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[FINAL] Aarny's AWESOME EXTRAVAGANZA of Beaten Games & DLC Expansions - 2015! [Vader's on Top!]
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Fri, 15 May 2015 02:27:01
SupremeAC said:

Beat Affordable Space Adventure a while ago.  Enjoyable game, didn't outstay it's welcome, good looking, but priced a bit steep in spite of its name.

Also just beat Brothers -  A tale of two sons.  Very nice art direction, very atmospheric and very light on gameplay.  Like Captain Toad, it's more of a walking simulator than an actual game, but at least this game offers some sense of story and progression to keep you going.  Also helps that it's only 3 hours long.  I thoroughly enjoyed those 3 hours, despite the game's shortcommings.

Wat, Captain Toad's puzzles are even worse than the two puzzles in Brothers? Uneasy

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Fri, 15 May 2015 09:20:01
Foolz said:

Wat, Captain Toad's puzzles are even worse than the two puzzles in Brothers? Uneasy

I'd say they're both equally bad, but Brothers gives you a slightly better motivation to keep going.

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Sat, 16 May 2015 02:26:11
SupremeAC said:

I'd say they're both equally bad, but Brothers gives you a slightly better motivation to keep going.

There goes any interest I had in Captain Toad. Disappointing. Sad

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Sun, 17 May 2015 07:13:01
Foolz said:

There goes any interest I had in Captain Toad. Disappointing. Sad

Well, that was the definitive review.

By Miu Watanabe.

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Sun, 17 May 2015 10:56:51
Té_Rojo said:

Well, that was the definitive review.

Comparing a game unfavourably to Brothers is a definitive as it gets.

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Mon, 18 May 2015 03:03:20

I finished Second Son, which was miles ahead of the original.  It was really quite a blast to play.  Easily a 9.0 game.

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Mon, 18 May 2015 03:53:14
travo said:

I finished Second Son, which was miles ahead of the original.  It was really quite a blast to play.  Easily a 9.0 game.

I do not agree with you, it's easily the worst one for me.7 at best.

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Mon, 18 May 2015 12:32:32

The first one was a chore for me to get through.  I guess I enjoyed these powers a little more.  They were inventive and fun and the game is gorgeous, which certainly made me want to keep playing.

Plus, the fact that I couldn't stand that Elvis lookalike, Zeke.

Edited: Mon, 18 May 2015 12:34:36
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Sun, 24 May 2015 08:53:49

I finished South Park Stick of Truth.  Fun game, it really felt like you were playing a South Park game, the license was not just tacked on.  Having said that, the game is a little bit light in gameplay, though that is both a good thing and a bad thing as on the one hand it makes it very playable for someone like me who doesn't want to wade through hundreds of menus and stat comparisons in order to make progress in an RPG.  But even for me this is just too easy (keep pushing button to win).  I played the entire game with Butters my first companion because I couldn't even be bothered to learn anyone else's moves when his worked just fine.  I simply equipped whatever was the highest level in my inventory at any given time.  Didn't bother buying any weapons or equipment as there was no need for them.  I didn't even need to learn my characters entire move set since there was just two or three things which could be used against anyone.  I didn't even bother learning the magic/fart system as it wasn't necessary.  Also, no end game to speak of.  Apart from collecting any remaining chinpokomon (which I can't be bothered to do), whatever few small sidequests I was given were well completed before the final battle.  So if a game with so much wrong with it had me playing it practically non-stop for two days until I finished it, it means that it must have got something right.  I like South Park, I like the absurdity, the toilet humour, the characters and the way they bond, the bat-shit crazy storylines.  And this game captures that perfectly.  In the end I played it for the characters and for the story.

Hard to rate such a game.  In fairness it would have to rate pretty low as a game (it's buggy too.)  Like a 7 at best.  But it's fun to play if you enjoy South Park.


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Mon, 25 May 2015 03:31:16
bugsonglass said:

I finished South Park Stick of Truth.  Fun game, it really felt like you were playing a South Park game, the license was not just tacked on.  Having said that, the game is a little bit light in gameplay, though that is both a good thing and a bad thing as on the one hand it makes it very playable for someone like me who doesn't want to wade through hundreds of menus and stat comparisons in order to make progress in an RPG.  But even for me this is just too easy (keep pushing button to win).  I played the entire game with Butters my first companion because I couldn't even be bothered to learn anyone else's moves when his worked just fine.  I simply equipped whatever was the highest level in my inventory at any given time.  Didn't bother buying any weapons or equipment as there was no need for them.  I didn't even need to learn my characters entire move set since there was just two or three things which could be used against anyone.  I didn't even bother learning the magic/fart system as it wasn't necessary.  Also, no end game to speak of.  Apart from collecting any remaining chinpokomon (which I can't be bothered to do), whatever few small sidequests I was given were well completed before the final battle.  So if a game with so much wrong with it had me playing it practically non-stop for two days until I finished it, it means that it must have got something right.  I like South Park, I like the absurdity, the toilet humour, the characters and the way they bond, the bat-shit crazy storylines.  And this game captures that perfectly.  In the end I played it for the characters and for the story.

Hard to rate such a game.  In fairness it would have to rate pretty low as a game (it's buggy too.)  Like a 7 at best.  But it's fun to play if you enjoy South Park.

Yes, it's definitely not a good game at all. But it's a great episode of South Park.

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Fri, 05 Jun 2015 16:39:17

Beat the last boss on Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush so here's another game to add to my log.  There's loads more to do if one cares to be completist.  To try and pick up all the chests in every levels to collect all the figurines.  There's also a challenge mode, collectables etc.  I may or I may not play more of this game but I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it so far.  It's beautiful to look at and fun to play.  It may be short but there's virtually no repetition in any of the levels and there are lots of fun ideas thrown in all the time.  Sadly there is repetition in the bosses.  The first three bosses are recycled with minor differences but it's not a dealbreaker.  Recommended!


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Fri, 05 Jun 2015 21:17:30

Beat Mario Golf World Tour on the 3DS.  I bought this game digitally on release, got stuck on the last main tournament and just gave up.  Tried it again today and won.  Happy  I've always been a sucker for Mario Golf and it works wonderfully well on the 3DS.  Great game.

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Fri, 05 Jun 2015 22:17:04
I've been meaning to get Mario Golf.

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Fri, 05 Jun 2015 23:17:30
SupremeAC said:

Beat Mario Golf World Tour on the 3DS.  I bought this game digitally on release, got stuck on the last main tournament and just gave up.  Tried it again today and won.  Happy  I've always been a sucker for Mario Golf and it works wonderfully well on the 3DS.  Great game.

Did you get the DLC for this?  Apparently it's quite substantial, like the DLC for MK8, I think I read somewhere.


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Sat, 06 Jun 2015 00:22:19

The Unfinished Swan is finished.  What a trippy, fun experience.  My son assisted and it was a great game to introduce him to FPS controls.  I highly recommend this game to all.

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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 10:07:21

I had every intention to do the 52 thing, and i was like fuck it once Tax season hit, got mad lazy, and post Bloodborne this isn't as fun : (

1: Transistor -5/10

2: Bayonetta 2 - 9/10

3: Super Time Force - 7/10

4: Double Dragon Neon - 5/10

5: D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die - 5/10

6: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - 7/10

7: Megaman X - 9/10

8: The Order 1886 - 4/10

9: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes - MGSVwillbeGODLY/10

10: Bloodborne - 8/10

Working on Arkham Asylum now since I want to replay Asylum and City before Knight, the doo-doo buttmobile better not ruin that game.

Edited: Fri, 12 Jun 2015 10:11:02

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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 21:37:56

Finished Witcher 3.  Now, ill tackle a to of side quests until Batman arrives.

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Mon, 15 Jun 2015 19:15:33
travo said:

Finished Witcher 3.  Now, ill tackle a to of side quests until Batman arrives.

Well done sir.


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Sun, 21 Jun 2015 03:51:03

The Wolf Among Us has been platinumed.

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Sun, 21 Jun 2015 07:17:16
Gagan said:

I had every intention to do the 52 thing, and i was like fuck it once Tax season hit, got mad lazy, and post Bloodborne this isn't as fun : (

1: Transistor -5/10

2: Bayonetta 2 - 9/10

3: Super Time Force - 7/10

4: Double Dragon Neon - 5/10

5: D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die - 5/10

6: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - 7/10

7: Megaman X - 9/10

8: The Order 1886 - 4/10

9: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes - MGSVwillbeGODLY/10

10: Bloodborne - 8/10

11: Batman: Arkham Asylum - 7/10

Just beat it and while I remember exactly how lame that final boss is, I forgot the story beat. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong about this, because the final hour or 2 of gameplay I was in a skype call chatting it up with a few friends, so I wasn't paying all that much attention to the dialogue. But he ...sorry [spoiler] He gets hit by Titan venom, and then decides to just resist it because he's Batman. Like no vaccine or I hit myself with the antitode or whatever, he just went full yolo and decided nah this don't work, because I'm Batman. What in the blue fuck lol [/spoiler]

Otherwise beyond the boss fights being universally terrible, and the combat/stealth lacking the depth/challenge of games that are more specialized in those genres I thought the game was terrific from the start of the game (oh and the shitty cinematic walking) to your initial run through of the Botanicle Gardens. Then the game asks you to back track through the B-gardens to the Arkham mansion to killer croc level to the caves shit that you have to back track through back to Arkham Island proper is so lame, tedious, and just poorly designed in terms of raw navigation. It's either the area has more convenient paths blocked off so you can do this round-a-bout shit that tests nothing about the player other than their ability to take the longer path or it's just a doo-doo section like the Killer Croc stuff. Albeit I can at least understand why he wasn't a boss fight, contextually he seemed pretty OP for Batman.

After that escapade the final sequences of combat and more importantly the final stealth area are glorious, and then the game ends on these super lame boss fights against Poison Ivy and that joke against the joker. Honestly the 2nd half just wasn't all that strong or as well paced as that first half. Overall game still held up for me, good game. On to Arkham City.

Edited: Sun, 21 Jun 2015 07:22:50

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