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Guns. Real World v. Gaming
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Wed, 03 Aug 2011 21:51:14
Iga_Bobovic said:
Dvader said:
Foolz said:

Only an idiot would own a gun for self-protection, though, so it's a bit of a paradox. Nyaa

Why? What if someone breaks into your home?

You call the police!

Of course you are going to do that. But reaching for your gun is far quicker than dialing and waiting on the phone for someone. Burglars normally wont go in a home unless its empty but there are stories of home invasions where they tie up the family and steal everything while they are there. A gun would probably prevent that as no one really wants a gun fight.

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Wed, 03 Aug 2011 21:58:16
Dvader said:
Iga_Bobovic said:
Dvader said:
Foolz said:

Only an idiot would own a gun for self-protection, though, so it's a bit of a paradox. Nyaa

Why? What if someone breaks into your home?

You call the police!

Of course you are going to do that. But reaching for your gun is far quicker than dialing and waiting on the phone for someone. Burglars normally wont go in a home unless its empty but there are stories of home invasions where they tie up the family and steal everything while they are there. A gun would probably prevent that as no one really wants a gun fight.

Learn the triangle choke it even works on Fedor.
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Wed, 03 Aug 2011 22:08:30
Iga_Bobovic said:
Learn the triangle choke it even works on Fedor.

I think these days a strong breeze works on Fedor.

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Wed, 03 Aug 2011 22:22:43
robio said:
Iga_Bobovic said:
Learn the triangle choke it even works on Fedor.

I think these days a strong breeze works on Fedor.

I would not call Hendersons right hand a strong breeze, but point taken.
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Wed, 03 Aug 2011 22:32:20
robio said:

I think these days a strong breeze works on Fedor.

LOL but its sad cause its true. Sad

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Wed, 03 Aug 2011 23:01:36
SteelAttack said:
Dvader said:

Why? What if someone breaks into your home?

Foolz has no such trouble, he can just fling a deadly snake towards the burglar. Or a huge-ass spider. LOL

In the news here in Australia, because of the lack of guns, there are always weird stories about people being killed or attacked with every sharp and blunt instrument you can imagine.  Taking guns out of a society doesn't make it less violent (but it does slow down the carnage).

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Wed, 03 Aug 2011 23:14:40
aspro said:

In the news here in Australia, because of the lack of guns, there are always weird stories about people being killed or attacked with every sharp and blunt instrument you can imagine.  Taking guns out of a society doesn't make it less violent (but it does slow down the carnage).

Honestly I rather be shot than stabbed to death. Stabbing seems so much slower, brutal and painful.

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Thu, 04 Aug 2011 01:30:39

I'd much rather being either shot or stabbed, or both, rather than getting bit by one of these babies:

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Thu, 04 Aug 2011 03:50:16
Dvader said:

Why? What if someone breaks into your home?

Someone has. My mother berrated them and they left quite quickly indeed. And then there's the random people wandering onto the property, or inside. If threats of violence had been made in this situations or people had been flashing weapons of any sort there's just as much a chance that it would have resulted in violence rather than nothing at all.

Failing that, as Iga said, I'll just show myself to them and they'll run away very quickly.

And Steel this is the problem with having a gun to protect yourself because all burglers worth their salt would bring with them an armoury of arachnids and snakes to protect themselves too, so just as quickly as I could reach for my brown snake or wolf spider they can reach for their dingo. Also while unholstering a redback it's probably far more likely to bite me before it makes it to the burgler.

The same can be said for any weapon, though. But it's irrelevent anyway because dealing with an attack or burglary isn't a case of who has the bigger weapon; who says that you won't have an M16 but freeze when someone's running at you with just their fists? Who's to say a burgler with a gun is not going to crap their pants when they simply see that you're home? You're no safer with a gun; you're in exactly the same situation as anyone else, and a gun or a knife or even martial arts training is not necessarily going to help you.

Dvader said:

Honestly I rather be shot than stabbed to death. Stabbing seems so much slower, brutal and painful.

That's not really true, though. Unless you're lucky with a gun, but you can just as easily be stabbed in the heart and die quite quickly too. People don't usually die from being shot quickly and painlessly.

So basically if suffering comes into it we should be using nembutol or the like as a weapon. It's more deadly, but without all the painful bloody bits. You might argue that it might be a bit hard to administer in the heat of the moment, but that's what a water pistol is for.

Steel, I'm sure you could get us all some! It'd help me sleep at night.

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Thu, 04 Aug 2011 04:14:58

Hmm, I don't think pentobarbital would be of any use squirted at someone. What you are looking for is something more volatile, a general anesthetic, maybe. Sevoflurane would do the trick, provided you don't fall prey to the fumes before the burglar.

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Thu, 04 Aug 2011 04:21:03
SteelAttack said:

Hmm, I don't think pentobarbital would be of any use squirted at someone. What you are looking for is something more volatile, a general anesthetic, maybe. Sevoflurane would do the trick, provided you don't fall prey to the fumes before the burglar.

You've got to aim for the mouth, and hope that they swallow it, but the comic effect of shooting deadly poisons at each other I think would outweigh the practicality of it. Failing that blow darts?

Every home invasion would be like your own Indiana Jones film. Especially in Australia with the giant snakes and spiders. The only thing we're missing is boulders: our giant rocks don't generally roll around.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 02:55:27
Foolz said:
Dvader said:

Why? What if someone breaks into your home?

Someone has. My mother berrated them and they left quite quickly indeed. And then there's the random people wandering onto the property, or inside. If threats of violence had been made in this situations or people had been flashing weapons of any sort there's just as much a chance that it would have resulted in violence rather than nothing at all.

Failing that, as Iga said, I'll just show myself to them and they'll run away very quickly.

And Steel this is the problem with having a gun to protect yourself because all burglers worth their salt would bring with them an armoury of arachnids and snakes to protect themselves too, so just as quickly as I could reach for my brown snake or wolf spider they can reach for their dingo. Also while unholstering a redback it's probably far more likely to bite me before it makes it to the burgler.

The same can be said for any weapon, though. But it's irrelevent anyway because dealing with an attack or burglary isn't a case of who has the bigger weapon; who says that you won't have an M16 but freeze when someone's running at you with just their fists? Who's to say a burgler with a gun is not going to crap their pants when they simply see that you're home? You're no safer with a gun; you're in exactly the same situation as anyone else, and a gun or a knife or even martial arts training is not necessarily going to help you.

That is true, the grand majority of times a burglary is not going to be affected by what weapon you have. But what if your case is one of the few times it might, why not have one around. Outside of common sense and general protection like alarms, locking doors, etc,. having a gun is the next best way to protect yourself (unless you are a martial arts master). There is no harm in having one around (unless you are a moron and let it get in the hands of kids or are a crazy nutjob wanting to shoot people).

Edited: Fri, 05 Aug 2011 02:56:23
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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 03:51:49

What if it's a case where they're affected negatively by it and they murder you instead of just robbing you? I'm not saying that a gun couldn't help you out in a situation like this, but it could just as easily do the exact opposite.

Edited: Fri, 05 Aug 2011 04:09:09

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 04:42:31
Foolz said:

What if it's a case where they're affected negatively by it and they murder you instead of just robbing you? I'm not saying that a gun couldn't help you out in a situation like this, but it could just as easily do the exact opposite.

Very true. That situation is screwed up any way. I just rather have a gun. If i am alone at night and I hear some weird shit I would feel a ton better if I knew I had a gun within reach, of course the phone would be in my hand first.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 04:43:55
Dvader said:

Very true. That situation is screwed up any way. I just rather have a gun. If i am alone at night and I hear some weird shit I would feel a ton better if I knew I had a gun within reach, of course the phone would be in my hand first.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Nyaa

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 05:12:34
Foolz said:
Dvader said:

Very true. That situation is screwed up any way. I just rather have a gun. If i am alone at night and I hear some weird shit I would feel a ton better if I knew I had a gun within reach, of course the phone would be in my hand first.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Nyaa

That would be a dildo.

Maybe he can molest the burglar with it. It's a win win situation.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 05:37:47
SteelAttack said:

That would be a dildo.

Maybe he can molest the burglar with it. It's a win win situation.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 05:55:05

LOL It's like holding the dick of a Norse God.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 21:01:14
I think it all depends on where you live. In this day and age there are some serious wackos around some would break in and kill you just for kicks. I live in a pretty safe area but I can imagine wanting to own a gun for more serious protection if I lived in certain other areas.


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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 21:51:58

^ Yup, in Australia I guess all you have to worry about are boxing Kangaroo's and guys with huge knives. Nyaa

Edited: Fri, 05 Aug 2011 21:52:12
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