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The Book Thread
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Mon, 14 May 2012 06:04:00

Almost done. Happy, I knew it.

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Wed, 16 May 2012 03:08:35
Shit....…...Holy shit!  I just made it past the wedding.  GoT and CoK have nothing on this book.  Nothing!
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Wed, 16 May 2012 03:17:47

I finished  Clash of Kings today I really enjoyed the ending, great setup for the next one. Overall though I felt this book was weaker than the first one. The story dragged for far too long with too much threats and little action. Also the whole end of the chapter event that magically gets resolved in the next chapter with someone else telling you what happened got played out way too much in this book. Having some major characters like Jamie and Robb basically be non existant didn't help either.

Tyrion carried the novel and Arya's storyline was the most exciting. The rest had their moments but those two had the best parts by far. Dany got such a crappy storyline compared to the first book, she was practically a waste of time. Thankfully the final 200 pages of this book were incredible when all that dragging around finally paid off.

The first novel had the more compelling story and it flowed so well. This book was more ambitious but it felt lost at times. I will start Storm now, heard it is the best one so I am very excited.

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Wed, 16 May 2012 03:23:35
You will not be disappointed in Daeny's storyline in the next one.  You will also be pleased if you feel Robb and Jaime were slighted in book 2.
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Wed, 16 May 2012 03:25:16
travo said:
You will not be disappointed in Daeny's storyline in the next one.  You will also be pleased if you feel Robb and Jaime were slighted in book 2.

I saw who got the first chapter after the prologue. GASP  Well lets get started.

Edited: Wed, 16 May 2012 03:26:20
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Thu, 17 May 2012 03:10:51

Tywin is such an ass to Tyrion, that was a painful conversation.

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Mon, 21 May 2012 01:17:09
I've gotta talk about A Storm of Swords for a bit. Consider all of this spoilers from here on out.  How can I describe this book in comparison to the other two?  It's like the main course.  It just doesn't stop for a breather.  I'm shy about two hundred pages from completion, but as far as I'm concerned,  they can spend the rest of a book sitting at a table talking and I would still be satisfied with it.

You know how the Godfather movies all share a similar structure:  Corleones have a conflict with a nemesis during the first three quarters of the movie, then exact revenge on all their enemies who threaten them during the last quarter. Moe gets shot in the eye, Hyman Roth murdered, Fredo shot in the head, the cardinal eats the poisoned cannoli.  

I think of GoT and ACoK as the first three quarters and ASoS as the last quarter.  It's just filled with revenge, mayhem, violent acts, one right after another.  Yet, still manages to make me care for ghe characters, even ones I thought were despicable and unredeamable.  We've had three weddings, each ending badly,  a battle on the Wall, Sam the Slayer, Arya and The Hound, The Red fucking Wedding, The eunich army, freaking Baelish!  Wait, what the hell is Littlefingrr doing?

End Spoilers

Edited: Mon, 21 May 2012 01:18:24
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Mon, 21 May 2012 01:23:23
Sorry,  I know there's not many people who can read those spoilers,  but I had to talk about the book.  I know there's four more to go, but Zi can't possibly see any of them surpassing this one.  I hope I'm wrong.
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Mon, 21 May 2012 03:12:10

Yeah ASOS is awesome. So many holy shit moments, seemingly one after the other.

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Mon, 21 May 2012 19:34:01

I am still within the first 150 pages so the bombs have not dropped yet but Jamie is fucking awesome. Yes he is an evil shithead, but he is so slimy, such an asshole that you cant help but enjoy his scenes. I am enjoying  his journey so far.

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Tue, 22 May 2012 02:37:27
Dvader said:

I am still within the first 150 pages so the bombs have not dropped yet but Jamie is fucking awesome. Yes he is an evil shithead, but he is so slimy, such an asshole that you cant help but enjoy his scenes. I am enjoying  his journey so far.

Kinda harsh on Darth, don't you think?

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Tue, 22 May 2012 14:49:17
Foolz said:

Kinda harsh on Darth, don't you think?


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Tue, 22 May 2012 15:03:48

D, you're going to LOVE Jamie come the second half of ASoS and during AFFC.

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Wed, 23 May 2012 13:58:08

Finished AFFC last night, dived right into ADWD. It's going to be so painful when I finish this one up and have to wait until the next one.

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Fri, 15 Jun 2012 15:28:31

Finished Book Two yesterday. Will start 3 today. Bought 4 and 5 for when I am eventually able to get to them.

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Fri, 15 Jun 2012 15:30:59
Book 3 is totally awesome. So much going on with loads of action.
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Fri, 15 Jun 2012 15:31:57
Dvader said:

Almost done. Happy, I knew it.

I'm curious what you mean by this...





Bran and Rickon? Didn't Theon mention himself that the miller's (?) children were the same age and body type? Why go through all the trouble to make everyone believe they are dead? Did he not want to appear weak, or did he do it to break the morale of the people of Winterfell? I don't get it.

Edited: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 15:32:46
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Fri, 15 Jun 2012 15:52:13
phantom_leo said:
Dvader said:

Almost done. Happy, I knew it.

I'm curious what you mean by this...





Bran and Rickon? Didn't Theon mention himself that the miller's (?) children were the same age and body type? Why go through all the trouble to make everyone believe they are dead? Did he not want to appear weak, or did he do it to break the morale of the people of Winterfell? I don't get it.

On a phone so I can't spoiler easily, I will be vague. Yes he did it to not appear weak or incompetent.
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Fri, 15 Jun 2012 15:53:22

Although I am asking Vader what he meant by "I knew it" if ANYONE has answers to my questions it would be great.

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Fri, 15 Jun 2012 15:55:35

Posted just as I was asking... I have been reading through the books very unevenly... I have little time to read, but when I DO read, I've been rushing through to try and catch up to everyone else, so I missed that... Kinda thought so. Well, that kinda backfired on him, didn't it?

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