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The Book Thread
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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 19:37:53
You've read HP before, right?
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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 19:51:29
travo said:
You've read HP before, right?

Nope. Never saw any of the films either. It's all new to me. I'm 25% through Sorcerer's Stone now, and I'm enjoying it.

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Mon, 17 Sep 2012 01:48:09
I just started reading Full Dark, No Stars, a collection of short stories by Stephen King.  That first story is crazy.  
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Mon, 17 Sep 2012 02:48:11

I'm about 50% done with the third Harry Potter book. It's noticably darker than the first two books, which kinda had a Scooby-doo vibe to them. It's very good. My plan now is to read all seven books in a row, lol.

Edited: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 02:55:45

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Mon, 17 Sep 2012 11:46:11

Darker in the third book? If you haven't reached the end, you ain't seen nothing yet --AND-- the tone and atmosphere of the entire series of books ages with each new one. Wait 'til you get to the end!  GASP

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Tue, 18 Sep 2012 00:20:13

Sounds intriguing! Grinning

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Fri, 21 Sep 2012 22:51:52
Dvader said:
travo said:
Since season three will be two seasons, maybe they'll combine books 4 and 5 into one season.   I wonder why they pushed the release date back?  To coincide with season 3's premiere?

Possibly. Meh. Well I had to switch to hardcover books eventually as I would have gotten book 6 and 7 on release.

I'm waiting for it to release on Paperback; I have to have all the books in the series paperback. Since I have the first four books in paperback. If I purchased one as hardcover I would've had to purchase all of them as hardcover.


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Sun, 23 Sep 2012 06:33:09
Nintyfan17 said:
Dvader said:
travo said:
Since season three will be two seasons, maybe they'll combine books 4 and 5 into one season.   I wonder why they pushed the release date back?  To coincide with season 3's premiere?

Possibly. Meh. Well I had to switch to hardcover books eventually as I would have gotten book 6 and 7 on release.

I'm waiting for it to release on Paperback; I have to have all the books in the series paperback. Since I have the first four books in paperback. If I purchased one as hardcover I would've had to purchase all of them as hardcover.

Well now I see why they pushed it back, they have split the fifth book into TWO PAPERBACK books. The assholes. Its smaller than Storm of Swords, there is no reason to do this but to make more money.

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Sun, 23 Sep 2012 06:40:00

A Feast for Crows is done, the worst in the series but still good. It jumps around too much as it focuses on some characters that we dont care much about. There is a lot of filler, lots of random religious talk. It reminds me of the middle of Clash where it seemed to be stalling for something big to happen but this book did not have that big moment. It does get good at the end, it has some cool things happen but nothing like the major events of past books.

Spoilers I loved being in the insane mind of Cersei, cant wait till she gets the news that Jamie is not coming for her, so good. He did not just make Arya blind, fuck. Poor Brienne. Littlefinger is going to rule everything one day.

I noted that at the end Martin says the next book will have the other characters we missed. He said he hoped to have the book finished in the next year, that was 2005. WTF happend, it took him 6 years to get the book out. He better have the next one out soon.

Edited: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 06:40:33
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Fri, 28 Sep 2012 12:03:36

I wish I remembered to put the line here after I actually read it so it could be verbatim, but one of the best lines in Crows happens when Jaime is talking to his Aunt and she says something like:

"TYRION is Tywin's son, not you!"

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Sat, 29 Sep 2012 08:28:01
phantom_leo said:

I wish I remembered to put the line here after I actually read it so it could be verbatim, but one of the best lines in Crows happens when Jaime is talking to his Aunt and she says something like:

"TYRION is Tywin's son, not you!"

For a while I though she meant that literally.

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Sun, 30 Sep 2012 13:55:01


It was such a simple line too --BUT-- it puts everything into perspective:

Tyrion finally gets some much deserved recognition. Jaime gets a bit of a smack down (at least to his ego). These books have a way of painting people in a certain light then changing your opinion of them over time, but this ONE line does it for Tyrion in half a second. I was literally like: "HOLY SHIT, SHE'S SOOO RIGHT!"

...and suddenly I was looking at them both in a completely new way! Tyrion always had his role that he played in the "Game" but it was never acknowledged just HOW MUCH of a "Player" he was before that moment!

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Mon, 01 Oct 2012 23:20:13

Tyrion is one of the best at the games. But where I stand now, at the start of book five the absolute master at playing the game of thrones is Littlefinger. He maybe the most dangerous person in westeros, but he is so awesome I want to see him succeed.

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Sat, 13 Oct 2012 23:26:25

Ugh. I hated the way 'Crows' ended!

I finished the Sam chapter and started the 'Meanwhile Back at the Wall' chapter and was like...


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Fri, 19 Oct 2012 20:06:44
phantom_leo said:

Ugh. I hated the way 'Crows' ended!

I finished the Sam chapter and started the 'Meanwhile Back at the Wall' chapter and was like...


Imagine you got the book when it first came out and then you get that message that says it will take a year for the next book and six years later you finally get it.

ADWD is getting really awesome.

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Thu, 20 Dec 2012 21:13:54
Fuck George R R martin. Just finished dance with dragons and I am sick of his shit. Two books of  nothing but setup, anytime anything happens he cuts away or he just randomly kills someone. The next two books better be all payoff. The two books after swords are the worst ones.
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Fri, 21 Dec 2012 07:11:59

I am reading a book that is probably best described as late 20th centry american literature. Female author.  Don't know the title or the name of the author.

It's pretty good, and I am a fari way in.

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Fri, 21 Dec 2012 08:30:23

Is the book somehow missing not only the front and back cover, but also all pages except for the story itself?

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Sun, 23 Dec 2012 20:09:45
Foolz said:

Is the book somehow missing not only the front and back cover, but also all pages except for the story itself?

It was far away.  Now I have it. It is called An American Childhood by Annie Dillard.

Edited: Sun, 23 Dec 2012 20:11:50

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Sun, 06 Jan 2013 21:08:58

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