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I Haz a Wii... U? Launch Day Hands-On Impressions Inside!
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Wed, 21 Nov 2012 13:54:38
Leo, any thoughts on Little Inferno yet? I haven't seen any reviews on it yet but I am starting to see a couple blurbs about it and they all use the dreaded "its more of an experience than a game" phrase that scares me so much.
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Wed, 21 Nov 2012 14:37:44

I like Little Inferno a lot, but it's not really a game in the traditional sense at all. You buy stuff from a catalog, put it in the fireplace and burn it. THAT'S IT. You don't control a character. You don't see any other screens other than the fireplace. All you get is the reaction to the objects being burned. A little toy school bus will roll a bit and the kids inside will scream as it burns. Corn on the cob will pop as IT burns. You burn certain things at the same time and you get combos which earn you more coins and stamps. I guess I must have a bit of a pyromaniac in me, because watching the flames is hypnotic, the crackle and pops of the fire are appealing too. You'll receive letters from the Tomorrow Corporation and a young female neighbor. They advance the story and describe the dying world outside (why it is so cold and why you must constantly burn things), but again, that's pretty much it. It's more of an interactive toy with the developers wicked sense of humor from World of Goo FULLY intact... There's somehow plot twists involved, from what I have heard, but it must be something in the writing and not in the gameplay, cause as I said, what you see is what you get. It's a $15 curiosity, but I'm totally fine with having spent the money!

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Wed, 21 Nov 2012 14:53:43
A game where you just put stuff in a fire... Yeah I will pass.
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Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:42:30
Oh dear... I'm concerned. I thought there might be a bit more to it.
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Wed, 21 Nov 2012 19:04:19

That sounds like the most awesome and at the same time most dumb game I have ever heard off.

I would buy it if it was five bucks, but fifteen... nope.

Edited: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 19:04:42

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Wed, 21 Nov 2012 22:41:57

Little Side-Story I'm going to throw in here because it involves the Wii U indirectly. I've probably mentioned this on here before, but I'm a big old softee when it comes to seeing anyone or anything suffer. I'll see a squirrel hit by a car and I'll have to turn my head while passing it because I feel horrible for the way the poor thing met its fate. God forbid I see a cat or someone's pet hurt or killed! I'll see people with diseases or muscular disorders simply walking by and I'll get choked up. I always feel like there is SOMETHING I should be doing to help. Something I can say. Some aid that I can give. I would spend all my time and money in the service of others and I still feel like it wouldn't be enough! Don't know why I have this feeling of Guilt or Helplessness ingrained in me, but I do. Luckily, the agency I work for is --BIG-- into Community Service and Charitable Organizations, so I often have the opportunity to contribute or give back or volunteer whenever I am able.

Being in the middle of what is being called the 4th or 5th largest Natural Disaster the US has seen, has left me, naturally, a disaster. Once my family was secured though, I was more than ready, willing and able to lend my strength and service to a few groups on Long Island to do whatever I could. I worked with the Red Cross. I worked with FEMA. I worked with the Long Island Harvest House. I gave out food, coffee, soup and water. Diapers, clothing, and comforters. I lugged garbage, moved tree limbs and helped people salvage soaked and (mostly ruined) personal belongings from the wrecks of their homes on the South Shore. A lot of these people didn't have a lot to begin with, so the little they lost was everything they owned.

One of the partners that owns the agency I deal with the most, owns a few Co-Op complexes in Freeport, New York. Although most of these went undamaged, just surveying the area and BEING around there inspired he and I to try to do even more than we already were. You can't see what these people are going through and NOT. He and I planned a Charity Auction in his neighborhood, Muttontown, New York, as a part of a Dinner with all the proceeds going to this area, primarily. Tonight --IS-- that Auction!

Everyone was going to contribute something NEW to the Auction. I was planning on attending, as well, but the cold I caught after working throughout most of last week still has me down and out. I was DETERMINED to get something that would be a big hit and draw in a lot of dollars. Something NEW. Something hard to get. Something relevant for the upcoming Holiday Season... Care to guess what it was?

My Topics over at GameSpot were inspired by my search. I was waiting for someone to ask me WHY I was still going to stores looking for a Wii U when I already had one of my own. No one caught on, but, nonetheless, I am happy to report: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Someone must have been looking out for me somewhere 'cause I walked into a Best Buy --JUST-- as one of he salespeople was placing the --FIRST-- unpacked one on display! He tried to convince me "How lucky I was to have come at that moment" but he didn't have to explain it to me at all. I tried to impress upon HIM that sometimes good deeds DO indeed get REWARDED!

All this leads up to something I would normally NOT miss for the world: Watching wealthy people try and out-bid each other for something the other wants. Add on top of that it's something for one of their CHILDREN at the HOLIDAY season... SHITS GONNA GET REAL TONIGHT SONS! lol I personally saw a Soccer-Mom drop $700+ dollars on buying TWO systems at a Walmart near me, not even knowing what it was she was buying! Can you imagine how much will be on the line tonight?! Being one of the organizers, and one of the contributers, it's taking a lot for me to NOT go, but the way I feel (and look), it's better off I stay put. I'll be sure to report back here tomorrow, just how much this system goes for, to be sure!

**Just as a point of reference. This is one of the AVERAGE homes in Muttontown!**

**I am SOOOO PISSED I am going to miss out on this!**

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Wed, 21 Nov 2012 23:28:07
Just found out my store has extended by one hour on Sunday.  I know that doesn't sound like much, but when you work seven days a week, it feels like a really big deal.
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Wed, 21 Nov 2012 23:31:18

Crap. I'm sorry to hear that.


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Wed, 21 Nov 2012 23:40:05
The situation just sucks and there's nothing to do about it, can be done.  It's really no big deal, just tired of losing precious time, stuck paying this debt.   I'm sorry to vent.
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Thu, 22 Nov 2012 00:41:54

That is great of you Leo. Happy

Sucks to hear travo.

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Thu, 22 Nov 2012 00:45:37

Don't know if I mentioned this or not, but I got rid of my Wii many, many, many months ago. I was anticipating the U and wasn't really playing or planning on playing anything on it throughout the rest of its lifespan. Oops, did I make one heck of a mistake! Turns out I missed out on one of Wii Ware's --BIGGEST-- titles, but, luckily, now that can be rectified! Check this out:

Look familiar? If you said "That looks like it could be a 16-bit Super NES game or a Metroid-Vania style game!" Turns out you'd be half right! It is indeed a Metroid-Vania game, but it is the remake of a former Free-Ware game (a-la Cave Story), released September of 2012 for the Wii. You may have heard me mention this game before. I have been anticipating it for years --BUT-- the development time took SOOO long, it was eventually CANCELLED --THEN-- stealth-released two months ago, many months AFTER I got rid of my system! It took me a day or two to remember to check on its availability after getting my U, but check I did, and then downloaded it immediately!

This is what Nintendolife had to say about it:

"La-Mulana is a massive game, with lots of areas to visit, tons of puzzles to solve, items to collect, plenty of enemies to defeat and... well, you get the idea. Depending on both your action and puzzle skills it can take anywhere from three to over twenty hours before you finally see the credits roll, which is quite a feat for a WiiWare game."

...before giving it a PERFECT 10/10 score!

I wholeheartedly agree from what I've played so far. It's TOUGH. The soundtrack is TOTALLY reminscent of a 16-bit game, and it hits ALL the right notes when it comes to the very definition of what made games GREAT back in the day! Looking for a Super Metroid/Symphony of the Night/Order of Ecclesia game lately, and can't scratch that itch? Well, here you go! Downloading it on the Wii U is as easy as going to the Wii menu, going to the Wii Shop and plunking down the $10 bucks.

The ONE AND ONLY ONE reservation I would warn you about is the control: You NEED to have a Wii Mote (or better yet a Wii Classic Controller Pro)!



Bit of a mis-step on Nintendo's part if you ask me... Oh well! I hope you saved your Controllers! You're gonna want to play this game!

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Thu, 22 Nov 2012 00:57:38

Interesting... may check it out.

just bought nano assault while playing PS3. lol. multitasking for the win.

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Thu, 22 Nov 2012 16:26:38

FRIEDNLY WORD OF WARNING: You cannot simply hit the Power Button on the Wii-mote to turn the U off if you are in Wii mode. Doing so confuses the GamePad, leaving it ON with a message that its lost connection with the Wii U system. You must turn the System On, then turn both OFF to shut everything down.

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Thu, 22 Nov 2012 16:37:19

I guess its a good time to do this wii transfer. I have been downloading all the new apps, Hulu, Amazon, takes forever. Might as well finish the wii update and be done with all my updating with the Wii U. So lets see how to do this, should be fun...

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Thu, 22 Nov 2012 16:47:25
Dvader said:

I guess its a good time to do this wii transfer. I have been downloading all the new apps, Hulu, Amazon, takes forever. Might as well finish the wii update and be done with all my updating with the Wii U. So lets see how to do this, should be fun...

Think  of PS3... HAHAHA done ?  I doubt welcome to this generation Nintendo!

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Thu, 22 Nov 2012 16:55:27

Having a little issue, not Wii U's fault. My HTR receiver is fairly old bought in 2006 it only has HDMI 1.1. The problem lies in that HDMI 1.1 won't handle 1080P I noticed it after hooking my Wii U through the HTR after having direct to TV. I was having all kinds of artifacts with Assassins Creed 3. I was like WTF? Did not see any of this when I went direct to TV. I switched the output on the Wii U  to 720p now everything looks fine but it does not look as good, now I have to decide 720P with PCM, or 1080P no PCM grrr. Or maybe I have to get a newere updated receiver.

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Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:25:37

Update: The Auctioned system sold for $3300.00.

Not as much as I thought it would, and it would have been nice if it was $3500, so I could say I got 10 times the value for it... Not bad though, and going for a great cause nontheless!

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Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:27:13

Just another note to put things into perspective: The people of Muttontown are paying somewhere around $5000 PER TREE to get get trees removed from their properties after Sandy. $3300 is next to pocket change for them.

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Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:44:03

Pretty impressive all the same. Well done on your donation sir.

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Sat, 24 Nov 2012 13:00:26

The people of Muttontown suck; they wouldn't even pony up what the original Wii was going for on eBay?! Nyaa





Well done Leo! Happy

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