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Official Uncharted 2 GOTY thread.
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Thu, 26 Aug 2010 12:22:29

Dvader said:

There are like three. There is a setpiece in that game which will blow your mind.

 The copter chase sequence?  That was a lot of fun.  Except for when I got caught in a wall and had to start from the last checkpoint.  I really enjoyed bringing that helicopter down.  That counts as a bossfight!  It gives the game that little bit extra.

I played through 12 levels.  I think I'm about half way through.  The game is fantastic.  Definitely makes good on a lot of the promise of the original.  I love how the locations are so much more colourful.  The levels in the streets and buildings of the Nepalese city especially are really beautiful.  Can't wait to play more tonight.

aspro said:
I think bosses in their traditional form are a crutch -- I never particularly enjoy them unless they are in a game like SMG.  

I'm more open to levels as bosses and more creative ways of raising tension.

 I think i'm still very traditional in how I feel about game design for particular genres.  I still enjoy having a climatic event at the end of (or once every few) levels, and a boss fight is a good way to do that.  I'm open to alternative designs (Ico for example is one of my favourite games) but I think by and large, bosses, when done with creativity, have provided, for me, some of my most intense and memorable gaming moments


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Thu, 26 Aug 2010 12:56:10

aspro said:
I think bosses in their traditional form are a crutch -- I never particularly enjoy them unless they are in a game like SMG.  

I'm more open to levels as bosses and more creative ways of raising tension.

But most of the bosses in SMG are the worst part! Nyaa

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Thu, 26 Aug 2010 17:34:32
The first copter chase is an appetizer to the amazing that soon follows.
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Mon, 30 Aug 2010 01:04:46

i'm over 95% in the campaign and i am wishing it could go on and i have to say this is very rare with games for me nowadays.  this game is a constant thrill ride and the pacing reminds me somewhat of resident evil 4 ie it is near perfect.

somethings annoyed me though.  three times now i got caught in walls and had to restart from the previous checkpoint, and more annoyingly the game froze on me on the odd occasion Sad


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Mon, 30 Aug 2010 02:54:42

bugsonglass said:

i'm over 95% in the campaign and i am wishing it could go on and i have to say this is very rare with games for me nowadays.  this game is a constant thrill ride and the pacing reminds me somewhat of resident evil 4 ie it is near perfect.

somethings annoyed me though.  three times now i got caught in walls and had to restart from the previous checkpoint, and more annoyingly the game froze on me on the odd occasion Sad

 Told you. Uncharted 2 was magical. It was one of those games you play and you know you are playing something very special. For me GOTY was a very easy choice last year.

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Mon, 30 Aug 2010 07:19:29

bugsonglass said:

i'm over 95% in the campaign and i am wishing it could go on and i have to say this is very rare with games for me nowadays.  this game is a constant thrill ride and the pacing reminds me somewhat of resident evil 4 ie it is near perfect.

somethings annoyed me though.  three times now i got caught in walls and had to restart from the previous checkpoint, and more annoyingly the game froze on me on the odd occasion Sad

 I never got stuck on a wall, but in one area (the big puzzle tomb) I did get behind the wall (but I could go back and forth.  Given the detail on that game I'm surprised that was all I ran into technical problem-wise.

When you are done with the campaign I'll let you know my small issues with the game, but really it's just nit-picking.  It was my 2009 GOTY (for games released in that year).

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Mon, 30 Aug 2010 07:40:45

bugsonglass said:

i'm over 95% in the campaign and i am wishing it could go on and i have to say this is very rare with games for me nowadays.  this game is a constant thrill ride and the pacing reminds me somewhat of resident evil 4 ie it is near perfect.

 Yeah, the single player is probably some of the best. It's one of those games, like you mentioned, where you don't want it to end because it's so fun.

I know you don't play multiplayer that much, but that's where the longevity comes in with this game. The multiplayer content is so good that it could be a stand alone game in itself. It's not just the competitive stuff but also the co-op stuff.

I highly recommend it!

I think that's why I personally think Uncharted 2 is the best all-around game of this gen because it excels in both single and multiplayer content, which you can't really say that on some other good games.


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Mon, 30 Aug 2010 12:54:24

I finished the single player campaign Sad  The game seemed a little on the short side compared to the first but I think it was because I was enjoying it more and because it never got repetitive like the first one did.

It's easily a AAA game for the single player alone, and I have every reason to believe everyone else who says that the multiplayer is just as good if not better.  If only that did it for me.

One thing I regret is not playing the game on hard mode.  I thought about it briefly when I was starting the game (as Drake's Fortune felt a little too easy on medium) but then decided against it as I didn't want to get stuck or frustrated.  I thought the gunfights were a bit easy.  Always plentiful ammo and big choice of weapons and never an overly big number of enemies.  But this is not really a complaint, more of a small personal regret.  If I didn't have so many games waiting to be played for the first time, i'd definitely give this game another run-through on a higher difficulty.

I know I made a big fuss about the first game having just 2 kinds of enemies, monotonous combat and not a single boss fight.  Was very happy to see and i'm very happy to report that this sequel addressed every one of those issues.  There are many excellent and memorable set pieces, many more kinds of enemies, bigger enemies and "things" which I'm happy to consider as boss fights and also new gameplay elements.  Stealth sequences and stealth kills is one such element, which I thought was done very well and was very enjoyable.  Hand to hand combat was another.  Though it existed in the first game, i've had to do a lot more of this time around.  This, though it looked good and felt quite visceral was never properly explained and it felt kind of like random button mushing with the odd button prompt.  This is one of the minor complaints I had.  The platforming (environmental puzzles) felt a lot like Ico ie it was great.  The puzzles were a nice change of pace and were fun to do and using the notebook to find the answer was nice.

The game left me really looking forward to part 3 which i'm pretty sure is being made, right?  And also with a hard decision to make about what to play next as U2 is a pretty hard act to follow


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Mon, 30 Aug 2010 17:27:18
Naughty Dog is being tight lipped about a third part. It's definitely coming, but nothing official yet. 

I've been playing multiplayer like a madman these past few days. I thought I had gotten over it, but got sucked in again. This totally kills my chances of properly dealing with my backlog. 
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Tue, 31 Aug 2010 11:17:37

How long is it bugs?

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Tue, 31 Aug 2010 11:20:23

gamingeek said:

How long is it bugs?

it took me about 11-12 hours.  and my times to finish games are usually longer than I hear from most other people


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Wed, 01 Sep 2010 09:38:59
Yeah it only seemed short because it is so enjoyable.

My issues with the game come down to one level -- the tank through the village level.

On my first play through I had hardly any idea as to what I was supposed to be doing.  It wasn't difficult, it was just frustrating.

And then after that level they have the large open stone geometric level, which reminded my of a Halo online level, which was completely out of synch with the rest of the game.

But the rest of it was pure perfection.

I love that game, and the ending... okay the bridge part was lame, but the ending ending...  it was a lot like the end of NMH2 -- ohnotheydinint...

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Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:25:37

i figured out pretty quickly during the "tank through the village" level that I wasn't meant to fight it outright and it was just a matter of traversing the level and finding the path forward until you got the RPGs etc.

with respect to the geometry of some levels, it was obvious that they were designed with competitive multiplayer in mind


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