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Leo's 360 Topic -- Six Months Later...
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Wed, 13 Oct 2010 00:22:49
SteelAttack said:

Oh God Trials HD. So addictive and yet so cruel and unforgiving. Like an evil mistress that surprisingly jams a huge dildo up your butt while giving you the best blowjob of your life.

*Leo is now downloading Trials HD*

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Wed, 13 Oct 2010 00:34:31
phantom_leo said:

*Leo is now downloading Trials HD*

Are you really downloading it? Then don't forget the DLC that adds 30 more tracks. And this November, there will be 40 more tracks!


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Wed, 13 Oct 2010 00:36:55
SteelAttack said:

Friends don't let friends play Bayonetta on the PS3.

Its fine. Its the same game you did not play some magical version with better content. Plus the PS3 version controls better so Nyaa

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Wed, 13 Oct 2010 00:44:32
ASK_Story said:
phantom_leo said:

*Leo is now downloading Trials HD*

Are you really downloading it? Then don't forget the DLC that adds 30 more tracks. And this November, there will be 40 more tracks!

Nooo... That would be silly and frivolous of me...

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Wed, 13 Oct 2010 01:04:44



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Wed, 13 Oct 2010 01:06:01

*Leo now eagerly awaits the arrival of the evil mistress, huge dildo and oral pleasuring...*

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Wed, 13 Oct 2010 02:49:48

I think you'll like Trials a lot, although it does get infuriating in the latter levels. But if you can complete those insane tracks, you'll feel like you really accomplished something.

The earlier levels are really a blast.


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Fri, 15 Oct 2010 03:44:17

The Critics Love Crackdown!

G4 TV Says: (100%) "This is the kind of game that takes over your brain after long play sessions, leading you to scrutinize real-life buildings for handholds and leaping potential. It's an absolute blast to play, and arguably one of the finest superhero games made thus far!"

1UP Says: (90%) "If Crackdown were nothing more than a GTA-ish game with the fat trimmed away and some insane physical abilities, hell, that'd be something to be thrilled about. That it represents the best, if not the first, online multiplayer sandbox game on a console is just gravy."

ZTGameDomain Says: (95%) "While the game is just a giant mesh of tons of genres it manages to do them all to near perfection. When a game has you thinking about it constantly and talking about it only makes you want to play it more you know you have something special on your hands."

...but the best news of all is: I BOUGHT IT FOR JUST $4.00! Score 1 Hobolicious Deal for Leo! Woo!

Edited: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 03:46:15
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Sat, 16 Oct 2010 02:33:31

I have learned the error of my ways. Buying games day one. Buying into hype. Being affected by Fanboyism. My 360 experience so far has been one in gaining clarity. I used to think 360 was all about brainless shooters. I let myself believe the console bigotry and never even realized it was happening. What one learns from a video game can transfer into life, btw.

All those "shooters" on the 360 hid within them some of the richest game experiences of this generation... and I almost missed them!

Mass Effect has the branching conversations of the best of the best BioWare games. It has the "Good" and "Evil" decisioning. It has the dozens of optional side-quests. It has memorable characters, transferable into the next game and throughout what will hopefully be NOT just a trilogy. This "shooter" is unlike anything on any other system.

Gears of War, I thought, was just a testosteroney, shoot-a-thon, run-and-gun, third-person-shooter... like Killzone with a slightly different perspective and bulkier soldiers.

Again, I have learned the error of my ways. Playing Gears like a typical FPS will get you killed... quickly and endlessly. Each enemy requires a different strategy. Some require a special gun and special circumstances. Run around, out in the open and you will be giblets in a matter of seconds. Crouch, jump from cover to cover, plan your attacks strategically or YOU. WILL. DIE. There's something almost unnerving about the Unreal tradition of dismembering players who are careless. Get used to this if you don't learn to play by Gears' rules!

Protect your buddies. Flank when they tell you to. Watch for enemies that do the same.

One moment you'll find yourself pinned down, under cover by a few enemy soldiers. The next you'll nearly be over run by wave after wave of weaker, but mass quantities of quick jumping enemies that run on all fours.

Brilliant, adrenalin-pumping set-pieces make up Gears' game play. You never know what to expect from one moment to the next. Maybe you'll be frying a Spawner with a Satellite Weapon beam from the Sky. The next moment you may be leading a behemoth, monstering Berserker who is blind, but hears and smells you --AND-- can KILL you in one hit into a sun-filled courtyard to fry it with the same sky-beam.

These "shooters" are anything but typical. The other systems SIMPLY. DO. NOT. HAVE. ANYTHING. LIKE. THEM.

Unburdened by GOTY awards, Seemingly over-inflated reviews and System Wars propaganda, I can see these games for what they TRULY are...

...and they are TRULY great!

Edited: Sat, 16 Oct 2010 04:09:05
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Sat, 16 Oct 2010 03:18:42

I made the same mistake with Gears, Leo.  Now I find it hard to go back and play other FPS.  If it doesn't require cover, and make you strategize your next move, make you sit for what seems like forever figuring out how to get past the wave of enemies , then I want no part of it.  We should play Gears online together one day.

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Sat, 16 Oct 2010 03:42:05

Yeah, Gears is great fun.

Leo, do you have Gears 2 yet? You're going to love Gears 2.


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Sat, 16 Oct 2010 04:09:41
travo said:

We should play Gears online together one day.


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Sat, 16 Oct 2010 04:10:07
ASK_Story said:

Yeah, Gears is great fun.

Leo, do you have Gears 2 yet? You're going to love Gears 2.

Yup! Got it and Part One when I bought the system!

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 11:45:58

Gears.... money

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 15:33:59
Great to see you're continuing to enjoy the 360 and the many great gaming experiences it offers Leo. Yeah the Gears of War games are really excellent and a whole lot of fun.


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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 20:26:12


Still playing (and lovin' me some) Gears.

Again, the one thing that keeps on amazing me is the sheer diversity a game I thought of before as merely a "shooter" keeps on providing.

Not only do you have to really keep in mind the approach you take to each and every fire-fight, it ALSO seems that every other checkpoint they introduce some other differing element that keeps the game eternally FRESH.

  • First you need to learn to Seal the Emergence holes.
  • Then you need to consider Cover and Short Range versus Longe-Range Weapons. Indoors? Equip the Shotgun. Outdoors? The Machine Gun with the Chain-Saw Bayonet is good... or sometimes Sniping is even better!
  • Are you leading a Blind Berserker to sunlight?
  • Or, are you hiding from the Kryll IN the light, not daring to step into the darkness for fear of being shredded in seconds?
  • Are you on foot or are you in Laverne, using the UV gun to take out whole swarms of Kryll at one time?
  • Are you Sniping the Helmets off of Grunts, Actively-Reloading to Split their Skulls like ripe melons --OR-- are you ducking, sniping and running before the massive Boomers yell "BOOM!" and fire one of their one-hit, lethal Rockets at you?
  • As if the rushing-Wretches weren't bad enough... Just wait 'til they become Irradiated and explode upon Death! ...something tells me you wouldn't want to Chain-Saw one of these... Eh?

This is one game that goes to all lengths to keep the game unique, gripping and thrilling the entire way through! I have a whole new respect for Epic Games after this one!

Again, AWESOME ! ! !

**Baird is a potty-mouth... I love 'im!

Edited: Sun, 17 Oct 2010 20:56:19
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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 20:33:06

i've always thought of gears of wars as something of a resident evil 4 on speed ... and with having to take cover.  i'd like to play it at some point.  maybe at the very end of the generation (like i did last gen) i will pick up a cheap xbox and fish out the exclusives i'm interested in.


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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 20:54:53
bugsonglass said:

i've always thought of gears of wars as something of a resident evil 4 on speed ... and with having to take cover.  i'd like to play it at some point.  maybe at the very end of the generation (like i did last gen) i will pick up a cheap xbox and fish out the exclusives i'm interested in.

Sounds like a BRILLIANT idea!


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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 21:53:52

How far are you in Gears? If I go by that screenshot, then you're in Act 4?

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 22:05:56

No, no, no... I actually just started act 3; The scene where you are finding an entrance to the factory and being attacked by the Irradiated Wretches.

I just put up random screenshots unless I specifically say:  "This is where I am in the game."

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