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Captain Toad: The Hero VGPress deserves, though they don't realize it right now.
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Fri, 05 Dec 2014 21:59:59

So Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker came out in the states today.  It's beautiful and fun.  This will be the impressions thread and my impression of the game is very positive.  If you played the Captain Toad in Super Mario 3DWorld, then you know the drill.  It's a 3 dimensional puzzle platformer where you  travel through cubed areas to reach the star.  There's even a hint of Super Mario Bros. 2 where you can pluck plants for veggie weapons or power ups.  It's all very charming, gorgeous and just a lot of fun.  The game isn't really all about getting from point A to point B but to completing the little challenges like collecting diamonds, coin challenges or golden power ups.   So far, it's pretty easy but addicting.  It's short but a steal for $40.  Give it a try!

Edited: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 22:02:19
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Fri, 05 Dec 2014 22:28:19

The VG Press

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Sat, 06 Dec 2014 00:00:55


I just bought Hyrule, DKTF and Pokemon X. So yeah, no Toad for me. I am sure it will be a cute fun game.

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Sat, 06 Dec 2014 00:40:47

The developers took the theme and ran with it, creating lots of cool scenarios for Toad to get into and out of. You'll see familiar elements from 3D World in there too, like the Double Cherry, for example. Yes, you have to move two (or more?) Toads throughout the level to trigger switches and the like. There are three Diamonds to collect per stage that act kind of like the stars in World; the more you collect, the more stages you can access. The cool thing though is, once you clear a level a Secret Objective opens up to add challenge and replay to the ones you've already completed. If you think of this game as a 3D World Gaiden with the sensibilities of a "Pushmo" or "Crashmo" puzzler mixed in, you'll get a very good idea of what the game is all about!

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Sat, 06 Dec 2014 03:22:26

Holy crap, the bonus stages!  

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Sat, 06 Dec 2014 06:53:26

I have too many unfinished games. I will get this one eventually.

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Sat, 06 Dec 2014 12:16:32

Not out till Jan here frown and unavailible to pre-order indecision

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Sat, 06 Dec 2014 17:31:43

It's on the Christmas list. Hopefully the family shows pity on me and gets it for me as a present.

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Sun, 07 Dec 2014 01:32:10

My son and I probably put about four hours into this throughout the day.  He will finish a level, then later, I'll replay it and find all of the diamonds.  The puzzles are becoming more complex, especially if for finding diamonds.  It straddles a fine line for beginners who just want to complete the game and those like me who are having a blast finding everything.  This oozes that Nintendo charm with a presentation that you can only expect from them.

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Sun, 07 Dec 2014 01:33:41

The three boss fights have been amazing.  I love the lava stages.

I've been checking out the Miiverse page and people are bitching and moaning about how some of the stages are too hard. LOL We are raising a generation of pussies and not the good kind, dammit!

Edited: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 01:37:49
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Sun, 07 Dec 2014 01:43:02

If a Captain Toad game is too hard for some people, then they probably should go back to Angry Birds.

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Sun, 07 Dec 2014 02:58:53

Miiverse is great for amusement. I remember when Megaman X came out there was an uproar of confusion because kids playing it couldn't figure out what the password screen was.

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Tue, 30 Dec 2014 20:18:48

So good!

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Tue, 30 Dec 2014 21:26:12

It took a while but I'm finally stuck on a stage.

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Wed, 31 Dec 2014 10:38:04

Guys, I'm not joking. Help?

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Wed, 31 Dec 2014 13:09:04

This one was a little tough. Kept me busy for longer than the others. Scroll around and take a good look at the blue piece from the opposite angle that your screen shot is from. There's a door you need to walk out from. Its placed very low and close to the center and is easy to miss. It's only visible when the blow side has been touched. I found it by accident. Once you see it, it will be easier for you to find the entrance from the side you're currently on.

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Wed, 31 Dec 2014 13:19:16

I'll be the lone dissenter on Captain Toad. It's fun, it's cute, and it's a good enough game. I give credit to the devs for take a fairly limited idea and going as far as they did with it. But I don't think it's a must-play kind of experience. Very little replay value I thought, and for the most part it's not too hard. There were about a half dozen levels that I struggled with, and mainly that was due to trying to get all the diamons. On that note I managed to get all but one diamond without having to replay too many levels.

As I said when I completed it, if they could have cut out about half of the easier/less interesting levels and charged half as much for the game I'd argue that it would have been a better experience and one I'd consider a must-buy. As it stands, it's the video game equivelent of a twinkie. Light, fluffy, cute, and cream filled, but ultimately not very satisfying.

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Wed, 31 Dec 2014 13:37:07
robio said:

This one was a little tough. Kept me busy for longer than the others. Scroll around and take a good look at the blue piece from the opposite angle that your screen shot is from. There's a door you need to walk out from. Its placed very low and close to the center and is easy to miss. It's only visible when the blow side has been touched. I found it by accident. Once you see it, it will be easier for you to find the entrance from the side you're currently on.

I'll check that thanks.

robio said:

I'll be the lone dissenter on Captain Toad. It's fun, it's cute, and it's a good enough game. I give credit to the devs for take a fairly limited idea and going as far as they did with it. But I don't think it's a must-play kind of experience. Very little replay value I thought, and for the most part it's not too hard. There were about a half dozen levels that I struggled with, and mainly that was due to trying to get all the diamons. On that note I managed to get all but one diamond without having to replay too many levels.

As I said when I completed it, if they could have cut out about half of the easier/less interesting levels and charged half as much for the game I'd argue that it would have been a better experience and one I'd consider a must-buy. As it stands, it's the video game equivelent of a twinkie. Light, fluffy, cute, and cream filled, but ultimately not very satisfying.

You're always that one guy.

Do you try and get all the diamonds and do the challenge for each stage? I love the challenges, like the don't get spotted challenge which turned a level into Toad MGS. Or the solve in one shot or a couple of touches.

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Wed, 31 Dec 2014 16:44:05

Is it just me or can anyone else hear Toad cry out: Diaper Adventure at the start of every level?

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Wed, 31 Dec 2014 21:12:41


Now for every gem and every challenge.

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