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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Official Thread.
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Wed, 23 Nov 2011 21:30:47

You can get fun island working before you entered the fourth dungeon.

I think the fourth dungeon was great with some nice variety and atmosphere, puzzles were clever, item was awesome and the miniboss was awesome. I had problem with avoiding the attacks of the fourth boss during the second phase.

Of course the fourth dungeon in TP was one of the best dungeons ever and the spinner was awesome, so no shame in losing to that.

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Wed, 23 Nov 2011 21:40:45

Completed fun fun, took me like 10 tries. Cool mini game. You guys know that the bamboo mini game gives you a bunch of treasures for how many slashes you do, dont do so well and you get some items that i find harder to find that the so called rare ones.

Second silent realm was fantastic. I want so much more of this. Like imagine challenges after you beat the game, with time attacks, leaderboards and all that. Imagine trying to finish those trails as fast as possible, how exciting they would be. I would make them more complicated by allowing you to use items in them.

Minor SPOILERS........   Got the clawshot, seriously though where the hell is the bow? (dont tell me) This is the longest a Zelda game has ever gone without a bow and honestly I see no uses for it so far in the world outside of combat.

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Wed, 23 Nov 2011 23:53:25

I think I have exhausted all side quests at the moment. I bought everything I can buy, upgraded everything I can upgrade. Now I have no need for rupees... Sad

Something has been bothering me, there are those life medallions that give you a full heart piece, they are not replacing two whole heart spaces with those medallions are they? There is space for 20 hearts, tell me that it goes to 22 if you use those medallions, it better be a bonus and not a replacement for finding heart pieces. This game needs more hidden stuff as is, if they remove heart pieces that just sucks.

Edited: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 23:53:49
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Thu, 24 Nov 2011 03:51:48

HOLY SHIT at the area before dungeon 5!!!!This is why there is nothing like Zelda, the level of variety in the game world and gameplay is unmatched. But it feels like they are teasing me, i want so much more!


It could have been a WW like ocean, with a boat that controls with the stick!  But no, its just empty except for the few places you have to go. Why?!?!? Oh and the rollercoaster mine thing, please tell me there is more, there needs to be a mini game attached to that.

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Thu, 24 Nov 2011 08:06:35

Dungeon 5 is done it was phenomenal. Just like TPs 5th dungeon it is as unique a location for a dungeon as I have ever seen. When compared directly though I still think the incredible snowpeak dungeon eeks this one out. But SS is right there, its going toe to toe with what I consider to be the best dungeons in Zelda history. Oh but the boss of dungeon 5, OH MAN!!! SS has TP beat in bosses, its not even close. These are some of the best bosses the series has ever had, the best part is that they are fun to fight even once you know their pattern. The dungeon score right now is 3-2 in favor of TP but its real close.

I have once again seemingly done everything I can side quest wise for now. They open these up too slowly. I did find some really cool secrets like getting in Zelda's room. WinkWink

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Thu, 24 Nov 2011 09:56:06

Yeti's House <3<3<3<3<3


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Thu, 24 Nov 2011 13:13:23

It am now at the fifth dungeon also, what an awesome dungeon it is. The miniboss gave me some trouble, because you can't put up your shield when you are knocked out of balance.  The stuff leading  to the dungeon was also sublime. Some stuff felt like a dungeon themselves and they actually made clever use of dowsing.

Also did a sidequest, I think they unlock when you get a new item.

There was something I did not like though. I had to go somewhere, but I decided to go somewhere else. Yet the game stopped me, you have to go where the game told you to. So I go there and find nothing and then I had to go where I tried to go previously Hrm. I don't like it if a game stops me for arbitrary reason. Twilight Princess was full of that stuff, Skyward was free of that until now. Not a big complain more like a pet peeve of mine.  

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Thu, 24 Nov 2011 16:57:22

Done the 6th dungeon. Only now noticing the profound lack of story in this game compared to TP.

Still a great game though, very enjoyable. I have too much cash though and I have bought most items. I'm trying to upgrade my items now. Also need to look for some treasures beneath the clouds for Skyloft residents but the fortune teller wont help.

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Thu, 24 Nov 2011 22:59:20

Wow the GAF Zelda thread is depressing. Screw that, tomorrow I will finish the 5th dungeon and I will be having a blast.

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Thu, 24 Nov 2011 23:05:12
Iga_Bobovic said:

Wow the GAF Zelda thread is depressing. Screw that, tomorrow I will finish the 5th dungeon and I will be having a blast.

LOL, I was just there as you could probably see. Yeah its a mess. By far the most divisive Zelda game ever, even more than MM I think. There is so much at play like new Motion controls, old tech, changing taste in games, etc. This is kind of a test game to see where your gaming priorites lie.

BTW I did the third spirit level, I love them so much. Its like a Zelda platformer mixed with MGS.

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Thu, 24 Nov 2011 23:12:28
Dvader said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Wow the GAF Zelda thread is depressing. Screw that, tomorrow I will finish the 5th dungeon and I will be having a blast.

LOL, I was just there as you could probably see. Yeah its a mess. By far the most divisive Zelda game ever, even more than MM I think. There is so much at play like new Motion controls, old tech, changing taste in games, etc. This is kind of a test game to see where your gaming priorites lie.

BTW I did the third spirit level, I love them so much. Its like a Zelda platformer mixed with MGS.

There is also the fact that the structure of the game is very different.

The diverging opinion about motion control is all due to the human factor. The technology is the same for everyone (except wih faulty equipment), so logic dictates the difference is because of the players and not the control.

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Fri, 25 Nov 2011 16:20:28

Beat the 6th or is it 7th dungeon? I'm losing count now.

Got all 3 fires for ma sacred blade.

Then there was an awesome boss fight that played out like a game of wii sports tennis. There are a few mario galaxy-esque touches in this game, including the chibi robot character models. I wouldn't be suprised if there was some cross team pollination going on.

There was a point where Kondo's Zelda's melody music played and it was so emotive it really showed up the Yokota soundtrack in this game. It's good, I love the flying music and town music, but it doesn't capture your heart like the memorable, evocative tunes that Koji Kondo does for Zelda.

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Fri, 25 Nov 2011 16:22:08
Dvader said:

LOL, I was just there as you could probably see. Yeah its a mess. By far the most divisive Zelda game ever, even more than MM I think. There is so much at play like new Motion controls, old tech, changing taste in games, etc. This is kind of a test game to see where your gaming priorites lie.

BTW I did the third spirit level, I love them so much. Its like a Zelda platformer mixed with MGS.

I don't see why the game is divisive. In fact, I think the whole controls issue is overhyped, it's still a zelda structure game and broadly keeps the same template that they've been working with. They introdude lots of new stuff but it's all handled with typical aplomb and integrated so seamlessly you don't really feel like you have to adjust to anything - other than those acursed swimming controls.

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Fri, 25 Nov 2011 16:30:05

I'm in the 3rd dungeon now. The 2nd dungeon boss was cool. I really dislike the pointer controls. Why did they not use IR? Makes aiming a pain. That's the only problem I have with the controls so far. Also, dowsing sucks. Who thought up this annoying gameplay mechanic?

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Fri, 25 Nov 2011 16:49:46
Ravenprose said:

I'm in the 3rd dungeon now. The 2nd dungeon boss was cool. I really dislike the pointer controls. Why did they not use IR? Makes aiming a pain. That's the only problem I have with the controls so far. Also, dowsing sucks. Who thought up this annoying gameplay mechanic?

If it sucks as you claim, why do you use it?

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Fri, 25 Nov 2011 16:54:08
Iga_Bobovic said:

If it sucks as you claim, why do you use it?

I only used it to find those two of those key pieces for the 2nd dungeon entrance that I couldn't find. It sucks, but it's better than looking it up in a guide, lol.

Edited: Fri, 25 Nov 2011 16:55:01

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Fri, 25 Nov 2011 17:05:00
Ravenprose said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

If it sucks as you claim, why do you use it?

I only used it to find those two of those key pieces for the 2nd dungeon entrance that I couldn't find. It sucks, but it's better than looking it up in a guide, lol.

You suck for using it. Real man don't use guides or dowsing! Although later on you have to use dowsing, but it is really, really clever!

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Fri, 25 Nov 2011 17:16:41

Just finished dungeon 5 and 6.

Dungeon 5 may just well be the best dungeon ever. Not only the dungeon itself is great, but the lead up to it was also sublime. The dungeon was like really unconventional with some awesome puzzles. The boss fight was really cool and again unconventional. Wow just wow.

Dungeon 6 was more conventional dungeon and it seemed to be nothing special. But there are some really clever puzzles there and the item you get there is awesome. The boss was super cool.

After dungeon 6 the story is pretty much explained to me. Some serious stuff are happening. Up until now the game had very good pacing, but I fear it might go to the fetch quest territory right now. But I will see where it goes tomorrow.

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Fri, 25 Nov 2011 17:24:50
Ravenprose said:

I'm in the 3rd dungeon now. The 2nd dungeon boss was cool. I really dislike the pointer controls. Why did they not use IR? Makes aiming a pain. That's the only problem I have with the controls so far. Also, dowsing sucks. Who thought up this annoying gameplay mechanic?

Yeah having to recenter because of motionplus drift is annoying. IR doesn't have that problem. Also, Red Steel 2 did auto calibration checks whenever the wii remote was pointed at the screen, it did it behind the scenes invisibly. Zelda should have done the same.

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Fri, 25 Nov 2011 17:33:52
gamingeek said:
Ravenprose said:

I'm in the 3rd dungeon now. The 2nd dungeon boss was cool. I really dislike the pointer controls. Why did they not use IR? Makes aiming a pain. That's the only problem I have with the controls so far. Also, dowsing sucks. Who thought up this annoying gameplay mechanic?

Yeah having to recenter because of motionplus drift is annoying. IR doesn't have that problem. Also, Red Steel 2 did auto calibration checks whenever the wii remote was pointed at the screen, it did it behind the scenes invisibly. Zelda should have done the same.

Zelda does use IR to recalibrate the motion plus. And re-centering is not the same as recalibration. And Yokota was only responsible for the orchestration of the music not the composition. Step up your game GG.

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