I also beat
2. Monster's Expedition - Tomas add it to the list boyo. Cute puzzle game. Hella cute. I think its funnest part is the working the puzzle part of the game? if that makes sense. Its more direct parallel isn't Swapper (maybe a nicer version of Stephen's Sausage Roll lol), but the feeling i have for the puzzles is similar.
3. Untitled Goose Game - It's a meme game
4. Ys 1 - cute, the bosses actually hint at how this battle system could be pretty fun, but they are all a bit too limited except for the last boss. Who if you play on PC, and on a 144 hz monitor, yeah cap that shit asap. That shit moves way too fast because of the increased framerate lol
I beat Catherine: Full Body yesterday on Switch. It's still a great, unique game. I'd say it even aged pretty well, although the facial animations show their age, but not in a way that impedes on the enjoyment of the game itself. The additions and changes that were made for this rerelease are all improvements. I did notice that in the final stages of the game, how you answer the question's you're being asked doesn't alter the outcome anymore. As someone who saw his whole meter shift balance due to one late game answer, I'd say that's for the better.
I'm thining of heading back in for another playthrough in which I'll try to be as 'evil' as possible in my replies to see where that takes me and how much difference it really makes. - 9/10
robio said:I finished the first part of the Control DLC, and found it quite enjoyable. I'm now trying to wrap up that Alan Wake related DLC and it's harder than hell. I'm sure Alan Wake fans would have a field day with it, but I've got no clue what's going on. At any rate, I'm stuck in a boss fight that is one of the hardest ever played. On a similar note, I found out I'm one optional boss fight away from the platinum trophy for the main game. Unfortunately that too is a damn near impossible boss fight.
Yeah there are a couple of boss fights in there that kind of bring the game down a bit with their difficulty spike. If you don’t have any qualms about cheating you can go into the options and turn assist mode on and adjust various settings that’ll make you invincible and kill any enemy in one shot from any weapon or ability. This will still allow you to get the trophies/achievements. I did that for the final Alan Wake dlc boss and one optional boss, probably the same one you have left. I tried fighting them a few times and it was just getting too frustrating. I spent tons of time already with the game proper and have pretty much all my abilities maxed out. I just want to have everything done in this game and quite frankly my time is limited and I really don’t want to spend it banging my head against a wall.
I regret nothing!
on the other hand, I also went through the Panzer Dragoon Remake and that was a lot of fun. I only plead the original for about 5 minutes at a game store when it first came out, so I didn't really have a lot to compare it to. However, I can definitely see why so many people were nuts for this game and series.
robio said:I finished up Control AWE thanks to Archie's suggestion (and got that platinum trophy). It was okay, but I definitely did not enjoy it as much as I did the main game and the other DLC. Without much prior knowledge of Alan Wake You can only get so invested in it. had I played it though, I'm sure it would have been great fan service.
on the other hand, I also went through the Panzer Dragoon Remake and that was a lot of fun. I only plead the original for about 5 minutes at a game store when it first came out, so I didn't really have a lot to compare it to. However, I can definitely see why so many people were nuts for this game and series.
Nice. I just have one achievement left to get. It’s the one where I need to find all the collectibles in The Foundation. I’m at 94% right but not sure where to look so just need to run around and try to find them. Might be a bit annoying.
I 'beat' MH:W Iceborn Friday, and with that have answered the topics tittle. What can be better than 69? A threesome, that's what!
Anyhow, great expansion. There's still plenty to do of course, but we saw the credits roll, so I'm counting it as a win. The expansion fixed my biggest gripe with the base game, namely too many dinosaurs and too little of anything else. There could have been more variety still, but I'll take what we got. The clutchclaw is a cool addition, makes a big difference when you're rocking a Hammer like me, allowing you to get in the action fast/out of harm's way fast. As ever, the final 'boss' was a bit of a letdown. I don't get why they feel the need to bring in these larger monsters that, for the sake of being beatable' hardly move about while you just attack their toes. I would have been very content if Namielle had been tougher and was the final boss.
SupremeAC said:I 'beat' MH:W Iceborn Friday, and with that have answered the topics tittle. What can be better than 69? A threesome, that's what!
Anyhow, great expansion. There's still plenty to do of course, but we saw the credits roll, so I'm counting it as a win. The expansion fixed my biggest gripe with the base game, namely too many dinosaurs and too little of anything else. There could have been more variety still, but I'll take what we got. The clutchclaw is a cool addition, makes a big difference when you're rocking a Hammer like me, allowing you to get in the action fast/out of harm's way fast. As ever, the final 'boss' was a bit of a letdown. I don't get why they feel the need to bring in these larger monsters that, for the sake of being beatable' hardly move about while you just attack their toes. I would have been very content if Namielle had been tougher and was the final boss.
Just finished an RPG that was as obnoxious and rewarding as it was innovative. Glad I stuck it out, but also glad to see it's done!
phantom_leo said:Just finished an RPG that was as obnoxious and rewarding as it was innovative. Glad I stuck it out, but also glad to see it's done!
Nice. I remember playing through that on the 360 and definitely felt kind of awkward but also interesting in a way.
I beat Celeste a couple of days ago. I didn't realize it was beaten untill I booted it up again yesterday and it became very clear that the remaining levels were additional content only for the diehards.
I always enjoy games where there's some serious 2D platforming challenge to be had. The way the levels are broken up in seperate 'screens' with an autosave after you've cleared each 'screen' allows the platforming to be really challenging, because when you die not much is lost. The collectible strawberries are done masterfully as well, in hidden area's or in plain sight but seemingly just out of reach. The story felt a bit bolted on, with very little connection between story and gameplay, other than the story influencing some of the graphical makeup of the levels. 8/10
Finished a run of Hades after about 19 hours, so I guess that's a game counted as done. Will keep playing sporatically for sure.
robio said:I finished the first part of the Control DLC, and found it quite enjoyable. I'm now trying to wrap up that Alan Wake related DLC and it's harder than hell. I'm sure Alan Wake fans would have a field day with it, but I've got no clue what's going on. At any rate, I'm stuck in a boss fight that is one of the hardest ever played. On a similar note, I found out I'm one optional boss fight away from the platinum trophy for the main game. Unfortunately that too is a damn near impossible boss fight.
Just started the Alan wake DLC, so far so good. I got the platinum in the main game already, there wasn't much that was too hard, maybe one dude gave me issues. I love the side content in this game, some great surprises.
Beat Gato Roboto yesterday. Played it through in one sitting. It was... not as good as I was expecting. It wasn't even really fun. A really simple metroidvania game with very little challenge and even less backtracking. There's upgrades you unlock, but no real need to go back and use them in previous locations. I got 78% completion on my first go, without trying to find everything. The graphics are also pretty basic, with only binary graphics with the use of one background and one foreground colour. This could prove an interesting excercise, but the devs don't really do much with it, it's all just very simple. It's also hard to see how this could have been released without Nintendo taking notice really. you play as a cat in a mech suit, which is clearly, heavily, inspired by Samus Aran's power suit in so far that it's near identical. Anyhow, I score this 4/10
Just finished Bowser’s Fury and what a fantastic addition. It’s an open world Super Mario game but on a smaller scale. You run around on this singular map doing various things to collect shines that open up more sections and allow you to battle Bowser. Just a whole lot of fun. It would be interesting to see if something like this could translate into a full on Super Mario game. 9/10
Yeah, I haven't finished anything yet. I moved in with my mom , still there
. It's really taken a toll on my gaming time. I said this year is the year that I play less games and get the most out of each that I play. Still playing Days Gone and I believe I'll go for the platinum.