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Welcome to Year 5 of The VG Press
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Tue, 05 Nov 2013 20:31:51
edgecrusher said:

I honestly probably wouldn't bother posting on any online forums anymore if not for this site. This is the only place I hang out and chat...every other site is just for viewing only. So really, this place has kept me being an active poster solely on its own. I have no use for dealing with the random people of a usual board anymore. That was fun when I was 21.

Totally with you there.

I was so tired and still am so tired of douchbag posters and battling against popular opinion. Here it feels like I can be me and like whatever quirky crap I want and that's okay because we all like different things anyway and we're adult enough to admit it without having to rip on someone elses opinion.

I'd getting nostalgic now and the memories are coming back to me. I remember why I started doing that 1up blog now, it was basically because we had a good bunch of people but only in comments sections to each individual blog post. And none of us really wanted to post in the hostile and unfriendly 1up boards, even if I had dabbled in it a bit before.

GG Weekly's idea was to create a place where we'd all be in, the gang, all week long because there were so few of us and I didn't want us passing each other like ships in the night.

If anything that makes GG Weekly and Insert Coin and VG Press a magnificent 6 year long testament to friendship.

It's like we all said, hell to the world, let's keep this group together. And thanks to Yoda that happened.

Sure we've had out ins and outs, our great moments and our regretable incidents, but at the core it's just us joshing about telling each other what we're playing and looking forward too.

So since we're in anniversary mode, what has been your most memorable moment on the site?

Mine has to be the Iga Manass moment, when Gonintendo linked to my Endless Ocean 2 pic thread and Iga started posted half nude man ass pics.

Otherwise, probably my own desperate rundown of running out of time with Animal Crossing turnips and posting a whole bit in the style of Jack Bauer in 24. It's probably the closest I've come to recreating the Donkey thread at Gamespot. Sometimes I amuse myself just thinking up stupid stuff.

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Tue, 05 Nov 2013 20:50:59

5 years hey? Not much has changed, I was awesome then and I am awesome now. As it was, it is, and forever shall be!

Let see what happened in those 5 years. I graduated from university and now have my fourth job after graduating. Keeping a job seems to be much harder for me than finding a new one. Oh well, keep on hopping from job to job like some deranged Italian plumber.

Also did some social stuff like organizing events with friends and training is going well. Also the demonstration part is getting to be a bigger part of my life. Gaming is getting less and less. I need to buy some new games and consoles to rekindle that flame.

The VG Press
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Tue, 05 Nov 2013 22:04:42

I don't know if I can pick a most memorable moment. Maybe when we are all here posting at the same time watching those E3 event videos? That is always a blast. Especially when new consoles are involved. Other than that, every moment is equally awesomely insane.


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Tue, 05 Nov 2013 22:17:53

E3 conference threads are awesome. And so much better here with over the top swearing. Grinning

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Tue, 05 Nov 2013 22:36:29

Not sure if it's my favorite moment but the thread that had about fifty different alts was a hell of a lot of fun.  I think we had a wolf, Jack Bauer, Miyamoto, good.

Bug's Carnage the Police Officer arresting Nintendo fans was also an incredible moment.

Really, any moment where we just get totally sidetracked.

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Tue, 05 Nov 2013 23:27:18
Hey, now I can be the pretentious one who refuses to pick a singular favourite!  (That's right, I'm calling out those who can't be arsed to have a single, favourite book/movie/food/etc.)

- Styling and hacking 1up pre-site
- Insert Coin launch
- The very first Press Room Podcast, awkwardness and all
- The VG Press launch (complete with satirical articles such as "Microsoft Comments on Rumours and Speculation" and "Sony Kills Santa, Christmas Cancelled"
- Redesign to the current and only non-hideous visual design I've ever made
- The July 26, 2009 podcast with the inception of Pachter Watch and the dramatic movie voiceover guy intro
- Frederick Hamilton Temple Blackwood, First Marquess of Dufferin and Ava
- E3 contest thread and Dvader's discovery of the answer to Round 2 Question 2
- The One Fridge in Mexico
- Pachter porn video investigation
- Konami conference
- Nintendo's 3DS blowout conference
- Microsoft's Xbox One implosion conference

And of course, all the glorious entries in the Hall of Fame
Edited: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 23:30:56


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Wed, 06 Nov 2013 00:36:57
Edited: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 00:38:14

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Wed, 06 Nov 2013 00:44:10

Ahhh yes. Never heard from her again. See?? Told you she was a slut.

Let's see personal favorites of mine... the kind reception you guys gave me for my CNN video, the good old days with my buddy Miyamoto, the Patcher porn video, realizing this place was podcasting after hanging out for about 2 years, the collective letdown and misery following the 2012 Nintendo E3 conference, and all the debate that occurs here about whether or not soccer is a real sport around the time of the World Cup.

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Wed, 06 Nov 2013 00:57:07

"Hi, I'm Rob!  Wanna see my package?"

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Wed, 06 Nov 2013 01:03:18

Not so much good memories, but some things I have learnt here that were elucidating and/ or encouraging:

  • That the monoculture is a myth.  Sure we watch the same movies, play the same games, read the same books and listen to the same music, but each country represented here through our contributions is so very different.  The personalities represented by the different countries are indeed different and valuable.
  • Mistaking lingual fraternity for cultural commonality has put me on the wrong side of people here accidentally from time to time. I think I have genuinely pissed off Yoda, Geek, Iga and (most definately Agnates), and probabaly more.
  • Technology cannot overcome timezones.  Planning for The Pressroom Podcast became the single greatest challenge, which ultimately resulted in the creation of The Game Under Podcast (so something good came out of it).
  • I have become a master at using Audacity which until I took over the podcast editing from Yoda I had no idea it even existed (though I faked my way through it so Yoda would have less to worry about).
  • Like Edge, I would not post anywhere these days if VGP were not around.
  • I miss ASK_story, Mekere, GME (though he is still here from time to time), Agnates, Homer, Yarco and wish we got more of Yoda, Angry_Beaver Iga and Coopers.
Edited: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 01:34:21

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Wed, 06 Nov 2013 01:32:39

My favorite podcast moment may forever be after we finished one of the podcasts and discovered the image that became this site's page not found image. I was in tears from discussing that image.

So many amazing memories, GG Jack Bauer. That contest Yoda mentioned was so good, we need to do another one. The 3DS E3 conference live with you folks and then the podcast after.

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Wed, 06 Nov 2013 02:13:52

Not sure I'd call it a favourite moment, but it's a historically important one:

The melodrama leading up to the opening of moderation was hilarious (in hindsight at least), and though many got genuinely pissed off (myself included), I think it helped us all so much in the long run. Hell, the fact that no bitterness from anyone followed that event also showed how good the community is. Politically we are proof that anarchy works perfectly.

The only downside is that Aspro goes around deleting half my posts.

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Wed, 06 Nov 2013 02:16:21

^It's called editing.

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Wed, 06 Nov 2013 02:27:41
aspro said:

^It's called editing.

If you could actually edit them God knows what my posts would be like.

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Wed, 06 Nov 2013 03:11:53
Foolz said:

Not sure I'd call it a favourite moment, but it's a historically important one:

The melodrama leading up to the opening of moderation was hilarious (in hindsight at least), and though many got genuinely pissed off (myself included), I think it helped us all so much in the long run. Hell, the fact that no bitterness from anyone followed that event also showed how good the community is. Politically we are proof that anarchy works perfectly.

The only downside is that Aspro goes around deleting half my posts.

Oh, Steel will still feel my wrath.  I'm biding my time...


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Wed, 06 Nov 2013 03:18:51

During the years over here I have truly bonded with many of you. I'm not a person with many friends, and the few I used to have are now scattered throughout the world, or dead. That makes me even more appreciative of what we have built here. Each one of you has, throughout my time here, taught me one or more valuable lessons about a metric fuckton of shit, and that's something I'll always be grateful for.

Here's to another five years, guys. It's been a blast.

In my shorts at least.

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Wed, 06 Nov 2013 08:38:00

Man, 10+ years discussing games online, and reading all of this makes me feel like such a n00b.

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Wed, 06 Nov 2013 11:02:02
aspro said:

LOL yes and the Mexican fridge incident.

Yeah I miss ASK and Homer. Mekere and Hamzik too, they were GAF buddies I invited over but Mekere told me she rarely posts at all on boards and pretty much only in Endless Ocean threads. We're 3DS friends and play New Leaf together and she's super kind and generous. Hamzik and I remain Wii U friends, and reply on Miiverse to each other. I also.... invited Agnates to the site, I didn't know he had this other more confrontational side, but apart from that his other posts were informative and enjoyable. I think he was used to battling on GAF so didn't really understand our more chilled out group of friends. I think he would have mellowed if he stayed.

SteelAttack said:

During the years over here I have truly bonded with many of you. I'm not a person with many friends, and the few I used to have are now scattered throughout the world, or dead. That makes me even more appreciative of what we have built here.

Same here, I see you guys everyday but not even once a month with some friends. I probably talk more to you guys than my own brother.

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Wed, 06 Nov 2013 11:16:27

LOL thanks to that Hall of Fame thread I just remembered the Hobo Gourmet LOL

And this:


Oh no, half the 24 pics are down but this survived:

Bugs was feigning uncertainty as to whether he'd be online for me to sell turnips in his town.


Whoa, whoa. A lot of people's lives could depend on whether you make this meeting. If the turnips go off they'll release a deadly neurotoxin.


Don't trust him Jack.


I have no choice.


But I'm taking his kid as leverage!

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Wed, 06 Nov 2013 12:35:07
aspro said:
  • Mistaking lingual fraternity for cultural commonality has put me on the wrong side of people here accidentally from time to time. I think I have genuinely pissed off Yoda, Geek, Iga and (most definately Agnates), and probabaly more.

I think everybody here pissed off Agnates, and in turn Agnates pissed off everyone here. I forgot what it was about, but he genuinely pissed me off one time to the point where it felt like I was back on

Like GG said though, when he wanted to he made some good posts.

Edited: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 12:35:18


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