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The Book Thread
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Tue, 04 Jun 2013 16:56:17
Yodariquo said:

He's frickin Sean Bean.  He ALWAYS dies.  Impressive he even made it that long.

MAJOR SPOILERS there is no way to hide this so scroll down quickly if you have yet to watch the last episode of GoT.








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Wed, 05 Jun 2013 01:18:08

I picked up Stephen King's new book Joyland today. I've been reading books exclusively on Kindle for about 1.5 years now, and it feels weird to read a physical book again (Joyland isn't available in ebook form). The pages don't glow, forcing me to angle the book toward my lamp to see it properly. And don't get me started on having to hold the thing with two hands! Nyaa Other than those criticisms, it's very good so far.

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Sun, 23 Jun 2013 16:15:07

Masters of doom is fantastic!!

carmack is such a human robot, he gives no fucks.

What is surprising me most is how behind PC gaming was to consoles. Nintendo already made SMB3 and PC couldn't even make a side scroller. Porting Mario was like the biggest achievement in PC history, that's so crazy. They were working in the Stone Age while Nintendo was making the greatest games of all time. It's going to be interesting when it all flips.

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Sun, 23 Jun 2013 19:36:19

Poor Tom, but thankfully they fired him cause his version of doom sucked. Funny thing is that his version is basically doom 3.

I always forget that doom wasn't just the first monster FPS but it invented deathmatch, that is even bigger. The id guys even invented the trash talk you hear online lol. It's insane how important doom was.

while carmack is a genius and his tech changed gaming forever I just can't respect him as a game developer as much as other greats cause he never cared about the actual playing aspect. He wasn't much a gamer, Romero handled the level design stuff and I understand that without carmack nothing ever happens but we don't love doom cause it looked cool, it's the game design itself that influenced a genre. Just look at what is has done since Romero left... Exactly.

Edited: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 19:38:42
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Sun, 23 Jun 2013 19:45:46

And look at what Romero has done since he left...  it's tragic, they totally should have gotten back together.

Carmack was too clinical, Romero too loose, it was a nice balance.

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Sun, 23 Jun 2013 19:48:06

Romero created a really amazing office in downtown Dallas. You have to give him credit for that.

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Sun, 23 Jun 2013 20:22:06

Quake 1 was a development hell for id, and was the reason why Romero left the company; or at least that's his version of the story.

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Sun, 23 Jun 2013 20:28:14

I love that daikatana was a mystical sword in their D&D and he turned that into his mystical game... Which sucked. Yeah it's a shame they broke up.

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Tue, 25 Jun 2013 23:30:05

This Doom book is like a horror story! This is so tragic. It starts off with so much energy and ethusiams, you are experiencing the creation of one of the most important greatest games ever made. And then what comes after is this decent into hell itself as these people tear themselves apart and these guys with their entire future of ahead of themselves lose all the magic they once had. Ion Storm is a nightmare, Daikatana's production is scarier to me than most horror movies.

Its all so sad to cause as you are reading you know the future so you are like "no dont do that!! NO!"  Its also an early look at the our current game development process of gigantic teams and how that could result in disaster.

The one good thing that came from Ion is Deus Ex. Thank god Warren Spector told Romero that his team will be separate and please stay the fuck away from me.

I could write a whole blog on Carmack... yikes. Please tell me he becomes semi human by the end of this book. I believe he is married with kids now right?

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Wed, 26 Jun 2013 01:07:28

From the Doom 4 wiki:

In April of 2013, Kotaku published an article describing Doom 4 as trapped in "development hell". Citing connections to id, the article claims that Doom 4 has suffered under mismanagement, and that development was completely restarted in 2011. Inside sources described the pre-2011 version, which was to portray the uprising of hell on Earth, as heavily scripted and cinematic, comparing it to the Call of Duty franchise. The pre-2011 version was criticized as mediocre, but the sources also described the new version as "lame" and a "mess."[19]

Sad They never learned did they. Please make a good Doom 4. PLEASE.

Oh man Doom 4 is based on a 6 year old engine. UGHHHH. WTF Carmack.

Edited: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 01:09:25
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Wed, 26 Jun 2013 03:19:20
Dvader said:

This Doom book is like a horror story! This is so tragic. It starts off with so much energy and ethusiams, you are experiencing the creation of one of the most important greatest games ever made. And then what comes after is this decent into hell itself as these people tear themselves apart and these guys with their entire future of ahead of themselves lose all the magic they once had. Ion Storm is a nightmare, Daikatana's production is scarier to me than most horror movies.

Its all so sad to cause as you are reading you know the future so you are like "no dont do that!! NO!"  Its also an early look at the our current game development process of gigantic teams and how that could result in disaster.

The one good thing that came from Ion is Deus Ex. Thank god Warren Spector told Romero that his team will be separate and please stay the fuck away from me.

I could write a whole blog on Carmack... yikes. Please tell me he becomes semi human by the end of this book. I believe he is married with kids now right?

If by married with kids you mean sex slave he got pregnant, then yes.

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Wed, 26 Jun 2013 03:50:15
Foolz said:

If by married with kids you mean sex slave he got pregnant, then yes.

LOL Close enough. Where is the book on that?

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Wed, 26 Jun 2013 09:16:46
Dvader said:

This Doom book is like a horror story! This is so tragic. It starts off with so much energy and ethusiams, you are experiencing the creation of one of the most important greatest games ever made. And then what comes after is this decent into hell itself as these people tear themselves apart and these guys with their entire future of ahead of themselves lose all the magic they once had. Ion Storm is a nightmare, Daikatana's production is scarier to me than most horror movies.

Its all so sad to cause as you are reading you know the future so you are like "no dont do that!! NO!"  Its also an early look at the our current game development process of gigantic teams and how that could result in disaster.

The one good thing that came from Ion is Deus Ex. Thank god Warren Spector told Romero that his team will be separate and please stay the fuck away from me.

I could write a whole blog on Carmack... yikes. Please tell me he becomes semi human by the end of this book. I believe he is married with kids now right?

I am glad you enjoying it.  Carmack... well, he married a fan. So make what you will of that choice and the power dynamic.

In recent interviews, and later in the book, he seems genuinely fulfilled.  As does Romero.

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Sun, 30 Jun 2013 07:04:13

Finished the book, Aspro damn I totally forgot to talk to you about it after the podcast. Thanks again for the recommendation, one of the most interesting and entertaining non fiction books I have read. To me it was practically a tragedy, it starts off with so much promise, so much fun. You are reading about how they created one of the greatest games ever made. And then you go into a decent into hell itself which is so ironic cause that is what Doom is.

I think above all what bothered me the most was Romero and his priorities of gameplay design first over everything else. Thats me, that is what I believe in. I love video games, I cant stop playing them, the same way he couldn't. To watch that man who held my values fall so far from greatness was almost depressing.

This also gives us great insight into an industry that for the most part is very hidden. Think about the movie industry and how many set vists they allow, how they create documentaries of the making of for bonus features. Think about games and how publishers hide everything, you get or two media previews per game and that is it. You hear very little about the devolpment process. I love games that have making of features, I find them to be facisinating.

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Wed, 10 Jul 2013 16:56:50

I am looking for something new to read. At airports they have this read and return thing but its almost all current best sellers and I do t know anything about those, it all looks like generic stuff. I finally found a store with some classics and I got farenheit 451, supposedly it's awesome. Anyone know if there is anything out recently that is good?

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Wed, 10 Jul 2013 17:57:32

They're teen fiction, but the Hunger Games series is a quick, fun read.

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Thu, 11 Jul 2013 03:04:29

Fahrenheit 451 is awesome. Who cares about what's new?

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Thu, 11 Jul 2013 03:05:30
Foolz said:

Fahrenheit 451 is awesome. Who cares about what's new?

It is. I need to get something new cause that is all those damn airport book stores have and you get 50% off everything basically.

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Thu, 11 Jul 2013 03:08:10
travo said:

They're teen fiction, but the Hunger Games series is a quick, fun read.

Hmm, I don't consider them "teen fiction" at all. They're dark and disturbing books. Great series, though!

Edited: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 03:08:30

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Thu, 11 Jul 2013 03:08:56

Is World War Z in the new section?  I heard the book is good.  I haven't read it, but I do have it.

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