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2012 Finished Games
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Thu, 12 Jul 2012 11:44:57


I stopped playing this to play the sequel for an article I think. Coming back to it was hard; puzzles were lacking, platforming was boring, physics were worse, but towards the end there were some excellent platforming moments. The puzzles were still a bit lacklustrue. The triangle expoit is better than the flying carpet exploit in Trine 2, though.

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Sat, 14 Jul 2012 03:35:04

I just finished I Am Alive. It was great (The atmosphere is top notch, it's genuinely depressing and tense, the controls are solid, the plattforming works extremely well, the story is pretty decent and the game looks pretty good) except for one thing: The ending. It's the most half-assed ending I've ever seen (And you are hearing this from a guy that liked the ME3 ending).

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Tue, 17 Jul 2012 11:38:27

The credits rolled on Rayman Origins. It's finished I suppose. I'm not finished with it, though.

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Tue, 17 Jul 2012 17:39:28

Just finished Dear Esther, it was a fascinating experience. It's the equivalent of playing a (very pretty) pretentious art  film with a difference: This one actually haves a meaning.

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Tue, 17 Jul 2012 23:04:50

^That was just released in May and then got no attention at all.  Is it more than a moving story, I mean the gameplay is enjoyable?  Is it like a Myst type of game?

EDIT: Well, I just reactivated my Steam account to buy it. Good thing I did not get carried away and start buying tonnes of games, I forgot I'd have to download them Nyaa (on my limited bandwidth cap).

Dear Esther is "only" 1.5 GB though, so that's okay (10% of my monthly allowance).

Edited: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 23:23:33

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Wed, 18 Jul 2012 01:41:42
aspro said:

^That was just released in May and then got no attention at all.  Is it more than a moving story, I mean the gameplay is enjoyable?  Is it like a Myst type of game?

EDIT: Well, I just reactivated my Steam account to buy it. Good thing I did not get carried away and start buying tonnes of games, I forgot I'd have to download them Nyaa (on my limited bandwidth cap).

Dear Esther is "only" 1.5 GB though, so that's okay (10% of my monthly allowance).

There are no puzzles or interactivity, it's basically exploring an island while you get clues and a narration about where are you and why are you there. The first level is pretty boring but it then picks up. However, it's very short (I finished in 1 hour). So if you want to try something different then give it a shot.

BTW get the soundtrack bundle, it's amazing.

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Mon, 23 Jul 2012 10:06:54
aspro said:

Dead Space 2Half-Life 2: Episode 2Halo 3Fallout New VegasXIIISoulCalibur 4The SaboteurUncharted 3PreyMass EffectMass Effect 2Final Fantasy 7Saints Row: The ThirdUncharted: Drake's FortuneBinary DomainBulletstormVanquishbioshock

Finished Bioshock. I'd likely give it a 9 out of 10.  I really don't think I need to see more of Rapture though.

Have a look ath the games I have beaten this year. How on Earth does one pick a "Best" out of that stack?

Anyway, back to Borderlands and Kingdom Hearts.

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Mon, 23 Jul 2012 11:05:06
aspro said:

Finished Bioshock. I'd likely give it a 9 out of 10.  I really don't think I need to see more of Rapture though.

Have a look ath the games I have beaten this year. How on Earth does one pick a "Best" out of that stack?

Anyway, back to Borderlands and Kingdom Hearts.


God damn it.

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Mon, 23 Jul 2012 12:20:58

Alan Wake American Nightmare.

Finished it a few days. Going by Bioshock you would absolutely hate this game at first, Aspro, then end up loving it.

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Mon, 23 Jul 2012 22:36:58
Foolz said:

Alan Wake American Nightmare.

Finished it a few days. Going by Bioshock you would absolutely hate this game at first, Aspro, then end up loving it.

Did you play the original Alan Wake? This one is supposed to be quite different.

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Tue, 24 Jul 2012 02:41:16
aspro said:

Did you play the original Alan Wake? This one is supposed to be quite different.

Not yet. This one is more action orientated I think. I hope everything else is drastically better in the original becuase the action is the only thing that's really that good.

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Thu, 26 Jul 2012 00:44:31
aspro said:

Dead Space 2Half-Life 2: Episode 2Halo 3Fallout New VegasXIIISoulCalibur 4The SaboteurUncharted 3PreyMass EffectMass Effect 2Final Fantasy 7Saints Row: The ThirdUncharted: Drake's FortuneBinary DomainBulletstormVanquishbioshockgay tony

Gay Tony has been beaten. Great ending. Now to settle in and finish Kingdom Hearts.

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Fri, 27 Jul 2012 00:06:30
edgecrusher said:

Edgecrusher's Finished games of 2012 List:

asscreedrevelations_360finalboxart_160w.jpg Metal-Gear-Solid-HD_STANDARD_US_ESRB_X360boxart_160w.jpg God-of-War-III_US_ESRBboxart_160w.jpgmass_effect_m_pcboxart_160w.jpgmass_effect_pc_US_ESRBboxart_160w.jpgmass_effect_3_ps3boxart_160w.jpgff_xiii_2_ps3_finalboxart_160w.jpgdemonssouls_boxart_standard_FINALboxart_160w.jpg

GOWOCps3PKG_08.05.11boxart_160w.jpgGOWOCps3PKG_08.05.11boxart_160w.jpg656967boxart_160w.jpgmirrors_edge_pc_esrbboxart_160w.jpgtrans_cybertronwars_pc1boxart_160w.jpgTom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Boxart

Future Soldier is finally done. Great game, there's some things I like more and some less about it when compared to the GRAW games. Probably give it an 8.5 rating.


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Sat, 28 Jul 2012 23:41:47
aspro said:

Dead Space 2Half-Life 2: Episode 2Halo 3Fallout New VegasXIIISoulCalibur 4The SaboteurUncharted 3PreyMass EffectMass Effect 2Final Fantasy 7Saints Row: The ThirdUncharted: Drake's FortuneBinary DomainBulletstormVanquishbioshockgay tonyKinogdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts. Done. I don't really want to talk about it. Probably should have played it closer to release to have fully enjoyed it.

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Sun, 29 Jul 2012 05:11:30

I just finished the PS3 version of Crysis and Alan Wake.

I liked Crysis so much more with the faster paced suit controls. Also, it's an astonishingly good port.

As for Alan Wake, I loved the game but the last chapter dragged on a lot and the ending is a confusing mess IMO. I hope the DLC solves some of the questions that the ending left unanswered.

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Sun, 29 Jul 2012 16:32:45

Games Beaten:

  1. Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
  2. WarioWare Inc
  3. Sonic CD
  4. Super Mario 3D Land
  5. Kirby's Dreamland
  6. Mario Kart 7
  7. Batman Arkham City
  8. Mass Effect
  9. Resident Evil Revelations
  10. The Simpsons Arcade
  11. Mass Effect 2
  12. Afterburner Climax
  13. Rayman Origins
  14. Goldeneye
  15. Bastion
  16. God of War Chains of Olympus
  17. Killzone 3
  18. Mass Effect 3
  19. RE Operation Raccoon City
  20. Journey
  21. Ninja Gaiden 2
  22. Sonic 4 Episode 2
  23. Witcher 2
  24. Hamsterball
  25. Dead Space Extraction
  26. Back to the Future the Game
  27. Dead Space 2
  28. Shadow Complex
  29. Halo 3
  30. Crackdown
  31. Shank 2
  32. Motorstorm Apocalypse
  33. Zombie Apocalypse
  34. Uncharted 3
  35. Resident Evil 4
  36. Sonic Generations
  37. Crysis
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Tue, 31 Jul 2012 17:29:14

Finished game number 11 for the year!  Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia.  I think it gave me carpal tunnel.  Now to find another DS game worth playing... Thinking about that game GG really liked and kept going on about ... something about Soul ... and Bubbles Nyaa

... anyroads, here's what I said about Castlevania

I love 2D Castlevanias. This was no exception. An excellent addition to the brilliant series of games we had since the launch of the GBA (three for GBA, and three for DS). This was the hardest of all of them. It's been a while since I've had to watch and learn bosses patterns so I could avoid them and beat them. In all of the previous aforementioned game, I could easily level up at certain strategic places so I was strong enough not to have to be overly careful. Not possibly here. No such spots, and the game's difficulty is up a notch anyway from the previous ones. The game isn't one continuous massive environment (Dracula's Castle etc) it's made up of a bunch of "stages", some of them linear like order Castlevania levels, some with rooms all over like Metroid worlds. You also rescue villagers who give you fun quests etc which is also a nice touch. All in all loved the game. Solid 9/10 easily. Here's hoping the 3DS will get its own trio of quality castlevania games.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Thu, 02 Aug 2012 13:52:20
edgecrusher said:

Edgecrusher's Finished games of 2012 List:

asscreedrevelations_360finalboxart_160w.jpg Metal-Gear-Solid-HD_STANDARD_US_ESRB_X360boxart_160w.jpg God-of-War-III_US_ESRBboxart_160w.jpgmass_effect_m_pcboxart_160w.jpgmass_effect_pc_US_ESRBboxart_160w.jpgmass_effect_3_ps3boxart_160w.jpgff_xiii_2_ps3_finalboxart_160w.jpgdemonssouls_boxart_standard_FINALboxart_160w.jpg

GOWOCps3PKG_08.05.11boxart_160w.jpgGOWOCps3PKG_08.05.11boxart_160w.jpg656967boxart_160w.jpgmirrors_edge_pc_esrbboxart_160w.jpgtrans_cybertronwars_pc1boxart_160w.jpgTom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Boxart 256px-Maxpaynebox.jpg

Max Payne. 8.3 rating.....great game, it took a LOT longer than I thought. Could use more variety though.


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Fri, 03 Aug 2012 05:25:21
aspro said:

Dead Space 2Half-Life 2: Episode 2Halo 3Fallout New VegasXIIISoulCalibur 4The SaboteurUncharted 3PreyMass EffectMass Effect 2Final Fantasy 7Saints Row: The ThirdUncharted: Drake's FortuneBinary DomainBulletstormVanquishbioshockgay tonyKinogdom Heartsred dead remdemption

RDR. See official thread for more. NOW to finish Borderlands.

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Fri, 03 Aug 2012 14:45:04

1953 - KGB Unleashed.

Nothing better for a fever than an engaging adventure game. The same can't be said for this chair, though.

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