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What Was Your Game of the Show E3 2015?
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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 09:34:51

First of all, as a VR sceptic, I liked what I heard about Morpheos. It was encouraging, but it's going to be a arcade gimmick for the first year (VR) and by then who knows if the install base will encourage further growth.  VR sounds like teh real deal though, hope it works this time.

My game of the show is:

American Truck Simulator. As a fan of Eurotruck Simulator 2, I can't wait.

Edited: Fri, 19 Jun 2015 09:35:22

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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 10:15:01

Total K.O.

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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 10:40:53

^Yeah cuphead was my number 2 choice.

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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 11:17:37

I think my favorite original game goes to Horizon Zero Dawn.  I have faith that Guerrilla Games will pull off something unique.  

My favorite sequel goes to Uncharted 4.  I just love how smooth Drake's movement looks and how he interacts with the environment.

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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 11:21:41

It was Cuphead, but only up until they showed footage of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom GOAT

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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 12:21:27

Ummm... World of Final Fantasy...?

...maybe Transformers: Devastation?

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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 13:33:48

Cuphead I guess.

E3 is weird for me, there are some games which you know will be good but have little interest or enthusiasm for (at the moment). There are long anticipated games which are being shown again, so again, the excitement level is tempered. There are games being shown or teased which are years away, hard to get excited about. Dudebro AAA sequels will be high quality yet dreadfully repetitive and dull for me personally.

There is unreachable tech, far too expensive for mere mortals.

So other than Cuphead I guess the game I am most interested in wasn't even at E3: Devils Third. I'm not sure it will be any good but it's out soon and I am interested in hearing more about it and seeing hands on previews.

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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 13:46:48

Im intrigued by Devil's Third as well, but there's so little info about it to get me too excited.

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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 13:59:54
travo said:

Im intrigued by Devil's Third as well, but there's so little info about it to get me too excited.

We saw a gameplay demo last E3 but it was in rough shape back then. No previews so far. Maybe that Itagaki video has been translated, let me check.....

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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 14:07:10

It hasn't been officially translated but if you hit the cog for settings and enable the Japanese subs you can click the translated button and it will do it in English.

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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 14:18:40
Cuphead looks amazing. Unfortunately, I suck at playing those kinds of games, so I'll go with Starfox as my E3 favorite. Really looking forward to it. The graphics need some polishing, but it looks like a lot of fun. I hope online play makes it into the final game, but that's not a deal breaker for me.

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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 14:27:22
Super Mario Maker I think. The footage I've seen over the week took me from being mildly interested to "this goin' be good."

Cuphead is a close second.  That's making me consider skipping a PS4 and going either Xbox or Master Race.
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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 15:12:48
robio said:
Super Mario Maker I think. The footage I've seen over the week took me from being mildly interested to "this goin' be good."

Cuphead is a close second.  That's making me consider skipping a PS4 and going either Xbox or Master Race.

aspro said:

My game of the show is:

American Truck Simulator. As a fan of Eurotruck Simulator 2, I can't wait.

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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 17:09:40

I guess my favorite was Super Mario Maker. It looks great.

I think my second favorite game of E3 was Horizon or Star Fox Zero.


  • SMB Mix-Up! (1AB2-0000-0047-5A7D)
  • Storm the Castle (77BD-0000-00E0-A9C0)


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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 20:14:59

You guys and fucking Cuphead....what is this 1992?

I'd say Horizon, but really I'm equally excited for all the good stuff shown.


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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 21:00:21
edgecrusher said:

You guys and fucking Cuphead....what is this 1992?

Nope, it's 1933 Grinning

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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 23:10:57

I can't pick just one, even five is too hard. My top 10, in no particular order, were:

  • Halo 5
  • Forza 6
  • Gears of War 4
  • Fallout 4
  • Mass Effect: Andromeda
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider
  • Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Batman: Arkham Knight

I'm not really into indie games but Cuphead looks awesome. Honourable mentions to Yoshi's Wolly World, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and Uncharted 4.


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Sat, 20 Jun 2015 02:22:23
edgecrusher said:

You guys and fucking Cuphead....what is this 1992?

I'd say Horizon, but really I'm equally excited for all the good stuff shown.

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Sat, 20 Jun 2015 03:53:06
gamingeek said:

Nope, it's 1933 Grinning

Yay to 1933 and its shitty ass technology!


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Sat, 20 Jun 2015 04:00:11

My e3 awards:

Biggest surprise: The holy trinity. I can't separate them, having all three unicorns in one conference was mindblowing. If I had to pick one it would be Shenmue 3 as I thought that would never happen.

Best Cinematic trailer: FF VII remake. The music, that amazing music. The feels!!!!

Best Gameplay demo: Uncharted 4. This year was stacked with insane gameplay demos. But one stood above the rest, totally next gen, I gasped when Nate opened the door to the market. And then he jumped in a car and you can drive it?!?! It's everything this new gen should be.

Best Conference: I don't even have to answer this... Ok how about second best conference, hmm Bethesda.

Worst Conference: Nintendo. It was insulting, playing on our wants and giving us crap, it was the antithesis of the Sony conference. It also proved they are no longer developing future games for wii u outside zelda.

Most Boring Conference: PC conference. I couldn't last, it was too painful.

Best original game: Horizon. Third person open world rpg with robit dinosaurs and combat that borrows from the likes of monster hunter. Graphically mindblowing and the gameplay seemed phenomenal.

Game I want most to torch with a flamethrower: Metroid Prime federation shit. Fuck you nintendo.

Best company showing: Sony, they just killed it. They made dreams come true. They gave us everything and more. Sure all of it is coming next year but I will wait.

Biggest downgrade: The Division, now on PS2.

Best VR experience: Oculus, seems like the impressed the hell out of everyone. Morpheus not so much.

Game of the Show:

I usually have rules for my e3 game of the show, it can't be a game that is just a video. It needs to show some gameplay. Normally I give it to the game I want to play most, well this year that would not be fair cause there is one game I want to play more than any on this earth no matter what was shown at e3, MGSV. The gameplay demo is incredible but the demo from a few months ago was more impressive, plus I read about this already from all the previews which describe stuff that blows away anything shown at e3. So I will exclude MGS even though it is the best game at the show.

My game of the show is... Fallout 4. It maybe didn't have the most flashy gameplay demo of the greatest graphics. What it did show was a ton of details, show us examples and really explain why this will be the best fallout yet. This demonstration had more cotent and info than most and way more than Uncharted 4 or horizon. The game is going to be special.

Edited: Sat, 20 Jun 2015 04:03:03
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