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ASK_Story's TOP 30 of the Decade (Leo inspired me)
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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 21:11:01
Here's my Top 30 of the Decade (Leo inspired me):

30. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

It's boring when you play alone, but it's one of the big reasons why I wanted a Wii. So that's why it belongs on my list. And Zero Suit Samus is H-O-T! Grinning

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Screenshot

29. Day of Defeat: Source

I was going to pick Modern Warfare 2 since that's what I'm playing and since it's more fun. But Day of Defeat Source was my first multiplayer FPS that turned me onto online games. And I had good times playing it.

Day of Defeat: Source Picture

28. Sim City IV

I've always loved Sim City ever since the SNES version. Sim City IV is the best one yet and I always have it installed on my PC at all times! Sim City games should be pre-installed with every new Windows PC.

SimCity 4 Picture

27. Final Fantasy XII

I guess it's fair and safe to say that this is my favorite console FF game. Any game that makes me clock in over 100+ hours must be good. I know this game divided FF fans but you can't deny the genius of this game's design. Story and characters are weak but this is the first Final Fantasy game where I played it for the gameplay rather than for the story, which says a lot! Although I'm looking forward to FFXIII I personally don't think it'll surpass Matsuno's stamp on FFXII. The open world, freedom, and design is the best I've played in a JRPG even though FFXIII will be superior visually. In this case, visuals and graphics don't matter, gameplay does!

Final Fantasy XII Screenshot

26. Zelda Spirit Tracks

I didn't like Phantom Hourglass but this one was a surprise. I chose it over Minish Cap because of Zelda being a integral part of the story instead of just being another princess to save. It's a good game.

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Screenshot

25. Pure

I hate it when great games get overlooked, like Pure. This became my favorite racing game ever! I'm not into simulators since I'm more of a arcade-style racing fan. And Pure is the best one yet! I'm glad MS is putting free copies of Pure in this year's holiday bundle. More people need to experience this wonderful racing game!

Pure Screenshot

24. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne

I think Blizzard revolutionized RTSs. Starcraft would've been on my list but it came out over a decade ago. I always have the big 3 on my PC at all times: Starcraft, Diablo II, and Warcraft III. And it's a damn fine game!

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Picture

23. A Boy and His Blob

I'm a sucker for 2D games with amazing art and this game has all that and more. One of my favorite Wii games became one of my favorites of all-time.

A Boy and His Blob Screenshot

22. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

I still think that there was no other game that hooked me and never let go from beginning to the end like RE4 did with me. RE5 was good and fun but RE4 will always be the better game. It's a masterpiece! And playing it on the Wii gave it newer life for me which made it worth it to experience it all over again.

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition Screenshot

21. Haunting Ground

This game was disturbing and creepy but I enjoyed it. It won't be a classic like the past Resident Evil games and the game was frustrating at times, but it was still a good game that I thought was overlooked.

Haunting Ground Picture

20. Dreamfall: The Longest Journey 2

I enjoy adventure games once in awhile and Dreamfall is my favorite. I guess it's because Zoe is a great character which is why I think characters are so important to every story. Great game too and overlooked.

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey Picture

19. Metroid Prime Trilogy

The first Prime is the best but it's not the whole story, which is why I consider this trilogy as one whole game. I think this is better than the Orange Box.

Metroid Prime Trilogy Screenshot

18. Mega Man Powered Up!

The first Mega Man was the reason why I got into games as a little tot. Which is why I love this remake so much. And it's a great game, which makes it so much better than the original. But that damn Yellow Devil is still a bastard!

Mega Man Powered Up  Picture

17. Shadow of the Colossus

I honestly cannot understand why there are haters for this game. I think it's an amazing piece of art and a darn fine game as well. It's a masterpiece whether people hate it or not.

Shadow of the Colossus Picture

16. GrimGrimoire

This is my favorite VanillaWare/George Kamitani game. It's a good RTS with fantasy elements that I enjoyed. I can't believe this game sold like crap though, only like 2,500 copies in Japan. That's so horrible! It's one of the most overlooked last-gen games, IMO.

GrimGrimoire Screenshot

15. Jeanne D'Arc

Probably my favorite PSP game and my favorite SRPG. I just like this game. It's one of the reasons why I wanted a PSP and I think it's also overlooked.

Jeanne d'Arc Screenshot

14. Punch-Out!! Wii

I didn't think Next Level Games could do it but they made the best Punch-Out game ever! The animation is amazing, on par with Pixar and Disney. And the game is fun and challenging. One of the best Wii games!

Punch-Out!! Screenshot

13. New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Okay, I know you guys will flame me for this but I prefer New Super Mario over SMG *runs away*. I guess it's because I feel Super Mario belongs on 2D and this one is probably the closest thing to a modern-day remake of classic Super Mario we'll have...until Nintendo makes New Super Mario Wii 2! Nyaa

New Super Mario Bros. Wii Screenshot

12. Ghostbusters: The Video Game

If you guys read my review on this you'll know why I love this game so much. This really has become my favorite current-gen game. It's just fun to play.

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Screenshot

11. Company of Heroes

This game is the reason why I upgraded my PC. I cried when I bought this game and couldn't play it on my ancient rig. I rejoiced when I finally was able to play it once I upgraded. It's WWII plus RTS, one of my favorite genres, so it's perhaps my favorite RTS still to this day!

Company of Heroes Screenshot

10. No One Lives Forever 2

This is probably my favorite FPS of all-time. I just think the game is so funny and original; so different from the current brain-dead FPSs we get nowadays. And Kate Archer is a stunner and a great character!

No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way Picture

9. Pokemon Puzzle League

This barely made the cut for this decade list and even though it's based on a old SNES game, the puzzle mechanics is still addicting and awesome! Ignore the Poke-crap...the puzzle game is great! I prefer this over the soulless and joyless Planet Puzzle League. I'm still heartbroken how Nintendo casual'fied this game.  Sad

Pokemon Puzzle League Screenshot

8. Trials HD

People say it's a modern-day Excitebike. Gamespot says it's a puzzle game. I have no idea which genre this game should be in, but who cares since it's so darn fun and addicting! My favorite download game of this current-gen! I'm surprised how much I love this game.

Trials HD Screenshot

7. Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes

This has become my second favorite DS game. I was looking forward to this when I first saw it but I didn't realize how much I would end up loving it! It's a shame this may be overlooked. Hope it sells better through word of mouth.

Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes ScreenshotMight and Magic: Clash of Heroes Screenshot

6. Zelda: Twilight Princess

This is probably the closest thing to a Ocarina of Time remake we'll ever get! This is another one of those games where I just don't understand why people would hate it. It's criticized for being to safe and familiar...but is that really a bad thing because the recent console Zelda games still kick the turd out of 95% of all the other games out there? Anyway, regardless of what people say I love this game!

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Screenshot

5. Super Street Fighter IV

Might as well go ahead and put the "super" in the title, since it'll be on my top 5 list regardless. Not just for the decade, but for all-time! This is truly a dream gift game for Street Fighter fans. I love Third Strike but what killed it for me are the lack of the classic characters. SFIV is what Street Fighter is all about.

Street Fighter IV Screenshot

4. Dragon Quest VIII

It's all a matter of taste, of course. But when it comes to RPGs I prefer Dragon Quest over Dragon Age any day of the week, 365 days of the year! Dragon Age is cool too but I love Dragon Quest and VIII is my favorite.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King Picture

3. Metroid Zero Mission

Like Super Mario games, I prefer Metroid in its classical 2D form which is why Zero Mission is so high on my list. This is probably the best remake I ever played!

Metroid: Zero Mission Picture

2. Chrono Cross

Better than Chrono Trigger. There I said it. And I mean it. I also think this was PS1's best JRPG next to Suikoden II. Suikoden II would've been on my list but it came out a year to early to qualify for this decade list. Good thing Chrono Cross came out within the ten year period. Still my favorite JRPG of all-time!

Chrono Cross Picture

1. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Series (Ace Attorney, Justice For All, Trials & Tribulations)

This is my number one favorite series of all-time! I say series because like Metroid Prime I count this game as a whole because you have to play through all of them in order to get the full experience. No other game engulfed me as much as this series did. I actually felt a empty void in my life once I finished this series. I never ever felt that before with a game, movie, or a book but this series did that to me. That's how much I loved this game!

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Picture

Well, there's my Top 30 for the decade! Good thing I had some extra time this morning. I wanted to write one out so I guess this was the best time to do this.

Hope I'll love games for the next decade...maybe. Happy

Also, I say we all make one and discuss about it!
Edited: Sun, 27 Dec 2009 23:15:45


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 22:55:14
That's A LOT of PC games! You should start posting PC news on this site!

You've got similar taste to me in some respects, yet you enjoy genres I normally don't give much time to, too.

I felt the same way about Sim City for the SNES, but haven't played many since.

I enjoyed Pure, but have a very low tolerance for racing games (Burnout and Rush games being the exceptions).

I like puzzle and adventure games too, but I grow tired of them quickly also.

I respect the fact that you recognize, appreciate and hold in high regard sleeper titles not many others do! (Another thing we share in common!)

Good list; thought provoking!
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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 23:01:05

ASK_Story said:

 Okay, I know you guys will flame me for this but I prefer New Super Mario over SMG *runs away*. I guess it's because I feel Super Mario belongs on 2D and this one is probably the closest thing to a modern-day remake of classic Super Mario we'll have...until Nintendo makes New Super Mario Wii 2!  

 So you already bought SMG?! How far are you? Impressions please.

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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 23:08:57
Good call on the Phoenix Wright games at #1 (though technially it is a cop out since you're talking about 3 there).  Those games would grab me like no other.  Best adventure games I've played since the genre's golden era in the early 90's.
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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 23:11:04
You know, we need to find a way to consolidate these Top 30 lists.  They've all been really good.  I'm about to throw down with my own variation of one later tonight.
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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 23:17:17

Iga_Bobovic said:

ASK_Story said:

Okay, I know you guys will flame me for this but I prefer New Super Mario over SMG *runs away*. I guess it's because I feel Super Mario belongs on 2D and this one is probably the closest thing to a modern-day remake of classic Super Mario we'll have...until Nintendo makes New Super Mario Wii 2!  

So you already bought SMG?! How far are you? Impressions please.

*speechless* *mumbles* I don't have it yet...

But even if I did, I'll probably prefer NSMBWii. SMG is a great game and I want it for sure!


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 23:17:59

robio said:
You know, we need to find a way to consolidate these Top 30 lists.  They've all been really good.  I'm about to throw down with my own variation of one later tonight.

I think all of us should and discuss about them in our own threads! This is not just GOTY but the decade! I think it's worth sharing!


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 23:20:22

phantom_leo said:
That's A LOT of PC games! You should start posting PC news on this site!

You've got similar taste to me in some respects, yet you enjoy genres I normally don't give much time to, too.

I felt the same way about Sim City for the SNES, but haven't played many since.

I enjoyed Pure, but have a very low tolerance for racing games (Burnout and Rush games being the exceptions).

I like puzzle and adventure games too, but I grow tired of them quickly also.

I respect the fact that you recognize, appreciate and hold in high regard sleeper titles not many others do! (Another thing we share in common!)

Good list; thought provoking!

I guess the reason why I don't post too much PC news is because I'm getting all my current-gen game fixes with the 360. Also, I don't have a powerful PC to play some of the latest games, which have insane system requirements! Which is why I loved Torchlight so much since I could play it!

And we do have similar tastes in games after seeing your top 30. Sleeper hits and JRPGs are probably why I love games.

I think being known as the "niche king" of the VG boards is a compliment! Nyaa


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 23:21:26
Also edited:

I took out SFII Turbo HD Remix and replaced it with FFXII. I think SFIV is good enough for a Street Fighter game on my list.


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 23:26:05

ASK_Story said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

ASK_Story said:

Okay, I know you guys will flame me for this but I prefer New Super Mario over SMG *runs away*. I guess it's because I feel Super Mario belongs on 2D and this one is probably the closest thing to a modern-day remake of classic Super Mario we'll have...until Nintendo makes New Super Mario Wii 2!  

So you already bought SMG?! How far are you? Impressions please.

*speechless* *mumbles* I don't have it yet...

But even if I did, I'll probably prefer NSMBWii. SMG is a great game and I want it for sure!

 I played both and I can see why some people would prefer NSMBWii. But when it comes to production values, innovation, theme variety, graphics, music, story. SMG wins hands down.

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Sun, 27 Dec 2009 23:34:40

Iga_Bobovic said:

ASK_Story said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

ASK_Story said:

Okay, I know you guys will flame me for this but I prefer New Super Mario over SMG *runs away*. I guess it's because I feel Super Mario belongs on 2D and this one is probably the closest thing to a modern-day remake of classic Super Mario we'll have...until Nintendo makes New Super Mario Wii 2!  

So you already bought SMG?! How far are you? Impressions please.

*speechless* *mumbles* I don't have it yet...

But even if I did, I'll probably prefer NSMBWii. SMG is a great game and I want it for sure!

I played both and I can see why some people would prefer NSMBWii. But when it comes to production values, innovation, theme variety, graphics, music, story. SMG wins hands down.

I agree with you 100%.

But I guess nostalgia is a big part of it.

To be fair, if I were to choose the best games of this current-gen, I'd pick SMG over NSMBWii. But as a personal favorite, I'd have to go with classic Mario.


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Mon, 28 Dec 2009 03:33:49
"27. Final Fantasy XII

I guess it's fair and safe to say that this is my favorite console FF game"

Edited: Mon, 28 Dec 2009 03:34:38

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Mon, 28 Dec 2009 04:24:44

Good list ASK, mostly because it has given me interest to try some of the games on your list where previously I had none.  Like Might and Magic, No One Lives Forever 2, Pure, Ghostbusters and Grim Grimmoire.

Edited: Mon, 28 Dec 2009 04:25:51

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Mon, 28 Dec 2009 04:44:09

aspro said:

Good list ASK, mostly because it has given me interest to try some of the games on your list where previously I had none.  Like Might and Magic, No One Lives Forever 2, Pure, Ghostbusters and Grim Grimmoire.

I think No One Lives Forever 2 is a much better spy FPS game than Goldeneye 64. If you can find this and play it, it's a great game.


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Mon, 28 Dec 2009 04:58:20
I played No One Lives Forever on PC back in the day. It was a lot of fun. Never played the sequel, though. Both should have come out on consoles too.

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Mon, 28 Dec 2009 07:15:01
Good interesting list.  FFXII is awesome, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
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Mon, 28 Dec 2009 18:31:03

I love PW.

Are you hyped for Miles Edgeworth? How did you feel about the 4th game? I'm replaying it now and its better once you get over the new characters.

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Tue, 29 Dec 2009 00:00:37

gamingeek said:

I love PW.

Are you hyped for Miles Edgeworth? How did you feel about the 4th game? I'm replaying it now and its better once you get over the new characters.

Of course I'm excited about Miles Edgeworth! I got it marked on my calendar!

And Apollo Justice was okay. I honestly didn't like it better than the original trilogy, but it was more like a very nice dessert to the main course.

I thought the DS exclusive last case in the first Ace Attorney game was much better than all the cases in Apollo Justice. That was the best case I've played!


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Tue, 29 Dec 2009 10:47:37

Yeah man that fifth case in PW1 was the best, better than the rest of the first games cases and about as long. So awesome.

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