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Pokemon Y (not) |OT| of X (treme) Evolution!
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Sat, 12 Oct 2013 17:06:31


Everything you may have heard about Pokemon X / Y is true: Faster pace. Incredibly beautiful graphics. This is the game that finally matches the images you've had in your head of what the world of Pokemon would look like. Bright, colorful, dreamlike, gorgeous natural environments... List goes on and on. Control is finally, thankfully, truly analog. Once again, the 3DS version of a game is the BEST version of a game!


The change in cinematic perspective as you are simply walking around is almost jarring. Not in a bad way, but it's unexpected in a Pokemon game. There were zoom-outs and ins and changes in perspective in previous games, but not like this! Previous Pokemon games seem positively rigid now that X / Y --FLOWS-- the way that they do! SUCH detail too! The smooth animations, the grass blowing in the wind. The tons of little details is amazing. Not only are they the best looking portable Pokemon, but they put the Stadium/Colosseum/Gale of Darkness games to SHAME!


The more I play, the more I am astounded by it. The pace is quick, which is sooooo very much appreciated. The number and variety of Pokemon you'll encounter --IN THE VERY FIRST FOREST-- is ridiculous! I came across and caught a Pansear, Panpour, Pansage, Weedle, Pikachu, Scatterbug and Fletchling. I saw but haven't caught yet: a Caterpie!

You may say: "Ok. So?"

If you look at the Pokemon again: Fire, Water, Plant, Bug, Electric, Bug and Flying... You've got a bunch of the Elemental Types all ready to go --ALREADY!-- and you've got Pokemon that aren't typically in the same game version together in the same place! Your team is going to be diverse QUICK; your opponents team is going to be diverse QUICK. This is ramping up to be the most Battle Oriented, Strategic and Playable Pokemon --OF ALL TIME-- and I've been playing for barely over an HOUR!!

Nintendo --REALLY-- went all out on this one! They have learned from any and all past "mistakes" and have literally brought about the biggest evolution of the Pokemon formula since game ONE!


Edited: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 17:12:15
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Sat, 12 Oct 2013 17:07:39


One thing that WILL NOT come across in Pics or Videos posted online is the Animated Quality of the whole game and especially the Battles!



This looks like it could be almost any Pokemon game while it is still, but in motion it is gorgeous! This pic doesn't show the sweeping camera, the colors, the animation of the special attacks, the fainting scenes of the Pokemon, etc, etc.

One thing I can't stress enough: The Pokemon that I have encountered so far are much more of a natural and simpler design than most of the last few versions. This is a good thing as it harkens back to the beginning of the series and appeals to your nostalgic sense as well --BUT THEN-- of course you come across your favorites from Red, Blue, Yellow and on and they look SOOOO much better than they EVER have before! This game strikes a --PERFECT-- balance between old and new and if that's what they were going for, they --NAILED-- it!!


**See the difference?!**


Edited: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 18:00:17
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Sat, 12 Oct 2013 17:09:08


**Errr... how many Pokemon can you battle at once in this game?!**


**Air Battles?**


**Like a cartoon!**


Edited: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 17:51:47
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Sat, 12 Oct 2013 17:10:12


Here are your Starters:

**Here's the Noobs!**

**No. This is not an error! In addition to the new ones, you get one of

the starters from Red and Blue! How's that for Nostalgia?!**


Edited: Sun, 13 Oct 2013 15:39:55
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Sat, 12 Oct 2013 17:17:11

I'll put impressions here. If anyone else gets it and they want to battle for realz, feel free to use the topic to meet up!

Just got the first Gym Badge and I will say: It gets better and better!

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Sat, 12 Oct 2013 17:26:06


**Pet Your Pokemon!**



**Feed your Pokemon!**



Did you know there are mini-games to play in X / Y ? Did you know one of them is basically NintenMons? Yep. You can Pet your Pokemon. You can feed your Pokemon. If I read correctly you can Talk to and Make Faces at them too! I'm sure there's a lot more depth to this, as I am pretty sure I've seen CosPlaying Pokemon pics online too where you Dress 'em Up, but more on this as I discover it!


Edited: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 17:49:49
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Sat, 12 Oct 2013 17:37:31

Grabbing a copy of it this afternoon (assuming Target still has copies available).

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Sat, 12 Oct 2013 17:57:52

Thanks for making this topic and for sharing your enthusiasm Leo.  I have limited experience with pokemon and I don't even consider myself a fan.  Having said that, I did finish two games (the first on GBA - I think it was ruby/sapphire, and the first on DS ... think pearl/diamond) and I enjoyed playing through them.

I thought I was just going to ignore these new versions but you are making it very enticing (especially since the last big JRPG I enjoyed was ninokuni which had pokemon like pets).  Hmm

By the way, which version did you get?  Knowing you, probably both (or will be getting the second one soon).  It will be fun to see sales statistics.  I wonder if boys will opt for Y while girls go for X


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Sat, 12 Oct 2013 18:14:39
bugsonglass said:

By the way, which version did you get?  Knowing you, probably both (or will be getting the second one soon).  It will be fun to see sales statistics.  I wonder if boys will opt for Y while girls go for X

I did get both. I'm playing X. I hate to say it, but I don't think kids these days would even get the whole XX, XY thing unless they learned about it minutes before in Biology or they are moving on to Biology studies in High School and/or College.

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Sat, 12 Oct 2013 18:21:48

XX/XY - now there was an underrated game.

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Sat, 12 Oct 2013 23:49:23

I'd give my impressions of the game, but since I got it 24 hours ago, Mrs. Aspro has been playing it when not sleeping (or playing Animal Crossing).

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Sun, 13 Oct 2013 01:45:01

Well... I haven't played a Pokemon game since Silver -- probably almost a decade ago -- but I just HAD to get one of these! Previously, I got Blue and then Silver, mostly because Red and Gold had all been sold out in the stores I had gone to. In keeping with this pattern, I decided to get Y, as I figure that X will have higher sales (it's the first of the two mentioned whenever both are mentioned together, just as with Red and Gold; although, Y has the more badass-looking Pokemon on the boxart, so I actually wouldn't be surprised if more people got Y). Also, yes, I thought about human chromosomes in my head: I'm male, so why not get Y? Nyaa

I've only been through the first bit of tall grass, as I stopped there after catching as many Pokemon as I could in it. I already have (warning: spelling mistakes may follow) a Fennekin (starter), Zigzagoon, Scatterbug, Caterpie, Pidgey, Fletchling, and Bunnerby. That's seven, and I can carry six with me. I think I'll carry all of them except Scatterbug... because it looks stupid and its description isn't as endearing as the others (plus, I already know how Pidgey and Caterpie evolve, so they're safe bets).

The menu system and icons seem a bit clunky to me, but that's a minor nitpick. Battles look and sound awesome, and the series is in full 3D for the first time! I'm sure I'll enjoy this greatly! Grinning

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Sun, 13 Oct 2013 01:46:30

^From the looks of it, it does look good and moves fast.

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Sun, 13 Oct 2013 16:03:23


The "Pet your Pokemon" system I was referring to before is known as "Pokemon-amie" and its more like Tamagotchi, really, than Nintendogs. You can feed your Pokemon, yes; Tip: Don't just drop the PokePuff on their screen, hold it for them as they eat it or they'll get PISSED!

You can decorate their Screen kinda like you could your Fort or Home Base in previous versions. They'll find items for you as you befriend them or play mini-games with them.



The mini-games are your standard fare: One, you Tap the Pokemon to have them Head a ball; as far as I can see you get up to three Pokemon on the screen at once to play. Another has you picking the specific Berry the Pokemon want and dragging it to them in a timed game. The third mini-game has your Party Pokemon and a few guests appear in an animated mosaic which has its pieces scrambled. Tap two pieces to swap and re-assemble the scene!


In Pokemon-amie when you call your Pokemon close, you can pet it, but you can also tilt your head, speak to it and I believe it can read your facial expressions too! Nothing beats having a frowny Pikachu, smiling and having it return your smile and tilting your head then having it mock you! Cute!


As you befriend your Pokemon in "Amie" it does start to have an affect during battle. What this means, exactly, I'm not sure --BUT-- you will see your Pokemon, in battle, sometimes turn its head towards you and a window pops up reading "Your Pokemon is waiting for your Instruction." Whether this means you speak to it, or its getting accustomed to having YOU as its trainer, I am not sure, but it's a nice touch!


For anyone finding this superfluous or annoying, I am fairly sure this is all entirely optional. It's all there for fun though, so loosen up a little bit and enjoy!


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Sun, 13 Oct 2013 16:29:55

Grabbed the game and played it for a few hours before my daughter comes back from sleeping over a friend's house and rightfully claims it as her own. I am very pleased with what I've seen so far. At first I thought the game might be just a little too cartoony and happy and jolly, but after about 5 minutes I didn't give that a second thought. It's all just fun and completely works. The characters, Pokemon, and settings all look great. Traveling with a group is a neat thing too. It's nice knowing that even when you're in a strange town, there's a fat guy who likes to dance that you can always hang out with. I've got my first gym badge and explored a little further from there.

I will very likely pick up my own copy of this somewhere down the line.

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Thu, 24 Oct 2013 02:24:00


One of the best things about this game is one of the simplest of all. There's a new Trading Function known as the Wonder Trade. It's basically Chat-Roulette with Pokemon. You offer up a Pokemon and blindly get one in return. They can be any Pokemon of any Level from anywhere in the World! I literally just spent an hour+ randomly trading to see what I would get. Within 10 minutes I got the other two Starters, and within a half an hour I got a few Level 30+ Pokemon, some of which I've never even heard of before! Of course, you'll get a lot of the most common kinds; don't know if it's a lot of kids or just jerks trying to get good Pokemon the shady way, but nonetheless... WHAT AN AWESOME AND FUN IDEA!!



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Tue, 29 Oct 2013 15:41:02

Isn't it supposed to be really hard to get the other two starters?  That sounds like good swag for you


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Tue, 29 Oct 2013 23:08:41

In the past you would have to play through the entire game to get the option to start over and choose a new Starter. In this game, not only are you given the choice of a second starter **Red/Blue Starters** but with the ease of trading online now, the chances of you finding someone who just doesn't care for the regular starters who'll put them up for Wonder Trade or in the Global Trade System **where you basically put a Pokemon up for trade and ask for a specific one in return** are really, really high due to sheer numbers of players alone!

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Tue, 29 Oct 2013 23:08:58

Dedicated to the most **unintentionally** creepy Pokemon of X and Y:

Edited: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 00:22:03
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Thu, 31 Oct 2013 00:23:13

Internetz having a field day with this one!


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