If this continues you'll get used to it and it will be nothing at all.
Also, speed.
Thats kind of the position I find myself in these days, and generally I just don't play anything. If I play anything at all its my handheld, and even on that (the 3DS at the moment) its limited to games that requiere a minimal level of thought and has a simple control scheme. Sakura Samurai or Burger Time. Nothing that requires more than the bare minimum when it comes to readin, moving, and following a plot.
Its definitely frustrating. I'vw just gotten to the point in Tides of Destiny where the plot is starting to come into focus and i just don't have the mental fortitude to play it. On the otherhand the Wii is upstairs in the kids' playroom and I don't want to take the effort to walk upstairs either.
When I'm tired I try to get my girlfriend to lick my balls while I sleep.
Well there is a difference between being tired of gaming and actually being tired to where you fall asleep on the controller. The latter I do a lot, at that point I go to sleep.
Welcome to my world. Then the next stage is you will be so tired that you can't even watch the TV for more than ten minutes. Chronic fatigue is a bastard
I've always been able to carve out at least an hour on the days when I am tired, not not this week. Ah well, I'm sure, like Foolz said, I'll get used to it and adjust.
Like today I am completely beat, been up since 0330 and I'd play right now, but I've got a shitload of more work to do until the sun goes down. By then it will no longer be something I can manage.
bugsonglass said:Welcome to my world. Then the next stage is you will be so tired that you can't even watch the TV for more than ten minutes. Chronic fatigue is a bastard
Now that's just sad.
I was so tired yesterday after flipping through all the channels I went back to the show that was the dumbest because it was the least mentally taxing. (The pilot for Sabrina the Teenage Witch).
Fortunately this morning I was refreshed and got a couple hours in with Mass Effect 2.
For a long time, I've been able to game when I wanted, for the most part. But this week, I am so physically exhausted by the time the end of the day comes around that I can't even focus enough to play a game I want to (in this case FF7 and Mass Effect 2).
I mean, I just can't focus, so I watch TV or read instead.
Is this what normal gamers have to put up with? Is gaming a hobby for white collar workers and couch potatoes?