Forum > Gaming Discussion > Captain Toad: The Hero VGPress deserves, though they don't realize it right now.
Captain Toad: The Hero VGPress deserves, though they don't realize it right now.
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Wed, 31 Dec 2014 21:18:58

Finding the gems are the best part of the game.

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Wed, 31 Dec 2014 23:21:08
robio said:

I'll be the lone dissenter on Captain Toad. It's fun, it's cute, and it's a good enough game. I give credit to the devs for take a fairly limited idea and going as far as they did with it. But I don't think it's a must-play kind of experience. Very little replay value I thought, and for the most part it's not too hard. There were about a half dozen levels that I struggled with, and mainly that was due to trying to get all the diamons. On that note I managed to get all but one diamond without having to replay too many levels.

As I said when I completed it, if they could have cut out about half of the easier/less interesting levels and charged half as much for the game I'd argue that it would have been a better experience and one I'd consider a must-buy. As it stands, it's the video game equivelent of a twinkie. Light, fluffy, cute, and cream filled, but ultimately not very satisfying.

Sounds about right. Like a Kirby game.

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Thu, 01 Jan 2015 10:39:50
travo said:

Finding the gems are the best part of the game.

I think the challenges are. If you try to do every one the game is not a cakewalk, finding everything or using a limited number of moves, or avoiding being spotted.

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