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The World Cup Thread
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Sat, 19 Jun 2010 12:53:10
Slovenia and Algeria to go through, please. Though I like America, meh.

Edited: Sat, 19 Jun 2010 12:54:41

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Sat, 19 Jun 2010 13:23:16

Did you see the USA v Slovenia game?  Shocking ref decisions robbed the USA of what should have been a huge win they deserved.

England to draw all three matches.  USA and Slovenia to go through.  Slovenia to drop out next round Nyaa


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Sat, 19 Jun 2010 19:13:50
England sucked. David James, Ashley Cole and Gerrard played allright. Everyone else was donkey shit.

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Sat, 19 Jun 2010 21:20:32

gamingeek said:
 Everyone else was donkey shit. 

 A few good ones surrounded by Donkey shit? 
Best description of the country I ever heard.

*runs away

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 04:37:24

bugsonglass said:

Did you see the USA v Slovenia game?  Shocking ref decisions robbed the USA of what should have been a huge win they deserved.

England to draw all three matches.  USA and Slovenia to go through.  Slovenia to drop out next round Nyaa

Yes I did. Still would be funny if Algeria and Slovenia went through. Nyaa

Speaking of stupid referees...Cry

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 06:48:23

Foolz said:

Yes I did. Still would be funny if Algeria and Slovenia went through. Nyaa

Speaking of stupid referees...Cry

 Yep you guys were at the butt-end of another bad decision yesterday.  Personally I thought it was a penalty because he stopped it from going in with his hand, but not a sending off because it was in no way deliberate.

The first two games yesterday were bad.  Denmark v Cameroon was entertaining to watch.

Am I the only one feeling this world cup is very mediocre in terms of quality of football?  Blame it on the vuvuzeles


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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 06:50:27

Dreaded vuvuzela claims first victim: Woman bursts windpipe 'by blowing too hard'

Insurance saleswoman Yvonne Mayer, 29, was unable to speak or eat for two days after ripping her windpipe when she blew the three foot horn during a street party in Cape Town.

The next day shocked doctors diagnosed her with a ruptured throat and ordered her to rest it completely to allow it to heal.

The bizarre injury is the first known vuvuzela-related accident since the World Cup kicked off last week.

Yvonne, from Cape Town, said: 'I had never blown a vuvuzela before but was given one at work and was going to watch the first South Africa match so thought I'd take it along.

'I was walking towards the Fan Park in Cape Town and blowing it as hard as I could when suddenly my throat started to hurt.

'At first I thought I'd gone down with a bug but the next day it was worse.

'When I went to the doctor he took a look and then laughed.

'He said I'd ruptured my throat by blowing too hard, and that perhaps I had been doing it all wrong.

'After that I was told to go home and relax the whole area.

'It meant I wasn't allowed to eat or speak at all for almost two days.

'I was starving by the time I could finally eat some soup and yogurt on Monday.'

Yvonne was given a check-up after the incident at the Medi-Cross Hospital in Cape Town's Table Bay suburb.

Specialists said an initial tear in her throat caused by air pressure had grown into a wound due to her constant blowing.

Yvonne added: 'They said it would heal by itself given time but were worried that it could get infected.

'That's why they told me not to eat or speak while it was healing.' A medical report on the injury confirmed Yvonne had ruptured her throat.

It said: 'Extensive surgical emphysema is present in the retrophayngal prevertrebal space.

'This extends from the base of the skull to the supraclavicular regions on both sides and is probably due to a traumatic rupture of the pharynx.'

Dr Scott Barker, who treated Yvonne, said: 'She simply overdid it. We had to keep a check on her for potential infection after the initial tear caused damage to soft tissue.

England fan Caylin Groenewald blows her vuvuzela with Table Mountain in the backgound

'I checked with our ear nose and throat specialist who did not seem to be worried about any long-term damage. It was the first time we'd seen anything like this.

'I would urge other fans not to go over the top while blowing, and just follow what your body tells you. If it hurts, stop.

'The worst health risk with the vuvuzela is still the high volume your ears are subjected to. The best health advice I can give for England fans is to take a pair of earplugs to the game.'

Today Yvonne warned other football fans to take care when blasting their plastic trumpets.

She said: 'This happened to me on my first time.

'I thought I was blowing it right but perhaps I was trying too hard.

'They're fantastic fun and really bring people together during the soccer, but my experience has proven they can be dangerous if underestimated.

'I don't think I'd ever blow one again, because it wasn't much fun.

A broker at the German stock exchange in Frankfurt blows a vuvuzela prior to the start of the World Cup soccer match Germany versus Serbia

A fan blows a vuvuzela before the 2010 World Cup Group C soccer match between the US and Slovenia at Ellis Park stadium in Johannesburg

'Apparently they sell smaller ones these days too so perhaps I'll pick one of those up instead for the rest of the tournament.'

Her injury came as it was revealed a German fan had been diagnosed with severe tinnitus after watching his team's 4-0 over Australia.

Sven Wipperfurth, 27, of Rommerskirchen, Germany, said: 'We were watching it on TV and then suddenly someone let rip with an ear splitting blast right next to me.

'It was so loud that I passed out. When I came round I couldn't hear properly in one ear - it was just a permanent ringing.'

Now fans in Germany have been given the option by BskyB bosses to select a special filter to remove the blaring drone of vuvuzelas from their World Cup coverage.

A test by local media described the results as 'impressive'.

And internet has designed an independent filter for just 3 GBP which they claim can remove the sound of the horns from all commentary.


God of Justice indeed

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 07:28:34

bugsonglass said:

Yep you guys were at the butt-end of another bad decision yesterday.  Personally I thought it was a penalty because he stopped it from going in with his hand, but not a sending off because it was in no way deliberate.

The first two games yesterday were bad.  Denmark v Cameroon was entertaining to watch.

Am I the only one feeling this world cup is very mediocre in terms of quality of football?  Blame it on the vuvuzeles

Penalty for sure. You see that sometimes given a red, but I don't think it was. If you're going to be harsh like that, then one of the Ghanians should have been sent off for his terrible from behind, two footed, studs up challenge. Boggles the mind. (Really you don't have to be harsh to give that a red at all.) He had a pretty poor game throughout as well IMO, not just with decisions going against us, he just got so many things wrong for both sides. And he didn't even play out stoppage time. Ah well, these things happen.

And it's not been the best in terms of quality football, but there's still been some pretty entertaining matches all the same. Been decent enough overall I think. Things should only improve from now on as well given that the stakes are raised.

Edited: Sun, 20 Jun 2010 07:29:37

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 09:07:20

Iga_Bobovic said:

Did the article list her phone number?

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 15:04:18

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:
Everyone else was donkey shit.

A few good ones surrounded by Donkey shit?
Best description of the country I ever heard.

*runs away

At least I have a country, Robotoco.

You were made in China by an evil inventor. I believe it was his dream to make a smart talking automoton. He succeeded.

Edited: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 14:27:48

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 15:46:53

Italy and new Zealand 1-1 at halftime. WTF is going on?

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 17:08:48

gamingeek said:

Italy and new Zealand 1-1 at halftime. WTF is going on?

 Another miserable game.  Well done New Zealand, big game for them.  I fear cheating Italians will worm their way undeservedly to at least the semi-finals again but I hope they don't.  I don't think there is a team with as many dis-likable people as that Italian side. 


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Mon, 21 Jun 2010 06:48:53
Fantastic performance from New Zealand.

Edited: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 07:14:28

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Mon, 21 Jun 2010 13:53:26
Portugal are routing North Korea 4-0 at the moment.

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Mon, 21 Jun 2010 14:26:57


7 goals in 45 minutes. Good thing I only watched the 2nd half. LOL

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Mon, 21 Jun 2010 14:51:53
Poor North Korea.  And they started out so brightly


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Mon, 21 Jun 2010 22:39:40

bugsonglass said:
Poor North Korea.  And they started out so brightly

Kim Jong NIL!


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Mon, 21 Jun 2010 23:13:42
Oh noes!


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Tue, 22 Jun 2010 06:46:04
LOL Love that gif. 
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Tue, 22 Jun 2010 07:46:31

aspro said:

Kim Jong NIL!



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