aspro73 said:I don't suffer from arachnophobia or any level of discomfort around snakes, but from the time I first put your spider in motion the game, somehow, I got the creeps. The way the spider moves around is perfect, and if you have a good sound system the audio makes it even creepier.It's frozen up on me a couple of times when there was a lot going on, which is unacceptable, but it did not lose any game data, just picked up where I left off after a few seconds delay. Billy Bob Thornton and Dennis Hopper provide voice acting.All in all, it's a solid 7+ right now, but the quality of the game's unique perspective gives it a couple more points.
I got that feeling with the spider. The game didn't freeze on my once, might be your system. It's an intriguing game to play through and definetely worth trying out. I sold it on ebay last week after having my fill. It gets better with the scorpian IMO
aspro73 said:I don't suffer from arachnophobia or any level of discomfort around snakes, but from the time I first put your spider in motion the game, somehow, I got the creeps. The way the spider moves around is perfect, and if you have a good sound system the audio makes it even creepier.
i don't suffer from arachnophobia either, in fact i rather like arachnids but i do have a high level of discomfort around snakes which is what kept me from trying this game. glad you are enjoying it. i think it is still the most WTF game in terms of subject matter and concept. i find it funny that THQ seems to act surprised that this game didn't sell well.
The snake is barely in it TBH.
Not from what I noticed anway. You fight him as a boss, get someone else to do that and you only have to very occasionally watch him slither past you for a fraction of a second.
I'm sad I never got to the man made levels like the car and shack. I think a good move would be to make the entire game set in an run down apartment complex in the city.
I liked the game. One of the most original games to come along in a long time if nothing else. Certainly had its flaws; no real replay value for such a short game, the camera could be horrendous at times and the controls could have used more work. Sound was also spotty during the first part of the game.
But again, it was so dramatically different than anything I've played that I recommend everyone at least try it out. For no other reason than to be creeped out by the tarantula. I couldn't play the game if my wife was in the room because she is a serious arachnaphobe and the tarantuala's movements were so perfect it could creep anyone out but when she saw it the first time. . . well it was really bad.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYodariquo said:I'd like to play it, but the best price I've seen here is $39.99, which is too high for what I'm willing to pay.
In the scheme of things, I'd have to agree with you, but it's like seeing a good movie followed by a shot of okay liquor and then a single roller coaster ride, so it's in the $30 range.
Have you fought the Gecko yet?
What do you think about the animation in the game? I think its very good.
gamingeek said:Have you fought the Gecko yet?
What do you think about the animation in the game? I think its very good.
Do you remember early on when you can see the two guys digging? The animation is hilariously bad. On all the creatuers so far it's been fantastic, though. I really need to play some more.