BTW Leo the game is split into 3 acts you need to do all the side missions before going to the next act. Tuchunka was act 1, you will quickly figure out act 2 and its pretty obvious what the final one is. You can tell when you will be going on the main final mission of each act. Before doing that make sure you do every side mission up to that point.
phantom_leo said:HOLY CRAP ! ! !
Its not much and its glitched to hell. Dont worry. My Kasumi vanished mid mission. Did you do the other side missions of that act?
Dvader said:Yeah go ahead.
Jack is captured and turned into a Phantom whom you have to FIGHT and KILL.
OMG that is incredibly awesome, I will have to do that. Who says choices do not matter, that is so crazy I would have NEVER thought to basically ignore a mission to get such a different outcome. Now I wonder what else you can do in the game.I wonder if you can still do the mission but "fail" that way you can still enjoy the mission and get that version of the story.
Dvader said:OMG that is incredibly awesome, I will have to do that. Who says choices do not matter, that is so crazy I would have NEVER thought to basically ignore a mission to get such a different outcome. Now I wonder what else you can do in the game.I wonder if you can still do the mission but "fail" that way you can still enjoy the mission and get that version of the story.
...but, but...
She was a constant on my Team in ME2!!
phantom_leo said:...but, but...
She was a constant on my Team in ME2!!
Oh I love Jack but I love seeing how the story can change. She is soooo awesome in ME3. I know this is not helping, sorry.
Dvader said:Man I cannot wait for you to get to the end Leo. When I say the end sucks I mean the final final scene. The end of the "game" is incredible and will have you so emotional.
Are you kidding? That was one of the best parts. Damn you Bioware for making us so divisive!

I completely missed Jack.

Dvader said:phantom_leo said:...but, but...
She was a constant on my Team in ME2!!
Oh I love Jack but I love seeing how the story can change. She is soooo awesome in ME3. I know this is not helping, sorry.
I fucked Jack in ME2....she actually looks like one of my high school girlfriends except she had hair. And no tatoos. Just as slutty though.
Jack, yet still no homosexual male relationships in Mass Effect 2?
Must have been trolling.
Truth be told the way this year is looking for me from a game standpoint, this looks to be my GOTY. The game by itself is fantastic, playing it through from the very beginning is simply epic. The attachments I developed for the cast made for some fantastic(and sometimes painful) moments in ME3. Save for a few slips(Kaiden, Jacob) most of the cast I genuinely cared about, and even those with smaller roles I couldn't help but visit(Ken and Gabby!). Every mission was filled with conflict, and every one felt bigger than the last. The choices that I made in prior games made me question what I should do at times. As an example with Wrex as the leader of Tuchanka, I had no doubt in my mind about my decision. With Wreav, I seriously considered going a different route. Later I made a similar decision in which the results had me in tears and I had to stop playing for 20 minutes so I could compose myself.
Yes, a middle age man, in tears, over a video game. Least I can admit it, you tweebs.
Frankly I think that just shows that Bioware did a good job with the writing. Are there better scifi stories out there? Yes, many more. Doesn't change the fact that the game's story and characters have a solid impact on you if you allow yourself to get absorbed into it. Frankly I feel sorry for anyone who lets 15 minutes of a game ruin it for them, especially when the ending(s) weren't that bad to begin with. I had a few questions, but overall I was very satisfied with the conclusion. As for people debating it, I did get into the debates for a bit, but really now it's just white noise for me; something to ignore or turn off.
They even threw in Ereeba and Chaar! That was the Asari and Krogan couple you met on Illium. He was spouting poetry and she was wondering if they would be a good couple or not... Ridiculous the attention to details... No other game developer --EVER-- will put so much into tying everything up and together.
phantom_leo said:They even threw in Ereeba and Chaar! That was the Asari and Krogan couple you met on Illium. He was spouting poetry and she was wondering if they would be a good couple or not... Ridiculous the attention to details... No other game developer --EVER-- will put so much into tying everything up and together.
Yeah they were awesome. Dont forget to listen to Blasto 6.
Yeah, I just met Gavin Archer and it was confirmed that the kids from Grissom Academy and David Archer were captured an presumably killed by the Reapers.
DAMMIT! I thought for sure David Archer (from ME2's Overlord DLC) was going to have some kind of role in the storyline of ME3. I guess I liked that DLC so much I was hoping for it to be true.
...and one last time:
phantom_leo said:FUUUUUCK ! ! !
Yeah, I just met Gavin Archer and it was confirmed that the kids from Grissom Academy and David Archer were captured an presumably killed by the Reapers.
DAMMIT! I thought for sure David Archer (from ME2's Overlord DLC) was going to have some kind of role in the storyline of ME3. I guess I liked that DLC so much I was hoping for it to be true.
...and one last time:
He does have a role, you missed it.
Finally beat it. Such a sad ending, but after 3 games, I wouldn't have it any other way, warts and all. There are lots of things left unwrapped, probably because of the big number of characters involved. However, the ending does leave a sour note that fits the tone of the game and overarching vibe of the franchise perfectly. It's not easy to digest, but it is what it is. It gives you something to think about after turning the system and TV off.
I already know, if you want me to spoil it...