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Aspro's Top 5
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Sun, 12 Jan 2014 10:20:38

Is in this week's game under podcast.

Yeah I know, cheap. I will reveal in a week here, but in the interim anyone want to guess?

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Sun, 12 Jan 2014 10:23:00

Animal Crossing?

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Sun, 12 Jan 2014 10:39:01
Foolz said:

Animal Crossing?

You need to guess my top five, not just one of them. And you are DQ'd. You know the answer (if you were listening while we recorded).

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Sun, 12 Jan 2014 14:16:00

Okay I'm about to sit down and do some work and I'll listen to it while I do it because frankly it's not terribly important stuff and I can listen to any mind number crap at the time Happy

In the meantime let me try and guess. Assumg you only took games from this year:

1. Paper's Please (you rated it an 11 earlier in the year I believe).

2. Last of Us


4. Tomb Raider

5. That Stanley Game thingy Parable?

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Sun, 12 Jan 2014 15:17:08

Oh and on a slightly related note, YOU ARE PLAYING FLOWER WRONG!!!!! It's just wrist movement. Anything more than just moving your wrists will screw it up the 6-axis. Gentle movements. You're not fisting a goat here. Be gentle.

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Sun, 12 Jan 2014 17:27:41

Okay I'm pretty pleased with my predictions.

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Sun, 12 Jan 2014 17:35:09

And good to hear that SteamWorld Dig won the prestigious 2013 'Least Pretentious Game of the Year.'

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Sun, 12 Jan 2014 18:50:03

I imagine this list is going to have more than a few PC games on there now. I'm not even gonna venture a guess. Can't wait to see the actual list!

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Sun, 12 Jan 2014 20:02:28

Trying to make my way through the Cast now... Surprised by your choices... in a good way.

Nearly three hours though...?!  GASP

Bill was most definitely gay, Foolz. You actually find a letter from his partner saying something like he'd rather die than spend another day with him and he wanted so much more out of life... He was not just an "associate" kind of partner; he was a pissed off, ex-lover, partner.

**The porn mag that Ellie finds where she is shocked by the size of the guy's wang as they are drving out of Bill's Town... that was just the icing on the big, gay cake!**

Edited: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 20:17:18
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Sun, 12 Jan 2014 20:16:43

What The Last of Us had that The Walking Dead didn't: Joel had the choice to end all the suffering the entire world was going through in the palm of his hand and damned the world to his own ends. The Walking Dead, they never even had that hope. Joel made an incredibly selfish, intimately human choice. It went against everything the player would expect from the ending of a game. That was a HUGE risk on Naughty Dog's part...

"attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed."

It can't be affecting --GREATER-- importance if it's completely unprecedented. I think everyone loves TLoU so much because of that one moment... No one else has done this though, certainly not The Walking Dead, you would need something else to "measure" the ending against for it to qualify for the definition of pretentious, but it's completely unique.

Edited: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 20:22:28
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Sun, 12 Jan 2014 20:51:57

^ I did not like the way it ended but it was a major talking point, I never wanted to talk about a games ending as much as that one.

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Sun, 12 Jan 2014 21:55:07

Made it through your entire podcast. Although this topic isn't devoted to it, you kind of directed us there in the first post. I don't think, if it were any other week, I would have been able to sit through all of that. After a 10 day self-imposed break from online forums, though, I think I was ready to: (1) Hear the two of you just DO your 'casting thing and (2) Just hear some intelligent discussion on gaming... which has pretty much vanished from 98% of online forums these days.

It's hard to sift through the trolling, fanboy-ism, psuedo-drama and general BS to even find anything WORTH paying attention to these days. Sadly though, even after the last 10 days, or maybe because of the last 10 days, I find myself edging closer to being a non-participant and just being a listener or reader. I was able to enjoy just PLAYING games for the last week and a half without all the distracting, tiring baggage of being a "gamer." If that makes any sense.

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Sun, 12 Jan 2014 22:16:22

I often find that when I spend less time reading/writing/talking about games, that I enjoy playing them more. It's all about balance, I suppose. I can't imagine not participating in the gaming community, as it is a very enjoyable part of this hobby, but it can become a bit too much sometimes.

The VG Press

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Mon, 13 Jan 2014 00:05:13

Oh and since this is now doubling as a place to chat about the podcast, I have to agree that 2013 probably was the greatest year of gaming on record. Though one of the major reasons for that so many of 2012's big hits got delayed into 2013. But regardless of that, there were just heavy hitters released on all consoles (aside from the newly launched ones). The sheer number of amazing games that we saw this year was unprecedented.

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Mon, 13 Jan 2014 02:22:11
phantom_leo said:

Trying to make my way through the Cast now... Surprised by your choices... in a good way.

Nearly three hours though...?!  GASP

Bill was most definitely gay, Foolz. You actually find a letter from his partner saying something like he'd rather die than spend another day with him and he wanted so much more out of life... He was not just an "associate" kind of partner; he was a pissed off, ex-lover, partner.

**The porn mag that Ellie finds where she is shocked by the size of the guy's wang as they are drving out of Bill's Town... that was just the icing on the big, gay cake!**

I remember that note, and I don't find it convincing by itself at all. But like I said combined with the porn thing I'm fine with it. Honestly, the notes were so droll that I didn't really care/pay much attention to them anyway. Bill was an awesome character, though gay or not; and the fact that I wasn't sure if he was gay, makes him a great gay character. Happy

phantom_leo said:

What The Last of Us had that The Walking Dead didn't: Joel had the choice to end all the suffering the entire world was going through in the palm of his hand and damned the world to his own ends. The Walking Dead, they never even had that hope. Joel made an incredibly selfish, intimately human choice. It went against everything the player would expect from the ending of a game. That was a HUGE risk on Naughty Dog's part...

"attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed."

It can't be affecting --GREATER-- importance if it's completely unprecedented. I think everyone loves TLoU so much because of that one moment... No one else has done this though, certainly not The Walking Dead, you would need something else to "measure" the ending against for it to qualify for the definition of pretentious, but it's completely unique.

The fact that there was no hope and thus no greater moral conundrum or conflict in The Walking Dead is pretty unprecedented for video games, just as subverting a standardised convention that is prevalent even in video games was for The Last of Us. But the ending in TWL itself was unprecedented, just as TLOU's is, because there was no sacrificial or positive connotations to it; nor was it in anyway bleak. The events simply didn't even matter. Anyway, Naughty Dog weren't hyping up the ending, so it's still pretentious as hell. And even if they were hyping up the ending, everything else being so pretentious about it would get it the award. And for the record: I fucking loved the ending. Easily the best part of the story (and the only remarkable part of the story). But to me that's still exactly the same thing that The Walking Dead did with its own ending, as far as it being unprecedented are concerned; it's just using a different convention from other media that videogames haven't used before than The Walking Dead did.

Also thanks for listening to the whole thing dude and making epic comments about it. <3

And you not taking part in game discussions better no include this place. Sad


Holy shit: ENSLAVED's ENDING' It's actually very much like The Last of Us'. My mind is blown. HOLY FUCKING SHIT.

Edited: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 02:33:13

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Mon, 13 Jan 2014 03:08:13

IIRC, aren't you given a choice at the end of Enslaved?

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Mon, 13 Jan 2014 03:11:43
phantom_leo said:

IIRC, aren't you given a choice at the end of Enslaved?

Nope. I loved the ending of Enslaved as well. But apparently everyone hated it. Sad

Edited: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 03:12:59

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Mon, 13 Jan 2014 03:13:59

I have a 4 hour drive tomorrow, I'll try to listen to this.

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Mon, 13 Jan 2014 03:27:07
Foolz said:

Nope. I loved the ending of Enslaved well. But apparently everyone hated it. Sad

Not true:


[01/09/11] Enslaved: Odyssey to the West -- What an under-rated game! Part Uncharted. Part Heavenly Sword. Part Beyond Good and Evil. Part The Matrix. Part Prince of Persia. All good! Besides being HOT, the main character Monkey is even more fun than his animal counterparts! The way he climbs and his acrobatics are so much more animated than Drake or the Prince! The post-apocalyptic landscapes are as deserted as ever but --NEVER-- have they been THIS colorful! Ninja Theory excels at a few things: Bright and Beautiful color-schemes, Hauntingly REAL facial expressions and Stories that never fail to have VERY touching moments! Yes. The combat is simple. You CAN buy an Upgrade that color codes enemies, telegraphing what they are going to do, a-la Heavenly Sword. The combos are also very simple --BUT-- who you kill first, strategic "Take Downs" and using enemies weapons against them, all come into play too! I like the references to the classic Japanese Journey to the West, but its NOT shoved down your throat. A constant thrill-ride from beginning to end, this game will MAKE you want to press-forward 'til the very end! I played this game in two-days! I NEVER do that anymore! That should be a testament to how enjoyable it really is! My utter enjoyment of this game has gotten me extremely excited to see just what Ninja Theory can do with the Devil May Cry reboot! I've never been a huge fan of that series before; now I find I can hardly WAIT!

--From 2011 Finished Games Topic.


Some of what I wrote there echoes what Aspro said in your podcast, too!

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Mon, 13 Jan 2014 03:36:46
phantom_leo said:

Not true:


[01/09/11] Enslaved: Odyssey to the West -- What an under-rated game! Part Uncharted. Part Heavenly Sword. Part Beyond Good and Evil. Part The Matrix. Part Prince of Persia. All good! Besides being HOT, the main character Monkey is even more fun than his animal counterparts! The way he climbs and his acrobatics are so much more animated than Drake or the Prince! The post-apocalyptic landscapes are as deserted as ever but --NEVER-- have they been THIS colorful! Ninja Theory excels at a few things: Bright and Beautiful color-schemes, Hauntingly REAL facial expressions and Stories that never fail to have VERY touching moments! Yes. The combat is simple. You CAN buy an Upgrade that color codes enemies, telegraphing what they are going to do, a-la Heavenly Sword. The combos are also very simple --BUT-- who you kill first, strategic "Take Downs" and using enemies weapons against them, all come into play too! I like the references to the classic Japanese Journey to the West, but its NOT shoved down your throat. A constant thrill-ride from beginning to end, this game will MAKE you want to press-forward 'til the very end! I played this game in two-days! I NEVER do that anymore! That should be a testament to how enjoyable it really is! My utter enjoyment of this game has gotten me extremely excited to see just what Ninja Theory can do with the Devil May Cry reboot! I've never been a huge fan of that series before; now I find I can hardly WAIT!

--From 2011 Finished Games Topic.


Some of what I wrote there echoes what Aspro said in your podcast, too!

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