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Metroid: Other M
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Fri, 27 Aug 2010 19:56:26
I read every single damn review and I nailed it. I should just review games based on early videos cause I swear I said stuff in this thread that is almost word for word in some of these reviews. Minor spoilers below

Anyway those that like it seem to enjoy the control scheme, they like the combat and generally enjoyed the Metroid experience. While not as good as many Metroid games they still felt it was a good entry. They all agree the last few hours are awesome and post game you can explore the game like a normal Metroid game.

Those that did not like it hated the story. Apparently Samus is a whiny self doubting woman that is nothing like we thought she would be. They dont like the controls, they feel the mix of 2D and 3D didnt work. They hate the idea of having your powers activated by Adam. They say its too linear. The combat is way too shallow and gets repetitive. Exploring for items is not as fun as it is in other games.

They all agree that the bosses are well done. Most reviews mention the last few hours, something major happens and they all say its awesome BUT its a tease. Though there are two endings, after you finish the game get 100% to get the real ending and they say that was awesome. You unlock hard mode after that.  Most finished the game around 10 hours, about 2-3 more hours to find all items and get the real ending.

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Fri, 27 Aug 2010 20:05:36
What I am most afraid of its the combat. I just finished playing a game that tried to be an action game but didn't have any of the aspects that make for a good action game like lots of new moves, weapons, a good combo system, challenging enemies, etc. This game doesn't even have new moves, you start off the game exactly how you finish it, how can a combat system sustain that for so long. The only way is if the enemies are very diverse and from the sound of it they are not, only the bosses seem to make great use of your abilities. Hmm I wonder how hard mode will even work, I guess just increase damage.
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Sat, 28 Aug 2010 16:46:48

Nice work D. Enjoyed skimming those.

I actually pre-ordered a couple of days back. I knew I had to play it and I was expecting 8.0-8.5s so the scores are in line with what I expected.

G4 and GI are toilet paper sites/mags which I pay no attention to anymore.

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Sat, 28 Aug 2010 17:29:43

I taken offence to that. Have you ever had to wipe yourself with something other than toilet paper? Well, did you? 

I had to wipe my butt with a news paper once. An experience I would not want to relive any time soon. Toilet paper needs to get more respect. 

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Sat, 28 Aug 2010 17:52:12

Iga_Bobovic said:

I taken offence to that. Have you ever had to wipe yourself with something other than toilet paper? Well, did you?

I had to wipe my butt with a news paper once. An experience I would not want to relive any time soon. Toilet paper needs to get more respect.

Did you get black ink residue on your butt?

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Sat, 28 Aug 2010 17:56:35
I wiped my ass once on some large, green, plant leaf. The farmer I worked as a teenager for told me it was farmers toilet paper. LOL

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Sat, 28 Aug 2010 18:00:28

Ravenprose said:
I wiped my ass once on some large, green, plant leaf. The farmer I worked as a teenager for told me it was farmers toilet paper. LOL


What the f***?

Did he sniff the leaf later or roll it up and smoke it in a pipe?

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Sat, 28 Aug 2010 18:02:30

gamingeek said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

I taken offence to that. Have you ever had to wipe yourself with something other than toilet paper? Well, did you?

I had to wipe my butt with a news paper once. An experience I would not want to relive any time soon. Toilet paper needs to get more respect.

Did you get black ink residue on your butt?

 Not sure, I am not that flexible!

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Sun, 29 Aug 2010 04:16:11
 It'd be hard to tell amongst all the oil residue anyway!

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Mon, 30 Aug 2010 14:08:32
I wouldn't mind trying it.

Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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Wed, 01 Sep 2010 00:52:32

phantom_leo said:
I am playing Metroid: Other M cautiously right now.

I have never NOT liked a Metroid game. The only one I have NOT finished was Echoes. *Got up to the very, very end and just lost interest.*

Playing a Metroid game for me is like continuing a story started 24 years ago.

As much as I loved the Prime games, Zero Mission, Metroid 2, Super and Fusion always got me more excited and the stories in those games intrigued me more.

Fusion was my least favorite of the side-scrollers, due to the mission structure and linearity of it. My interest was peeked by the SA-X, the continuing Ridley conflict, the back-story of Adam and the Federation Conspiracy, but the gameplay itself left me wanting a tiny bit...

We'll see on Other M...

I like the controls. There's NOTHING wrong with them! Tools that grew up knowing ONLY analog sticks may have issues, but I am not one of those. Pointing the remote at the screen --ALSO-- not a big deal... Get over it dual analog-stickers! Oh noes! You have to move your thumbs --AND-- your wrists? This is too much exertion for me... *losers!* It's not the typical Metroid control scheme; I can deal with that.

Samus taking orders from Malkovich...? You have bombs but you're not allowed to use 'em 'til Adam says so... Nyah! The internal monologue-ing...? Such self-doubt and regret...? Such a monotone voice...? Errr... THIS is going to take some getting used to!

I appreciate the stories in the Metroid games (as sparse as they could be)... but this may be a tad overdone!

We'll see...

phantom_leo said:

aspro said:

Sounds like a 7.5 from Leo Nyaa

I read your impressions, glad to know the only thing that blows is the exposition.  

I wouldn't go that far yet...

I understand where the over-dramaticism is coming from... Samus was raised from childhood to be a cold, hardened hunter. Something was touched in her heart when the very thing she was sent to exterminate, imprinted on her and saw her as its mother. The emotion of seeing something like that for the first time in her life, then having the baby not only sacrifice itself for her but then getting brutally annihilated shortly after, left an impression on her. It haunts her. I get it.

I'm thinking the way it is portrayed is a bit of culture shock though. The monologue, the monotone... it's often seen in Japanese anime and movies...

I dunno. Metroid from the beginning was almost seen as a "Western" styled Nintendo game. Where Fantasy was the norm, Sci-Fi was what made Metroid unique. I believe a lot of people began to associate Fantasy to the East, Sci-Fi to the West. Seeing something like Metroid with such "Eastern" presentation in the story-line... It just seems... off.

If the story is interesting enough, I can forgive this and may actually enjoy it a lot. (I'll admit I felt something when I saw the intro with Mother Brain and the Baby.)

It's just DIFFERENT right now. Different isn't always bad. It just comes across as something you're not expecting from a Metroid game.

We'll see...

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Wed, 01 Sep 2010 01:04:26
Playing a bit more.

It's growing on me quickly.

Even a "bad" Metroid game is better than most other games.

This is definitely NOT a bad game by any means.

It is EXTREMELY Fusion-like. You have your "chunks" of area to explore, then the story-line advances, then more to explore.

I can tell from the start I am going to miss the: "Find a mysterious object in the environment, make note of it, return to it after finding an upgrade" exploration aspect of most Metroid games. You do explore. Most of the time you are on your own. The areas are not that large, though and the items you find just don't have that sense of achievement to them that the other games had. It's hard to put into words.

The mini-missions you complete that are assigned to you and the resulting story bits from doing that --THAT'S-- where you get your sense of achievement/rewards from. It's not a bad thing...

I stress again that the controls are not a problem --AND-- if anyone remembers my comment about simplifying Samus' controls to make it easier to have her look more cinematically "bad-ass" I was completely correct on that.

So far, I don't mind the story bits too much. I've always had a question in the back of my mind of --WHO-- exactly Adam was (from Fusion) and at the very least this game answers THAT question. It's basically a Metroid game with a fleshed out story-line for a change; again, different, but not bad.

More later.

(Where's Vader?)

Edited: Wed, 01 Sep 2010 01:06:23
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Wed, 01 Sep 2010 03:22:52
No rage at unskippable cutscenes? Weak Samus? Sexy Samus? Terrible impressions! Terrible! Nyaa

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Wed, 01 Sep 2010 03:30:32
Thanks for the impressions Leo. I should get a few hours with her...err it tonight.
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Wed, 01 Sep 2010 03:31:20
One very important aspect you have left out Leo, the music, how is it?
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Wed, 01 Sep 2010 09:09:36
Uhhh, uhhhhh... this game is weird.  I don't what it is about it, if it is just the fact that it isn't a 2D game or if its the design but this:

Doesn't feel anything like this

I really really prefer the latter.

As Leo said the controls are fine, you will have a hang of them almost instantly. Even the switching to first person thing is no problem. I am surprised that the first person missile shooting is honestly not that bad at all. Samus move at such a great speed, jumping feels right, its just nice to see her in third person. It is a beautiful game to look at as well.

The game structure is identical to Fusion so far. You enter an area and go to the navigation computer. It downloads a map and tells you where you need to go. The difference being each section in Fusion allowed for exploration and had many hidden paths, so far this game is way too linear.  There are lots of hallways with simple enemies so all you do is run and press A and everything dies in your path.  I know that is sort of what you do in 2D Metroid games as well but it feels different. Honestly this is a bigger shock to the system than Prime ever was.  I think since we all have played a FPS before the transition was easier. I really don't know what to compare this game to, its a unique mix of gameplay that is for sure.

The game is good when harder enemies show up. These enemies have different attack patterns and you will need to use your dodge powerup move to beat them. Some have different strategies than other, like whether or not to use missiles.  Here the combat feels important and fun. It is a bit Ninja Gaiden like I must admit, honestly I wish every room had these kind of enemies, might as well go full action game if you are going to remove exploration.

I am still in the early hours which I have read from everyone is the worst part. Every once in a while I see something that reminds me I am playing Metroid like a door that is blocked with a super missile which I don't have yet. Or a powerup unreachable at this moment. Also the one boss I fought was pretty good. But for the most part you just go down the path they want you to go, fight the enemies the game scripted for you and watch cutscenes.

The cutscenes are well done, beautiful CG. I don't care much for the story, its fine, I guess people that like this stuff will eat it up. While the graphics are gorgeous the music is lacking. I don't know what is going on but all I hear is random mood music, its garbage. Metroid is known for its music, where the hell is it?

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Wed, 01 Sep 2010 09:55:45
What's lacking about the music?

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Wed, 01 Sep 2010 11:04:35
Thanks for the impressions Leo.

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Wed, 01 Sep 2010 11:10:21

phantom_leo said:
It is EXTREMELY Fusion-like. You have your "chunks" of area to explore, then the story-line advances, then more to explore.

 I didn't like Fusion, so it sounds like it's a good thing I skipped this one.

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Wed, 01 Sep 2010 11:16:26

Foolz said:
No rage at unskippable cutscenes? Weak Samus? Sexy Samus? Terrible impressions! Terrible! Nyaa

She's neither weak, nor sexy. She's kinda subdued, emotionless and monotonous.

Before the Baby Metroid incident she was bitter and rebellious. After...

The Japanese seem to portray someone with emotional baggage as flat, emotionless, with a monotone voice doing LOTS and LOTS of internal monologue-ing.

According to the story seeing her parents killed by Ridley left her wanting for a "Father figure." Adam is that figure; THAT'S why he gets away with telling her when she can use her upgrades or not.

Of course, by the time Fusion rolls around, Adam is no longer alive... This game BETTER explain that!

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