Games Beaten:
- Dragon Age Inquisition
- 80 Days
- LittleBigPlanet 3
- The Swapper
- The Room
- super smash bros u
- infamous first light
- Framed
- Sonic 2
- Diablo 3
- Resident Evil 4
- Ratchet and Clank Into the Nexus
- Splinter Cell Blacklist
- the uncle who worked for nintendo
- doc Louis' Punch Out
- Super Punch Out
- The Order 1886
- resident evil revelations 2
- Zelda Majora's Mask 3D
- Home A Unique Horror Adventure
- Hotline Miami 2
- Bloodborne
- Mortal Kombat
- Axiom Verge
- Mortal Kombat X
- Resistance 3
- Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2
- MGS Ground Zeroes
- Beyond
- Batman Arkham Knight
- Injustice
- Entwined
- journey
- witcher 3
- MGS4
- Limbo
- Prey
- Metal Gear
- Mega Man
- Destiny Taken King
- Mario Maker
- uncharted 2
- infinity: Twilight of the Republic
- Grow Home
- CoD BO 3
- Serena
- Shadows of the EmpirE
- Prune
- Infinity: The Force Awakens
- undertale
- Monument valley
Games 100% Completed:
- The Swapper
- infamous first light
- The Order 1886
- Zelda MM
Hours Played:
- Dragon Age: Inquisition - 5 hours
- Hearthstone - 2 hours
- Hitman Go - 1 hour
- Smash Bros U - 26 hours
- DKCRTF - 3 hours
- 80 Days - 3 hours
- LBP3 - 11 hours
- RE4 - 12 hours
- The room - 3 hours
- The Swapper - 4 hours
- Infamous first light - 8 hours
- Diablo 3 - 25 hours
- Framed - 1 hour
- sonic 2 - 2 hours
- ratchet into the nexus - 7 hours
- demos - 13 hours
- Metroid Prime 2 - 3 hours
- splinter cell blacklist - 23 hours
- the uncle who worked for nintendo - 1 hour
- doc Louis punch out - 1 hour
- Super Punch Out - 7 hours
- zelda MM3D - 38 hours
- the order - 9 hours
- resident evil revelations 2 - 42 hours
- rogue legacy - 1 hour
- hotline miami 2 - 11 hours
- final fantasy XV demo - 7 hours
- ff type 0 - 2 hours
- resident evil 5 - 2 hours
- Elliots Quest - 10 hours
- Home - 1 hour
- Mortal Kombat - 8 hours
- Bloodborne - 70 hours
- Axiom Verge - 12 hours
- Mortal Kombat X - 41 hours
- witcher 2 - 6 hours
- resistance 3 - 7 hours
- Lords of shadow 2 - 21 hours
- MGS Ground Zeroes - 9 hours
- marvel future fight - 2 hours
- splatoon - 3 hours
- Dragon's Crown - 1 hour
- Witcher 3 - 125 hours
- beyond - 10 hours
- batman arkham knight - 50 hours
- entwined - 1 hour
- injustice - 4 hours
- driveclub - 1 hour
- rocket league - 4 hours
- geometry wars 3 - 1 hour
- Journey - 2 hours
- MGS4 - 26 hours
- CoD BO2 - 2 hours
- Prey - 8 hours
- limbo - 2 hours
- CoD BO3 beta - 5 hours
- Metal Gear - 4 hours
- MGS VR missions - 3 hours
- mega man collection - 2 hours
- velocity 2 - 2 hours
- MGSV - 150 hours
- Destiny - 121 hours
- super Mario maker - 25 hours
- grow home - 3 hours
- super time force - 1 hour
- assassins creed 4 - 12 hours
- SW Battlefront beta - 6 hours
- call of duty black ops 3 - 19 hours
- SW battlefront - 16 hours
- fallout 4 - 70 hours
- disney infinity - 17 hours
- splatoon - 10 hours
- unchated 2 - 9 hours
- uncharted 4 beta - 3 hours
- shadows of the empire - 7 hours
- serena - 1 hour
- prune - 1 hour
- undertale - 7 hours
Total: 1196 hours
The fuck? The Uncle who worked for Nintendo? Never knew that existed. Any good?
travo said:The fuck? The Uncle who worked for Nintendo? Never knew that existed. Any good?
Some browser choose your own adventure, it's only there cause some one added it to the gameathon. It's actually pretty interesting. It's free search for it.
And I did it! I just finished the PS4 version of Dark Cloud with hours to spare!
Man that last dungeon and boss was a pain in my ass. I was struggling to get it done because I forgot how badly the last 10 hours drag...a bit of the Okami effect there. But there it is...I finish the year with 49 games done. Not too bad.
Don't know if everyone's list is up to date yet. So far it seems as if Vader took top spot.
phantom_leo said:Don't know if everyone's list is up to date yet. So far it seems as if Vader took top spot.
Doesn't he always? Lol
phantom_leo said:He didn't year before last! Thus, the name of this topic!
It should be mine all the time, that year was a fluke.
With regards to the overall list, having completed only 7 games last year, I am almost certainly the bottom...
** that's something I don't say everyday!**
I won 2014 and Foolz3h won 2013. Just sayin'
Aarny said:I won 2014 and Foolz3h won 2013. Just sayin'
Which means that I won 2015 in spirit.
Devil May Cry 3 [PS3]
Devil May Cry 4 [PS3]
Final Fantasy X [PS3]
Infamous: First Light [PS4]
WWE 2K15 [PS4]
Transistor [PS4]
A Bird Story [PC]
MotorStorm: Apocalypse [PS3]
SoulCalibur V [PS3]
WWE 2K15 [PS3]
Splinter Cell: Blacklist [PC]
Bloodborne [PS4]
Psychonauts [PC]
Fire Emblem: Awakening [3DS]
Broken Age Act 2 [PC]
Magic 2014 [PC]
BioShock [PC]
Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise [360]
BioShock 2 [PC]
BioShock 2: Minerva's Den [PC]
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture [PS4]
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes [PS4]
Rocket League [PS4]
BioShock Infinite [PC]
Bayonetta [360]
LittleBigPlanet 3 [PS4]
God of War [PS3]
God of War II [PS3]
Final count: 28. Ach.
By Miu Watanabe.
Dvader said:It should be mine all the time, that year was a fluke.
A two year-running fluke...statistically, this year was the fluke.
Aarny said:
The big red delete button next to the edit button (bottom right corner of your post). But perhaps you're not strong enough to bear the load of such great power.
Here's my totals across all formats.
- Xbox 360: 12 Games finished
- PC: 10 Games finished
- PS4: 9 Games finished
- PS3: 7 Games finished
- Wii U: 4 Games finished
- Xbox 180: 3 Games finished
- Dreamcast: 2 Games finished
- Wii: 1 game finished
- Xbox One: 1 game finished
Wow...I didn't realize I only finished ONE game on the Xbone all year. That's insane. This year should be much better for it though, quite a few big exclusives I'm looking forward to. 12 games on 360 leads the way....also surpring. I thought I played more on PC and PS4. Wii U came in right where I figured.
Undertale is done. Last game of 2015. Amazing game.