Forum > Gaming Discussion > XENOBLADE Reviews from page 10 onwards - "A goosebump inducing, splendid, expansive, epic."
XENOBLADE Reviews from page 10 onwards - "A goosebump inducing, splendid, expansive, epic."
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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 22:53:52

Xenoblade is dispatched! It is coming!

Some data.

Xenoblade has sold 141,059 copies in Japan.

What do you reckon will be the Euro and Aussie numbers?

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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 22:56:51

GG posted a tweet about there being shortages due to unexpected demand or something or other.  Maybe this will be another unexpected runaway hit like Demon's Souls or something.  I hope so.  Let me check if they sent my copy...


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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 23:46:58

They probably only had like 50k copies for all of Europe or something Nyaa

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Fri, 19 Aug 2011 03:48:05

500 in Australia.

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Fri, 19 Aug 2011 22:00:04

I did a little research today. I walked around the center of Rotterdam and only one store actually had Xenoblade. I think there are not many copies printed in Europe. Hopefully the word of mouth will carry it like it did with Demon Souls.

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Sat, 20 Aug 2011 14:31:02

Xenoblade get bitches.

Will play later.

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Sat, 20 Aug 2011 14:37:43
Iga_Bobovic said:

Xenoblade get bitches.

Will play later.

Did you buy it on the highstreet or did your copy arrive?  That was very quick


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Sat, 20 Aug 2011 15:47:41

Played some more yesterday and today.

Some pretty epic shit started happening. All very anime, highly emotional and cool, not original but thrilling nonetheless.

I'm really, really starting to admire the battle system in this game. It's a cinch to use, yet has layers and layers of depth. Fights are exciting but also tactical.

I can't really tell you what happened as I don't want to spoil the story, but let's just say that the stakes were immediately raised, as was the tension. And now, finally I am setting out on this epic, massive adventure. Seems like it will be a huge shame for the North Americans to miss out on this one.

Wow @ Gamespots Xenoblade review, all this and only 9.0?

Gamespot said:

Xenoblade Chronicles is a remarkable game. It drags the JRPG into the 21st century, modernising many of the genre's traits and nailing a pace that outclasses the majority of its peers. Even coming from Tetsuya Takahashi--a man whose previous credits include Chrono Trigger and the other Xeno titles--it's a hugely surprising, versatile game. It has everything that seasoned JRPG veterans are looking for, but it also manages to lift the barrier for entry for those new to the genre. It retains the traditions it wants to and modernises the aspects it needs to. It's not only one of the best JRPGs in years; it's also one of the best RPGs regardless of subgenre. Xenoblade Chronicles is a captivating, magical game which deserves to be hailed as the revolution it is.

So anyway, Xenoblades combat, they keep adding layers of depth. So basically you target an enemy and hit fight. But you can also lure enemies near you to pick them off.

Enemies have different behaviours and icons which tell you how they might react. Some attack you on sight, some ignore you, some only attack you if they hear you, others react to ether. Then some have a group behaviour where they will join their monster bretheren in action and you might get mobbed.

So anyway, you get some enemies like the Mecha who are invunerable to anything but the Monado sword. And to get them you have to combo attacks together. You hit a break move then wait for your buddy Reyn to topple them. Then you have various "arts" which are basically special moves that have all sorts of properties, like you can use a side attack to lower their defence stats, or a back slash which causes double damage.

And there is an aggro system (agression) some enemies get pissed and target a specific party member and the game blatantly shows you who is being targeted by whom. So for instance is someone else is drawing aggro then the monster won't be focusing on you and you can sneak up and whomp them in the ass with a special move. When you use a special move, you have to wait a time before you can use it again and each art eats up different levels of your art points.

Also, no need for potions, your health and your parties health are only effected in battle. Once out of battle all your health recharges in a minute or less, sort of like master cheif's armour in Halo.

When you fill up a special bar you can initiate a chain attack - the screen freezes and you select an art for each character to use - you can chain the right ones together to get like a 21 hit combo. But you need a certain amount of your special bar full in case someone dies.

About that, like Gears of War when someone fall you can run up to them and revive them if there is one bar left in your special bar.

But there is also affinity and tension. Affinity is how well the characters have bonded, which allows you to pull of more special moves with better effect. Tension is how geared up the party is to fight, you can run up and shout encouragement to your buddies to gear up their tension and make them fight better. But there is also a trick to this like getting a better reload in gears of war, you have to hit the button at the right time to match a moving icon.

Also there are monado powers, which are seperate from your normal arts (special moves) so far there are two, one which enchants your whole group making everyone more powerful and able to attack Mecha which you normally can't harm unless toppled. The other move is a Monado buster which causes extreme damage in a one hit blow.

Also, did I mention that there are no random battles, but also that you can see the level of any enemy nearby and see your own characters levels on screen at the same time so you can know relatively well, how well you are going to fare against a level 4 iron bunny as a level 10 character set.

Also you can make gems and put them into armour or weapons to boost up their attributes.

It all sounds quite complicated but like I said, you initiate a battle, the characters auto attack, you just control one character of your choice and just his movement - then with the d-pad you can just initiate any special moves or 'arts', that you want.

Also, in a nice move the quests, you don't have to go all the way back to someone to tell them you beat the quest you were given, the game just records that you did it automatically. Nice.

One thing I haven't worked out is what to do with all the items I have got. They all have weird names and I assume a purpose but I don't know what yet? I just sold anything I couldn't equip in the beginning, now I'm holding onto everything till I can read the rest of the manual.

I never thought I would be this into the combat system of an rpg but it is really remarkable.

Edited: Sat, 20 Aug 2011 16:17:48

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Sat, 20 Aug 2011 17:12:38

It's a lot like MMORPG combat but I guess it's all new to you since you haven't played such games? Though it's definitely done in its own way many of the basics are the same, from aggro levels to how you do specials (except on PC you press their hotkey or click on your action bar rather than highlight it with the arrow keys and then confirm the action with a button). The Last Story also has similar ideas in its own way. I got the game too but I only played a bit, I'm just about to leave Colony 9 (well, story wise, I think I'll stick around and do some side quests). If you're playing on a 4:3 SDTV and have a hard time reading some of the text, set your Wii to widescreen 16:9 mode when playing Xenoblade, and set your TV to widescreen also (so that it doesn't stretch the image) the picture and text is clearer that way, which is especially evident in the equipment screen with the stat comparisons. There are no downsides for Xenoblade since in 4:3 mode it adds huge black bars that give it the same picture estate as widescreen on a 4:3 TV, you'll just have to switch it back for other games.

Edited: Sat, 20 Aug 2011 17:19:24
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Sat, 20 Aug 2011 22:17:01

Did I just play 5 hours straight? Holy shit, where to begin. Well let's do the easy one first.

bugsonglass said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Xenoblade get bitches.

Will play later.

Did you buy it on the highstreet or did your copy arrive?  That was very quick

No my copy arrived.

About the rest. GG pretty much explained the battle system. Except that if you keep attacking normally a tech fills up with each strike. Doing other techs will not fill the bar up. When it is full you can unleash a powerful attack.

And GG for all the items. Each named character you see, you can trade stuff with them. Don't bother buying stuff in shopes.

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Sat, 20 Aug 2011 22:23:24

Well the exploration in this game is awesome. I already saw some level 70 monsters casually swimming by. I also beat one named monster. The giant worm you find at the beach. But here's the thing, I beat him with Shulk alone. It is hard fighting on you own, but I did it. Done tons and tons of sidequests, explored a lot. Picked fights with monster dozens of levels above me and died.

I like it a lot more then TWEWY. This game has so much more freedom and armour actually make sense here. Also the gem slots are like the badges in Paper Mario, awesome.

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Sun, 21 Aug 2011 00:37:14

It doesn't seem to be the least bit comparable to TWEWY frown


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Sun, 21 Aug 2011 00:59:40

These reviews and your impressions make me want this game so much.

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Sun, 21 Aug 2011 08:48:18
bugsonglass said:

It doesn't seem to be the least bit comparable to TWEWY frown

It is comparable in the way that I am both playing them at the same time. Both have different strengths and frankly Xenoblade would be a poor handheld game and TWEWY would be a poor console game. Both have awesome music though. People that say jRPG need to evolve can die in a fire.

Edited: Sun, 21 Aug 2011 08:48:37
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Sun, 21 Aug 2011 12:16:33

Now I know what to do with the items - the collectable non-equipable items. You can present them to another party member to increase your affinity with them which lets you add special moves types between characters. You can also add the items to an encyclopedia which gives you experience points to level up your character.

And they added yet another component to the combat. You can see the future.

You get visions of the future which show major moves by the enemy targeting a specific character which may even kill them in one blow.

You can then run up to said character and warn them of the future - which at the cost of one bar of you special power, will allow them to perform an art to counter the attack.

And you can also do something to change the future, like inflict a daze or topple move on the enemy, or put up a shield to protect everyone. Very cool, yet I'm still learning about how to fight against it as there are 3 different attack types, physical, arts and something else. I need to read more to get it down pat.

Also some of the battles are quite tactical, there is this spider boss which at first I got crushed at and now I am much better, yet not quite good enough to beat him yet.

Agnates said:

It's a lot like MMORPG combat but I guess it's all new to you since you haven't played such games? Though it's definitely done in its own way many of the basics are the same, from aggro levels to how you do specials (except on PC you press their hotkey or click on your action bar rather than highlight it with the arrow keys and then confirm the action with a button). The Last Story also has similar ideas in its own way. I got the game too but I only played a bit, I'm just about to leave Colony 9 (well, story wise, I think I'll stick around and do some side quests). If you're playing on a 4:3 SDTV and have a hard time reading some of the text, set your Wii to widescreen 16:9 mode when playing Xenoblade, and set your TV to widescreen also (so that it doesn't stretch the image) the picture and text is clearer that way, which is especially evident in the equipment screen with the stat comparisons. There are no downsides for Xenoblade since in 4:3 mode it adds huge black bars that give it the same picture estate as widescreen on a 4:3 TV, you'll just have to switch it back for other games.

Yeah I never played a MMORPG.

I do, do that 16:9 trick for some wii games on a 4:3 TV, all the ones that stick giant black bars at the top and bottom like Madworld and NSMB too. Are you leaving colony 9 through the cave to get the cylinders or after the thingie?

Iga_Bobovic said:

And GG for all the items. Each named character you see, you can trade stuff with them. Don't bother buying stuff in shopes.

Ah I forgot about that.

What do you mean by a "tech?"

Iga_Bobovic said:

Well the exploration in this game is awesome. I already saw some level 70 monsters casually swimming by. I also beat one named monster. The giant worm you find at the beach. But here's the thing, I beat him with Shulk alone. It is hard fighting on you own, but I did it. Done tons and tons of sidequests, explored a lot. Picked fights with monster dozens of levels above me and died.

I like it a lot more then TWEWY. This game has so much more freedom and armour actually make sense here. Also the gem slots are like the badges in Paper Mario, awesome.

Wow, you must have explored more than me around Colony 9, I'm in the cave on the way to Bionis' leg.

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Sun, 21 Aug 2011 12:49:11

After the thing, off to Colony 6, but a boss is kicking my ass. I've barely done side quests so I'll go do that.

Edited: Sun, 21 Aug 2011 12:50:50
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Sun, 21 Aug 2011 14:53:27
How much extra will this game cost me to import?
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Sun, 21 Aug 2011 16:23:31
Dvader said:
How much extra will this game cost me to import?

OVER 9000...rupees.

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Sun, 21 Aug 2011 19:27:35
Well then I better bomb some walls and burn some bushes and hope I get lucky.
Edited: Sun, 21 Aug 2011 19:46:02
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Sun, 21 Aug 2011 20:20:28

It took me eight hour, before I left the first area. Sidequesting Majora style. It took me like forever to figure out how to chain attacks. But it was actually easy. Also done some gem crafting, made some topple gems. I do not quite yet fully understand how gem crafting works, but I am getting there. So much depth in this game.

gamingeek said:

What do you mean by a "tech?"

Sorry I meant arts, the special moves. There is an icon in the middle that is your talent. And unlike the arts this does not fill up with time, no it fills up with each strike you make. Some arts will fill up the talent bar a little, but most of them won't. Also if you press engage battle from afar, you get a small QTE, when succesful your talent bar will be filled up right at the start of a battle. You can also use arts, like backslice to get a free hit before the battle starts.

Edited: Sun, 21 Aug 2011 20:21:11
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