Forum > Gaming Discussion > Am I ready to do this? Phantom Leo's Top 10 Games of 2018!
Am I ready to do this? Phantom Leo's Top 10 Games of 2018!
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Sat, 22 Dec 2018 18:52:15


Monster Hunter: World

God of War

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Red Dead Redemption II

Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom


Megaman 11

Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

Soul Calibur VI

Octopath Traveler

Dead Cells

Tetris Effect

Hollow Knight

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Fri, 28 Dec 2018 05:49:23

Well I'm going to be totally wrong lol.

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Fri, 28 Dec 2018 13:45:14
My top 3 for GOTY are still on this list. Granted, I think I only played 4 games that came out this year and I haven't finished one yet.
Edited: Fri, 28 Dec 2018 14:14:22
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Fri, 28 Dec 2018 19:01:22

Oops! Forgot The Messenger! That will be added to the Finalists and the list will be done shortly!

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Fri, 28 Dec 2018 19:25:50

It’s Red Dead Redemption 2.  I can feel it.  Well, it should be.

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Sat, 29 Dec 2018 12:15:57

The toughest elimination yet:

Monster Hunter: World -- Such an evolution of the series. The streamlining made it something immensely more playable, but, although being obsessed with it for most of the beginning of the year, once I stopped, I never went back, not even to finish the last, big, non-DLC boss. It's kinda a lonely game if you don't have a group to play consistently with too.

God of War

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Red Dead Redemption II

Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom

Subnautica -- Moody and super-intriguing. I can almost tolerate the under water environment because it's so captivating. Great but there are too many good games this year.

Megaman 11

Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

Soul Calibur VI -- Best Soul Calibur in years. A true return to form, but it's Edged out by others.

Octopath Traveler

Dead Cells

Tetris Effect -- FUCKING incredible music, hypnotizing background elements, but it's Tetris. It's SO good it almost made it, but...

Hollow Knight -- I so wanted this game to be on my top-ten. I'm sure I'll RAVE about it once I actually get into it, but I tried it for ten minutes when I first got it, LOVED IT, but never formed a solid opinion on it and went back to whatever 100+ hour game I was wrapped up in at the time.

The Messenger

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Sat, 29 Dec 2018 12:21:34

The theme of this year's GOTY list is: Ghosts of the Past and Worlds you can Live in while you Escape Them.

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Sat, 29 Dec 2018 12:53:59
Poor Hollow Knight. The little Shadow came so close to making it into the top 10. Alas, it was not meant to be.
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Sat, 29 Dec 2018 15:05:02

Not gonna lie, It's been another tough year for me. Personal crises, health issues, with a bit of good old depression mixed in. I look back at my carefree days and wonder if they'll return. I've spent a good amount of time reminiscing about the golden days of gaming while avoiding life, wrapped up in 100+ hour open world games. I've finished a record low number of games (for me) comparatively. This list is more about games that mean something to me, more than ones I've played through from beginning to end. Without further ado...


10. Octopath Traveler -- The Super Nintendo era of RPGs was my favorite, even to this day. I haven't been nearly as engrossed in Role-Playing Games, their battle systems and stories, as simple as they tended to be back then, since then. I would sit for hours at a time when a new Final Fantasy would come out and beat them in a matter of 2 or 3 days. Octopath Traveler mimicks the looks and gameplay system of those classics. I can't help but love it!


9. The Messenger -- When I played the modern Ninja Gaiden games years ago, I missed the original series and feared I'd never see anything like those games ever again. I have so many good memories of the original trilogy on the NES, from their spot-on gameplay to their overly-dramatic but groundbreaking (at the time) cut-scenes. I buy the re-releases of them to keep at arms reach whenever they're made available. I LOVE the fact they are putting them on the Switch Online NES collection. How could I NOT love The Messenger? Take Ninja Gaiden, inject it with 16-bits and add some modern humor. As meaningful for me as Shovel Knight was the year IT came out!

Edited: Sat, 29 Dec 2018 18:53:29
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Sat, 29 Dec 2018 18:51:55

8. Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom -- Wonder Boy woulda, coulda, shoulda been to Sega what Zelda or Metroid was to Nintendo. Consistent, cohesive, stylized, colorful and FUN are all words that could be used to describe the games. They started as action and evolved into Adventure of Link / Metroid-Vania style adventure games. If you can recall from my Virtual Console topics, I owned, played and loved all of the incarnations across various systems. Sega let the series stagnate though until one company got the license to remaster The Dragon's Trap last year. This year Sega gave their full blessing for Monster Boy to pick up the mantle and run with it. They nailed the look and feel and even drop references to the older games throughout. Couldn't be happier with how it turned out!


7. Dead Cells -- Nearly a perfect game! Take CastleVania: SoN and put it in a blender with the very best of the Rogue genre and you get Dead Cells. It's not an overly complex game, but it has lots of different weapons and gear, and fighting styles that go along with them. With random equipment drops, perma-death and ever-changing dungeon lay-outs, you never quite know what you're gonna get AND you WILL die often as a result, but it's sooo rewarding as you make progress. I can't say enough good about this game. PLAY IT!

Edited: Sat, 29 Dec 2018 18:55:24
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Sat, 29 Dec 2018 19:15:42

6. Megaman 11 -- Do I even have to explain this one?


5. Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age -- The heart and soul of Dragon Quest is here and you have to love it for staying true to it's roots, gameplay and story-wise. It looks fantastic but plays like any other game in it's series, but that's not a bad thing at all. It's an old friend you see every couple of years that you always immediately click with and never have to compromise for. You know what to expect and it delivers. The characters all have their backgrounds and reasons for being there and they are loyal to you through the end. I love it's innocence in this day and age. More games should take notes. I saw the credits roll, but never finished the post-game, super-important content. Rest assured, I will.

Edited: Sat, 29 Dec 2018 20:09:25
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Sat, 29 Dec 2018 19:44:49

For the most part, the first half of this list has been the games that reminded me of better days and made me smile. It's nice to know the past hasn't been forgotten and there are people who love the things you used to too. These games kept me grounded in times where I felt things were getting a bit out of control and the memories they recalled lighted some pretty dark days.

The rest of the games, save one that didn't make the list and the other that's not like the others, were my escape.

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Sat, 29 Dec 2018 19:48:43
Deeeeeeeeeeeeewdddddddd..... You need to finish the game. I know you know it's important, but it's even more important than that. If the first two-thirds of the game or like an old friend, the last third turns into a long lost photo album or yearbook. It can feel a little redundant at times, but the pay-off will leave you with the greatest warm and fuzzy feeling a game has ever given you.
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Sat, 29 Dec 2018 19:50:02
Oh and thanks for listing the Messenger. I keep forgetting what the game is based on the title. They should have named it Ninja Messenger.
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Sat, 29 Dec 2018 19:59:54
I was rooting for Minster Boy to take the top spot. Great list.
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Sat, 29 Dec 2018 20:05:47

4. Assassin's Creed Odyssey -- The game I spent the most time with this year, believe it or not! This is the Breath of the Wild of the AC series. The lands you explore are IMMENSE; there are more quests here than you'll ever complete. Alexios is charasmatic AF and apparently has a nice set on him...  WinkWink  ...but there's even so much more than that. You earn your ability to assassinate, it's not simply a button press and instant kill anymore. The weapons you choose to use make a difference and change the way you play. The skill tree allows you to customize your character to tailor the game even more so.  Every time you think you've seen all the game has to offer, it expands more and more and more... and more! Did I even mention the loot? It's a great representation of the ancient Greek world; there's smatterings of mythology in there too... It almost beat out the next mythology-based game on my list, but that one had things going for it, AC: Odyssey did not.


3. God of War -- What a game... I put this baby on Hard from the get go and threw myself at it, Kratos-style... and got my ass handed to me again and again and again. I wanted to earn each victory and feel as bad-ass as the God of War myself... Little did I know the game was going to make him so... human and dad-like. The way he was portrayed, the way that he developed, his relationship with the BOY... even the camera-freakin-angle made this game feel sooo personal, it's nearly indescribable. I love the way they kept the story simple, but still had epic twists throughout. There were spine-chilling moments too that I haven't had elsewhere. This one was a perfect example of modern, interactive story-telling and could have easily been my number one game this year if not for the other two.

Edited: Sat, 29 Dec 2018 21:54:51
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Sat, 29 Dec 2018 20:16:15

It's come down to new versions of past year's GOTYs for me... Probably not going to be great surpises here but...

...Oh! Come to think of it... maybe I shouldn't have said Ghosts of the Past before... Maybe I should have said Spirits...?  WinkWink

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Sat, 29 Dec 2018 20:56:13

2. Read Dead Redemption 2 -- I'm not even done with this game yet, yet here it is! Why? Open world games have been my escape from reality for a better part of this year. RDR2 is the most detailed and realistic representation of a world in a game for me yet. Sure, the big-plot twists haven't happened yet and the story isn't even half-way through, but THIS is a world you feel like you can live in. Hunt, eat, sleep, explore, work, bathe, track and skin animals, be good, be bad, gain weight, lose weight, grow a beard, grow-mutton chops, play dominoes, fish... You can spend hours upon hours in this game and not even touch the story. What a world too! So many sites to see, so many animals, plants and items to add to the compendium. Random encounters, shrinking horse-testicles! I don't know what impresses me the most with everything Rockstar offered up here. I'll sometimes boot up the game, just to hunt a deer and bring it back to camp. Such a mundane thing but tasks like that are rewards in themselves. You do them, just to do something, not because it advances the game. Yes, yes, it's super-awesome that Rockstar made this a prequal to RDR. It humanizes characters that were pretty much just targets and chapter objectives in the last game. You see how some characters came to be who they were in the first game, you see them (sometimes sadly) going through their motions although you already know what fate holds in store for them. Ironically enough, it takes a bleak and sometimes dismal game to draw me out of some bleak and dismal personal issues, but, hey, whatever works!  In the way God of War tells a great and personal story in a modern and interactive way, RDR2 lets you live a life and experience the death of the Old West first hand too. GoW was fantastic and mythological, RDR2 is grounded and ultra-realistic. Utterly FANTASTIC game... despite the install time!  Nyaa  Can't wait to dig into the online side of it too!

Edited: Sat, 29 Dec 2018 21:04:23
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Sat, 29 Dec 2018 21:01:42

So your top three are the same as mine.  Just switch numbers one and two.

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Sat, 29 Dec 2018 21:44:16

1. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate -- Words like Deluxe and Ultimate are thrown around the videogame industry way too often. They begin to lose their meaning. Marketers throw the word Ultimate at the end of a game's name when, in reality, most of the time, they should just say "Slightly Better than the Last Version." Smash Bros. is the first game I can think of that deserves it's moniker. When they said "Everyone is Here" I was psyched. When I saw Ridley and Simon Belmont I was elated. I was amused to see them throw in the Echo characters and shocked at the inclusion of Piranha and exclusion of Waluigi. Nothing, nothing, nothing prepared me for over 1000 Spirits though! It's no secret or surprise how many games I've played in my lifetime anymore. Just as people have an affinity for their favorite character, or two or three, and they get emotional when they see Solid Snake or Sonic, multiply that number times a few thousand and every, single last Spirit or Song that's in the game calls up memories and elicits an emotion from me. Every Pokeball, every Assist character everything from Super Scopes to Fire-Flowers, from Blargg to Chargin' Chuck and the Robot Masters and Old-School Roll from the Megaman Series... They all bring a smile to my face at a time when it's desperately needed! The World of Light is my playground, Rescuing Spirits and Challenging the Spirit Board will be my past-time for a long time... Yes, I actually go to the song menu, play songs and drift away in thought... I liken the beginning of the game to a metaphor for my life at the moment: When everything crumbles around you, just try to stay ahead of it, grasp for that light and start to take action. Is it ironic that Kirby was the sole survivor? The simplest of all the characters kinda has the right idea: Eat, sleep, be happy and do what you can to help to make things right again. If ever there was an Ecapsulation of who I was, what I want to be and everything I love about gaming, it's this game. There's NO WAY it wasn't going to be my number one. I have anticipated it more than any other game this year and feverish dove into it for the first dozen days it was out. Where many other games on this list were my escape, this game is my reminder of who I am... Not only is this my GOTY, I feel it is truly one of the greatest achievements in gaming creation and collaboration of all time.

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