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[FINAL] Aarny's AWESOME EXTRAVAGANZA of Beaten Games & DLC Expansions - 2015! [Vader's on Top!]
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Thu, 05 Feb 2015 07:49:13
phantom_leo said:

Just finished my FIRST Grand Theft Auto game EVER!

Easily the best one out of all of 'em!

Really? That's great.

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Sat, 07 Feb 2015 01:00:51

Just beat Ratchet & Clank: Into The Nexus, and had a great time with it.

Its a very short game by series standards, but because of that it avoids all the downtime and needless parts. I was totally burned out on this series after they put one out like 6 years in a row...I mean they were doing it before Call of Duty and Ass Creed made it cool. The last one I played was Quest For Booty, which was basically an expansion pack to the first PS3 game, Tools of Destruction. So I haven't touched this series since 2008...can't believe its been that long.

Because of that, it felt great to be playing a Ratchet game again. And Into The Nexus is actually one of the better games in the series. I don't know it'll ever be as fresh and innovative again as it was on the first couple PS2 titles, but its still a quality series with a cool story and tons of humor. Amazing that this series is made by the same studio that made the Resistance games on PS3, which is just about the most generic FPS franchise you could think up.

8.5 rating for Nexus.


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Sun, 08 Feb 2015 04:59:11
2. Dark Void Zero

It feels a little soulless but it's alright for what it is.


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Mon, 09 Feb 2015 05:27:04

Just finished Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty.

As expected, another ultra high quality title from Blizzard. Pretty much the most immersive, charming RTS you could ask for. Only bad part is now I want to pick up Heart Of The Swarm....

9.1 Rating.


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Tue, 10 Feb 2015 05:52:06

Updated with Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

One thing I'll say about this series is that its amazing how they all have the same basic feel when you have all these different developers working on it every year. Sledgehammer Games have never worked on the series to my knowledge up until now, and they made one of the better games in least campaign wise. And in true COD fashion, the campaign is about 6 hours long. Some really cool ideas and interesting locations in this one. And the controls and feel of the weapons are as good as you'd expect from Infinity Ward. The production values are also some of the best I've seen on the PS4 until now.

I didn't mess with the multi-player but I'm sure its typical addicting COD fare. 8.6 rating.


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Wed, 11 Feb 2015 01:08:22

Hyrule Warriors complete.  What an awesome final boss.

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Wed, 11 Feb 2015 01:09:31
travo said:

Hyrule Warriors complete.  What an awesome final boss.

Hell yeah it was! Now you can play on Legend mode and see what it's like when the game truly starts to kick your ass.

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Wed, 11 Feb 2015 02:35:16

...or play as Link on Epona, or Twili Midna, Kid Link or TINGLE!!

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Wed, 11 Feb 2015 04:39:32
3. Contrast

Beautiful, but glitchy puzzle game that consequently doesn't reach its full potential.  A couple points near the end I wasn't sure of what I was supposed to do because it relied on glitchy physics.  Still worth playing.


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Wed, 11 Feb 2015 07:45:12

Updated with LEGO: The Movie: The Game.

Solid 8 (under my Foolz-reformist scale, two month ago I would have given it a 9.5).

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Thu, 12 Feb 2015 02:44:56

"6/10 = great" - Foolz.

Blairney (Aarny) is really falling behind this year.

By Miu Watanabe.

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Thu, 12 Feb 2015 03:03:26
Té_Rojo said:

"6/10 = great" - Foolz.

Blairney (Aarny) is really falling behind this year.

He is nothing without us.

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Thu, 12 Feb 2015 18:04:32

Yesterday I had the day off. I rabdomy decided to play super punch out for an hour or so around noon. Cut to 11:30 at night and I finally beat the game. Damn these games are hard. My reflexes suck, what happened to me?

Edited: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 18:05:11
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Thu, 12 Feb 2015 19:41:05
Welcome to your 30's.
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Sun, 15 Feb 2015 08:34:37

Updated with Evoland.

I bought some new electronics this weekend to solve my NTSC trauma. It did not work.

I will try again tomorrow, if that works then I think I am going to go the SNES route for the next game. Loked through my Steam library and was not inspired.

Edited: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 08:35:15

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Sun, 15 Feb 2015 09:13:12

Updated with Lightning Returns!

Wow...I don't even know how I can gauge this one. The pros and cons are extreme. A game you can love and hate equally.

First things first, the difficulty level in this game is ridiculous. Its like they had some guy come in from Devil May Cry 3's team to set the difficulty balance. Too hard, even on "easy" mode, which is what I played the game on. I started on Normal and couldn't get past the first boss...then saw articles online saying to start on easy and that Square themselves was even telling reviewers to play it on easy! Lol....if that doesn't tell you the game is too hard,I don't know what will. Easy mode is still more challenging than any FF title I've ever played. Only, that's not really what I want out of FF....I wanna enjoy the story and characters and have a nice balanced difficulty level throughout the game, only challenged by bosses. This game, even regular grunts will kick your ass at times. I had to grind to move forward way to often.

That's all I can assume is they wanted this game to be some kind of answer to all the super hard games out today. Keep that outta my FF...I want to have fun, not be frustrated.

Problem #2 is the story and characters. Instead of going out with a bang, most of the game the characters and story feels lifeless...which I guess in a way makes sense seeing as they're all waiting around to die. But yeah, this is one of the weaker titles in the series in those terms. Usually a FF strong point.

But the game has its share of greatness too...and at times this is the best FF has been since the early PS2 days. The open world exploration feels like something the series should have been doing for a long time, and the combat has a ton of strategy to it, equipping different outfits, weapons, and gear to achieve the best results.

All in all its a great end to the PS3 era of FF, and I can't wait to see how they build on it from here. 8.2 rating.


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Mon, 16 Feb 2015 07:50:08
aspro said:

Updated with Evoland.

I bought some new electronics this weekend to solve my NTSC trauma. It did not work.

I will try again tomorrow, if that works then I think I am going to go the SNES route for the next game. Loked through my Steam library and was not inspired.

New electronics did not work, nor did the ones I replaced them with. Sad I still have ideas, just not of what to play next.

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Mon, 16 Feb 2015 07:51:18
edgecrusher said:

Updated with Lightning Returns!

Wow...I don't even know how I can gauge this one. The pros and cons are extreme. A game you can love and hate equally.

First things first, the difficulty level in this game is ridiculous. Its like they had some guy come in from Devil May Cry 3's team to set the difficulty balance. Too hard, even on "easy" mode, which is what I played the game on. I started on Normal and couldn't get past the first boss...then saw articles online saying to start on easy and that Square themselves was even telling reviewers to play it on easy! Lol....if that doesn't tell you the game is too hard,I don't know what will. Easy mode is still more challenging than any FF title I've ever played. Only, that's not really what I want out of FF....I wanna enjoy the story and characters and have a nice balanced difficulty level throughout the game, only challenged by bosses. This game, even regular grunts will kick your ass at times. I had to grind to move forward way to often.

That's all I can assume is they wanted this game to be some kind of answer to all the super hard games out today. Keep that outta my FF...I want to have fun, not be frustrated.

Problem #2 is the story and characters. Instead of going out with a bang, most of the game the characters and story feels lifeless...which I guess in a way makes sense seeing as they're all waiting around to die. But yeah, this is one of the weaker titles in the series in those terms. Usually a FF strong point.

But the game has its share of greatness too...and at times this is the best FF has been since the early PS2 days. The open world exploration feels like something the series should have been doing for a long time, and the combat has a ton of strategy to it, equipping different outfits, weapons, and gear to achieve the best results.

All in all its a great end to the PS3 era of FF, and I can't wait to see how they build on it from here. 8.2 rating.

Sounds like I'd hate it. Lifeless characters, difficulty spikes... nah thanks.

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Sat, 21 Feb 2015 03:22:36

Updated with Jazzpunk, which is probably now my GOTY for 2014.

I did feel a bit motion sick toward the end of the game, which is unusual for me, and as I read the credts I see Zoe Quinn and Jim Sterling did voice work for it... but it was still good despite that.

Just noticed all 8 games I have beaten this year were on PC.

Edited: Sat, 21 Feb 2015 03:35:17

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Sat, 21 Feb 2015 04:35:30
aspro said:

Updated with Jazzpunk, which is probably now my GOTY for 2014.

I did feel a bit motion sick toward the end of the game, which is unusual for me, and as I read the credts I see Zoe Quinn and Jim Sterling did voice work for it... but it was still good despite that.

Just noticed all 8 games I have beaten this year were on PC.

I think Jim Sterling was the hedonistic robot. Don't know who Zoe Quinn was.

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