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Movie of the Year picks.
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Tue, 20 Jul 2010 22:39:59
aspro said:

Shawshank is ultimately too syrupy though.  Maybe I've just been overexposed to it, as I quite liked it the first time around.  For whatever reason, maybe because of the Susan Saranden (sp?) connection, I find a lot of commonalities with Dead Man Walking  

 She's not in Shawshank,


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Tue, 20 Jul 2010 22:47:10

aspro said:

Dvader said:

Those are the ones I have seen. Weekend at Bernies, hell yes. I really want to see Memento and Big Lebowski.

Lebowski.  It's probably my favorite film ever.  But then I see Rocky and say the same thing and on and on...

Memento is quite well done.  These days you'd say it's like a video game -- like Indigo Prophecy -- but back then games did not come close to movies in terms presentation.  Well worth seeing.  Same with Ghost Dog, that would be a great movie.

Damnit -- where are all the GOOD movie-license games?

Memento is great for the way it plays back to front in an effort to convey how it feels for the main character to have no short term memory.  Guy pierce also puts in a good performance.

Lebowski...  Can't fault it really.  Practically every Ethan and Joel Coen movie is great, and their truly great ones (Blood Simple, Raising Arizona, Fargo, Big Lebowski, O Brother Where Art Thou, No Country For Old Men, A Simple Man) are masterpieces.

About Ghost Dog ... what I said about the Coen brothers applies for Jim Jarmusch as well.  A truly visionary director.  Ghost Dog has to be seen to be believed.  It's a samurai story with the Mafia in an urban american setting.  Forest Whitaker is sublime and the soundtrack by the RZA is pretty awesome too


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Tue, 20 Jul 2010 22:51:42

Yodariquo said:

 She's not in Shawshank,

 Wasn't she married or something to Tim Robbins? 

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Tue, 20 Jul 2010 23:02:47

SteelAttack said:

Yodariquo said:

She's not in Shawshank,

Wasn't she married or something to Tim Robbins?

Yeah. They are known for collaborating closely on their projects.  Until they split.

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Tue, 20 Jul 2010 23:08:16
Edited: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 23:10:28


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Tue, 20 Jul 2010 23:19:58
Edited: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 23:22:43

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Wed, 21 Jul 2010 00:08:31
Avatar is far more Pocahontas than Aliens. If it were Aliens it would have been better.

Love the comparison pics. LOL
Edited: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 00:11:15
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Wed, 21 Jul 2010 04:29:01
Noo! Too much pressure for my list! SadNyaa Maybe I'll just do a few years picked from some of my favourite films. LOL
aspro said:

I'll talk about the ones I saw.  I saw Borat on the plane once.  I thought it was hilarious, until I realized that he was taking advantage of people, and then  the strings started to show, in terms of how people where really kind, but being polite in front of the camera to this strange foreigner, and it became un-funny.  He was taking advantage of normal people.  Ali-G is funny because he is taking down big people.

Shawshank is ultimately too syrupy though.  Maybe I've just been overexposed to it, as I quite liked it the first time around.  For whatever reason, maybe because of the Susan Saranden (sp?) connection, I find a lot of commonalities with Dead Man Walking, which is also syrupy and heavy handed, but a better story about justice and prisons.  Pulp Fiction got my vote that year because it's both unique and a fine amalgam of good elements of film making.

I've only seen Shawshank once, and I found it way too sentimental to take seriously. I was laughing out loud at like 75% of the narration/dialogue. I might've been expecting way too much, though. Now that I've seen it once I'll probably enjoy it more a second time.

Yodariquo said:


Edited: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 04:47:48

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Wed, 21 Jul 2010 05:28:37

Well here's my mini-list. There's a lot of Tarantino there, and no Hitchock or Pete Lorre. That's kinda depressing, but I haven't seen any films involving either of them for awhile, and I just went with what I immediately remembered. I skimmed through the lists on wikipedia, so probably missed a great deal. On top of that I was too lazy too look through the foreign lists for more recent years. As you can see, I like Monty Python... Hope you enjoy anyway. I warn you, there's some blockbusters on there! Nyaa

1927 - The General (I haven't seen Metropolis, but I can't imagine that it's better. Maybe as good, but surely not better)
1940 - The Great Dictator
1963 - The Pink Panther (couldn't remember which my favourite one was, so I just went for this)
1966 - Billy Budd (the opera. That's right.)
1968 - 2001: A Space Odyssey
1971 - A Clockwork Orange
1972 - Vampire Circus (the list needed Hammer. Didn't need The Godfather.)
1977 - Jabberwocky (in the place of Star Wars due to how incredibly underrated it is. lol@at people wanting John Cleese in it. He can fuck off.)
1979 - Life of Brian
1983 - Return of the Jedi (I thought Style Wars was a shoe-in here, but can't go passed Star Wars instead! Nostalghia is waiting here for me, but I love Star Wars...)
1984 - Beverly Hills Cop (I'm blowing down boundries here!)
1986 - Laputa: Castle in the Sky (had to get Miyazaki on there so that Yoda doesn't ban me!)
1988 - Neco z Alenky (you say another good animation came out that year? Actually Akira is awesome, but I like this just that little bit more. I probalby wouldn't if I hadn't read the manga, though. The manga>the film.)
1993 - True Romance
1994 - Natural Born Killers
1995 - Toy Story Cool
1996 - Cannibal The Musical (there, now we have an indie film!) Nyaa
1997 - Men In Black
1999 - American Beauty
2001 - Das Experiment
2002 - Eskimo (quite a few films that I could put in its place, but I just watched it last night. This is probably The Resident's crowning achievement musically, and visully. Fantastic collage of lo-fi animation and music. Makes me want a big mac and some coca-cola. Bring on the TV reruns!)
2003 - Oldboy
2004 - Kill Bill vol. 2 (I like both!)
2005 - V for Vendetta
2006 - The City of Violence (the villain is just so hilariously awesome, and didn't look like much else came out that year. Though I was too lazy to look properly. xD)

Edited: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 06:11:20

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Wed, 21 Jul 2010 07:20:33
The General is a good'n (Metropolis is not better, not by a long shot).  Clockwork Orange - I appreicated the Newspeak.  Judge Reinhold rules (BH Cop).

You like films that use the letter V a lot.  What's that about?

If I saw American Beauty today would it hold up?
Edited: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 07:21:28

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Wed, 21 Jul 2010 07:29:53

aspro said:
The General is a good'n (Metropolis is not better, not by a long shot).  Clockwork Orange - I appreicated the Newspeak.  Judge Reinhold rules (BH Cop).

You like films that use the letter V a lot.  What's that about?

If I saw American Beauty today would it hold up?

It's all about coincidence. Nyaa

Probably. I didn't see it when it first came out, so I couldn't say what it was like then, but it's still damn good IMO.

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Wed, 21 Jul 2010 07:34:05
I think I as thrown off it because it had Kevin Spacey in it and he was way overexposed at that point.

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Wed, 21 Jul 2010 07:38:50

aspro said:
I think I as thrown off it because it had Kevin Spacey in it and he was way overexposed at that point.

Oh, if I'd seen it when all the hype was going on, I probably would've hated it lol. One great advantage of not going to the cinema anymore is not seeing films while everyone is telling you how awesome they are.

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Wed, 21 Jul 2010 09:27:24

Fuck it, let's give it a shot. Excluding this year:

2009: District 9

2008: The Dark Knight mention goes to (Wall-E)

2007: Hot Fuzz 

2006: Borat

2005: Sin City

2004: Shaun of the Dead

2003: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

2002: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

2001: Spirited Away

2000: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (mention also goes to Memento)

1999: The Matrix

1998: The Big Lebowski (Mention also goes to Saving Private Ryan)

1997: Princess Mononoke

1996: Space Jam (if only because I can't recall anything else)

1995: Toy Story

1994: The Lion King (Honourable mentions to Speed and Pulp Fiction)

1993: The Nightmare Before Christmas

1992: Aladdin (Honourable Mentions to Batman Returns, Waynes World & Bram Stoker's Dracula)

1991: Terminator 2 (Honourable mentions to Silence of the Lambs and Beauty & The Beast)

1990: Goodfellas

1989: Batman

1988: Die Hard (that, or Who Framed Roger Rabbit)

1987: Robocop (Honourable mentions go to Predator)

1986: Aliens

1985: Back to the Future

1984: Purple Rain (Honourable mentions to Ghostbusters & The Terminator)

1983: Return of the Jedi

1982: Blade Runner

1981: Raiders of the Lost Ark

1980: Empire Strikes Back

Other titles, given the time, would include Godfather Part II, Fritz Lang's Metropolis & The Great Dictator.

Edited: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 09:29:08

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Wed, 21 Jul 2010 11:26:58
Fuck, I always knew Darth was a dirty UN spy! Sad

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Wed, 21 Jul 2010 11:32:41

darthhomer said:

Speed!  Of course.  Purple Rain! Awesome.  And more votes for Back to the Future and Robocop.

Had not heard of Shaun of the Dead, will look it up.

[time passes]

sounds good:

A man decides to turn his moribund life around by winning back his ex-girlfriend, reconciling his relationship with his mother, and dealing with an entire community that has returned from the dead to eat the living.
Edited: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 11:39:38

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Wed, 21 Jul 2010 11:40:50

aspro said:

Speed!  Of course.  Purple Rain! Awesome.  And more votes for Back to the Future and Robocop.

Had not heard of Shaun of the Dead, will look it up.

[time passes]

sounds good:

A man decides to turn his moribund life around by winning back his ex-girlfriend, reconciling his relationship with his mother, and dealing with an entire community that has returned from the dead to eat the living.

You've never heard of Shuan of the Dead?! GASP

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Wed, 21 Jul 2010 11:50:33

Foolz said:

aspro said:

Speed!  Of course.  Purple Rain! Awesome.  And more votes for Back to the Future and Robocop.

Had not heard of Shaun of the Dead, will look it up.

[time passes]

sounds good:

A man decides to turn his moribund life around by winning back his ex-girlfriend, reconciling his relationship with his mother, and dealing with an entire community that has returned from the dead to eat the living.

You've never heard of Shuan of the Dead?! GASP

There is a container ship full of pop culture I've never heard of (the S.S. Oblivious).

Edited: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 11:50:57

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Wed, 21 Jul 2010 12:46:43
darthhomer said:

Fuck it, let's give it a shot. Excluding this year:

2009: District 9

2008: The Dark Knight mention goes to (Wall-E)

2007: Hot Fuzz 

2006: Borat

2005: Sin City

2004: Shaun of the Dead

2003: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

2002: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

2001: Spirited Away

2000: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (mention also goes to Memento)

1999: The Matrix

1998: The Big Lebowski (Mention also goes to Saving Private Ryan)

1997: Princess Mononoke

1996: Space Jam (if only because I can't recall anything else)

1995: Toy Story

1994: The Lion King (Honourable mentions to Speed and Pulp Fiction)

1993: The Nightmare Before Christmas

1992: Aladdin (Honourable Mentions to Batman Returns, Waynes World & Bram Stoker's Dracula)

1991: Terminator 2 (Honourable mentions to Silence of the Lambs and Beauty & The Beast)

1990: Goodfellas

1989: Batman

1988: Die Hard (that, or Who Framed Roger Rabbit)

1987: Robocop (Honourable mentions go to Predator)

1986: Aliens

1985: Back to the Future

1984: Purple Rain (Honourable mentions to Ghostbusters & The Terminator)

1983: Return of the Jedi

1982: Blade Runner

1981: Raiders of the Lost Ark

1980: Empire Strikes Back

Other titles, given the time, would include Godfather Part II, Fritz Lang's Metropolis & The Great Dictator.



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Wed, 21 Jul 2010 16:24:03

Guess I'll give this a shot even though I rarely see movies in theaters these day so my whole perception of what year a movie comes out is skewed

2009 - Up

2008 - Wall-E

2007 - Ratatouille

2006 - Borat

2005 - Sin City

2004 - Napoleon Dynamite

2003 - Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl

2002 - Lilo & Stitch

2001 - Mulholland Drive

2000 - Memento

1999 - Fight Club

1998 - The Big Lebowski

1997 - Grosse Point Blank

1996 - Lone Star
1995 - Desperado

1994 - Pulp Fiction

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