Forum > Gaming Discussion > Konami to be sued by head transplant doctor over MGSV because of GAF.
Konami to be sued by head transplant doctor over MGSV because of GAF.
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Thu, 23 Apr 2015 00:21:17

Welcome, sit back and get ready to go on a journey of insanity. You are about to take the red and blue pill together at the same time. Let me take you on the ultimate carnival of stupid.

Some backstory first, there is a russian/italian scientist who wants to perform a head transplant. The patient Vladamir has a terminal illness and has volunteered to have his head removed and put on another body. Dr. Sergio Canavero is the scientist and he is looking to fund this groundbreaking procedure.

So it all began last weekend when a poster on gaf noticed this Dr. Canavero looks identical to the doctor in the MGSV trailer. And thus began the greatest thread in gaf history.

Ok so what, they look alike, its not like his look is original. Its just a coincidence. But gaf started to dig and dig...

First they found that the head transplant procedure is called HEAVEN. Ok WTF... Procedure for the transplant named HEAVEN.

One of the leading theories on MGSV is that there was a head transplant. Ok so what, still thats nothing... well where is this guy located, in Cyprus, the same place the hospital in MGSV is located!

Now it really cant be a coincidence what is going on here?! But wait, the patient, he can't be fake, what about that poor guy..

Person getting the transplant is a <b>CG </b>artist and a game development supervisor.

Here is a tweet he had

Notice the arm!!!

WHAT IS HAPPENING?! Who is this crazy scientist, no way he is real, this is all a gigantic Kojima mindfuck! GAF dug deeper.

The doctor submitted an article on this spinal cord fusion protocol called GEMINI, in MG Rising Gemini is a code word for the cyborgs who got robot spine implants!

The doctor had a Ted talk in Limassol

TED Limassol is an anagram for Solid Metals

Logo for the Ted Talk

what happens if you mess with the logo...

But the doctor has been around for years, no way this could be a long con.

Has a book:

Some of these chapter titles sound familiar.

Also what kind of doctor has photoshoots like this?

There is no way this is a coincidence, Kojima created a huge story that has fooled the entire medical industry just to promote MGSV!!! And Konami found out that is why he is fired!!!

That was the theory at least, then the evidence that it was all complete nonsesne began to surface. The doctor has written articles as far back as 2003. Kojima has stated the character model is based on this ACTOR.

rig" />

Well gaf wouldn't stop, they got some public records and CALLED the patient and the doctor. At that point the mods shut down the thread.

Days go by and today Kotaku writes an article where they speak to the doctor and surprise, he has no clue what MGS is or why he is more popular than ever. This is what happens in the article:

He told me that he has never been in any kind of contact with Konami or Kojima, that he had never even heard of them before all of this happened and he doesn't understand why they used him as a template for that character without asking him permission. I pointed out his resemblance to the actor from whom Konami actually did the scanning for the three-dimensional model, but he tells me that his lawyer has suggested something different that involves a conference held in Cyprus

"One of the sponsors was coincidentally a game developer. Maybe some people there...I don't know...maybe they recorded the thing from certain angles, maybe the cameras were set up in the right spots... I do not know. It's just a hypothesis, but maybe it's not too far-fetched."

I pointed it out that this seemed rather unlikely and that there was probably a simpler explanation, but he interrupted me:

“To be completely honest with you: this isn’t such a bad thing. Since my project requires a lot of money, Mr.Kojima will be able to say he had a part in HEAVEN [the name of his head transplant procedure] despite the fact that he probably never intended to.”

Dr. Canavero isn’t just surprised by all this, but actually rather put out; he’s even thinking of suing Konami over it. “I went to the Polizia Postale [the authority in charge of this kind of thing here in Italy] and filed a complaint towards Mr.Kojima.There is also a Twitter account that is not mine, so I reported this to the Police too, they will now investigate both the matters. In the meantime my lawyer is sending a letter to the Japanese company [Konami] to ask for compensation [for using my image without permission].”

He also seemed very interested in how much Metal Gear Solid V might be worth. At one point, suddenly asked me: “By the way, do you know how much this game is going to cost? And how many copies will it sell?” When I estimated that it’ll sell maybe 4 million units at 60 euros a pop, he started laughing.

“Wow!!! Sixty Euros? Multiplied by 4 or 5 MILLION? That would cover the whole operation for Valery and then some! We're talking about an insane amount of money!"

“It's just surprising that despite having been around the world, speaking at more than 300 medical conferences about what could be the biggest medical achievement in history, I feel like now i'm at the peak of my popularity thanks to a video game...a video game I wasn't even involved in to begin with.”

Holy shit, now the guy wants to sue Konami because of a random gaf thread! What if MGSV gets delayed cause of this garbage. Can Konami fire Kojima again.

Well in reality he has no case but still its an insane story only made possible by the insanity that Kojima creates. I love MGS.

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Thu, 23 Apr 2015 00:30:54

Lol, I read a small part of that thread about a week ago but holy shit, this is big!!

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Thu, 23 Apr 2015 00:43:08



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Thu, 23 Apr 2015 01:01:13

Wait!  Could he be future Metal Gear Alum, Dr. Madnar?

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Thu, 23 Apr 2015 01:42:59

He also wrote this book. This is the kinda viral marketing I can get into... I mean REALLY get INTO!!  Nyaa

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Thu, 23 Apr 2015 01:44:07

Yes he wrote a book about "mindfucking" women.

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Thu, 23 Apr 2015 02:16:12
Dvader said:

Yes he wrote a book about  mind fucking women.


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Thu, 23 Apr 2015 02:22:55

Quack sues quack.

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Thu, 23 Apr 2015 10:40:37

And this is why I don't play MGS.

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Thu, 23 Apr 2015 11:03:55

I read the thread a while back.  It all does seem very coincidental.  What would be even funnier is if this guy is legit, and Kojima has just been sneaking references to his work into everything MGS related for the last 10 years.

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Thu, 23 Apr 2015 17:46:51

I'm with Team CGI. Nyaa


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