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Angered Game Developer Sues Critic Jim Sterling For $10 Million
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Thu, 17 Mar 2016 19:33:26

Angered Game Developer Sues Critic Jim Sterling For $10 Million


"On March 16, Digital Homicide formally filed a lawsuit in Arizona District Court, accusing Sterling of 'assault, libel, and slander' to the tune of $10 million. (The only reason 'assault' is listed is because libel is, legally speaking, part of a broader category when filing a lawsuit. Ignore that.) Digital Homicide claims Sterling, whose real name is James Stanton, has 'falsely accused [Digital Homicide] and caused damage' to the company. According to court documents, the company is asking for $2.26 million in direct product damage; $4.3 million in emotional, reputational, and financial distress; and $5 million in punitive damage requests. That adds up to $10.76 million, and it’s nothing to scoff at."


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Thu, 17 Mar 2016 19:34:50

Don't want to think of the far-reaching precedent this could set if developers could actually SUE critics for bad reviews, but either side of the case has pretty strong arguments. Sterling's "fans" certainly are NOT helping:


"Co-founder Robert Romine told me the lawsuit’s been in the works for roughly four months, and that Sterling crossed a line with 'continued coverage and harassment of every single title we have ever posted.' (Just yesterday, Sterling posted a six-minute video tearing apart their new games.) Romine also said he recently received a package full of feces in the mail, despite 'multiple requests private and public to the individual [Sterling] to inform his subscriber base to stop harassing me.'"


While I am nowhere near being a fan of Sterling's, I have agreed with him some times and not others. He doesn't tread likely, and I do like that. He also stands up for games he's passionate about --but-- he can be overly obnoxious at times and game critics do have a tendency to obsess over things they disagree with...

Don't know which side is in the right with this one, but it'll be interesting to see how this plays out nonetheless!


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Thu, 17 Mar 2016 19:35:33

I'm not "for" either side at this point. I think it would be very dangerous if Digital Homicide actually won. While Sterling has the right to his opinion he has the tendency to takes things too far. Waaay too far.

I'm intrigued to see what kind of info comes out of both sides of the argument from here on out. I can easily see this blowing up to something of 'GamerGate' proportions though and all the "facts" getting muddied to the point of uselessness, but I guess we'll see. Sterling is a well-known critic and gaming sites are picking up on this fairly quickly, so I'm sure we'll know what happens every step of the way.

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Thu, 17 Mar 2016 19:37:25

Sterling's old site, Destructoid, jumps into the fray:

Indie developer Digital Homicide sues Jim Sterling


"When asked for comment, Robert Romine instead forwarded Destructoid his entire conversation with another gaming outlet. When pressed for comment on the questions we actually sent, Romine said they were not disclosing the names of the attorneys involved in the case. He also framed the case as a fight against online harassment. 'We hope this case and documentation will show others they don't have to take it, what to do when it happens, and that those who do it will be punished.' Romine also told us that 're-printing defamatory materials in your own words would result in liability on your part,' which sounds an awful lot like a threat to me.

According to multiple sources close to the story, Destructoid does not kowtow to threats."


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Thu, 17 Mar 2016 20:15:25

So long as it isn't construed as hatespeech i.e. doesn't endanger anybody physically or mentally or put their human rights in jeopardy I am all for complete freedom of expression.


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Thu, 17 Mar 2016 21:51:46

Hmm, from what I'm reading, it sounds kind of like sour grapes  on Digital Homicide's part.  Sterling criticized them for attempting to squash any kind of negative feedback or criticisms of their games.  Maybe he went too far, maybe not, but DH comes off as a company who tries to sweep any issues regarding their games under the rug rather than fix them.

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Thu, 17 Mar 2016 21:54:56

I wish I was more familiar with Digital Homicide's games.

Edited: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 21:56:03
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Thu, 17 Mar 2016 21:55:51

The only thing that gets me is: It wasn't feedback. Sterling sought out and trashed their games on his own, each and every one of them! If the developer actually wanted critical praise or feedback, they would have submitted their games for actual review. They don't. Looks as if their games aren't reviewed by the press normally. Knowing Sterling's penchant for over-dramatization and stirring up controversy, I get the very strong feeling he's not as innocent as the internet is making him out to be.

Edit: It almost smacks of cyber-bullying.

Edited: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 21:56:54
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Thu, 17 Mar 2016 21:57:51

But what about criticism's from other gamers?  That's what I read he was calling them out on, their reluctance to listen to their own gaming community.

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Thu, 17 Mar 2016 21:59:24

I'm not familiar with Sterling either but I'm sure he can be quite the jackass but is he really in the wrong for holding their feet to the fire?

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Thu, 17 Mar 2016 22:00:03
travo said:

I wish I was more familiar with Digital Homicide's games.

They're probably rehash, knock-off, throw-away games a-la Flappy Birds, but that doesn't give Sterling the right to crusade against the developer like he's doing. Seems very unprofessional to me, UNLESS they are scummy and have ripped off other games' assets like Sterling is alleging.

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Thu, 17 Mar 2016 22:02:01
travo said:

But what about criticism's from other gamers?  That's what I read he was calling them out on, their reluctance to listen to their own gaming community.

Just for the heck of it, I looked at the Metacritic Scores for a handful of the games and a few of them have "Jim Sterling and the Jimquisition" mentioned in the actual gamer reviews. Seems more like fanboying and bullying than actual criticism from people that actually played the games.

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Thu, 17 Mar 2016 22:02:29

I'm wondering if he targets other developers?

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Thu, 17 Mar 2016 22:05:08

Then this has more in common with Gerstman-gate.  Remember the shitstorm that followed by gamers?

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Thu, 17 Mar 2016 22:05:22

Don't know, but his attitude seems to have crossed over from running joke to perpetual harassment. It's almost like he's latched on to this particular developer and won't let go. If it turns out he's correct about stealing assets, fine, but he's persistent to the point of almost being obsessive sometimes.

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Thu, 17 Mar 2016 23:14:45

Yeah this is an interesting case. It doesn't seem like it'll affect reviews per se but it goes after a game critic who continually attacks and berates a game and/or company. I like watching Jim Sterling myself but don't necessarily agree with everything he does. I'm not really sure that Digital Homicide has much to stand on here though as they also trash talked Jim Sterling as wel which kind of kept this whole thing going though. I bet you Konami is watching this pretty closely as Jim really likes to rip on them any chance he gets.


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Thu, 17 Mar 2016 23:26:45

Archangel3371 said:

I bet you Konami is watching this pretty closely as Jim really likes to rip on them any chance he gets.

Who doesn't? Nyaa

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Fri, 18 Mar 2016 02:25:57
travo said:

Archangel3371 said:

I bet you Konami is watching this pretty closely as Jim really likes to rip on them any chance he gets.

Who doesn't? Nyaa

LOL That is true.


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Mon, 21 Mar 2016 09:22:04

Anyone can sue anyone, doesn't mean anything.

I'd have to read Sterling's article/ review to see if they have any case.  But they have to demonstrate to the court actual damages (though out all that emotional etc...)

They would have to demonstrate loss of sales and reputation, as a direct result of Sterling's actions, in order for a judge have the case proceed. Which would be difficult.

Evidence would be sales figures trending at the time the article was published, the number of hits the article received prior to the case being brought and some correlation, including witnesses saying things like, "I was intending to purchase product X, until I read Sterling's article".

So he should be fine.

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