. There just isn't an experience like this on either of the other two systems!
I am ripping through this game at a very quick pace and I have heard that it is short, but I don't even care! This game is one of the biggest thrill-rides I have been on in YEARS!*
Steels wang doesn't count as a thrill-ride... Does it? Nevermind...!