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Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. Discussion, Friend Codes, Hook-Ups.
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Mon, 01 Feb 2010 01:08:40

Edited: Mon, 01 Feb 2010 01:17:31
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Mon, 01 Feb 2010 01:16:42
I am starting to come to the conclusion that Ippatsuman loosely translates to "SuperHuman, Homosexual BaseBall Guy!"

These videos are so bad, they are AWESOME!

Steel, watch for the special message in the first video from the purple sprite at 2:03!
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Mon, 01 Feb 2010 01:27:28
I have also come to the conclusion that Tekkaman loosely translates to "SuperHuman, Homosexual, Rainbow Spear Dude!"

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Mon, 01 Feb 2010 01:36:02
Ok. Polimar isn't quite so flaming... actually kinda creepy... but his theme sounds too much like "I need a hero" which, again, is creepy.
Edited: Mon, 01 Feb 2010 01:36:43
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Mon, 01 Feb 2010 05:17:49
LOL at videos and especially Leo comments.

thank you for a great start to the new week buddy!


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Mon, 01 Feb 2010 13:23:02
Here is my code:


I will add all the other codes here as soon as I can today.  My timezone here is GMT + 2 (ie 7 hours ahead of eastern US time).

hope we can have a few rounds tonight sometime


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Mon, 01 Feb 2010 13:59:59
I'll try and fit some time in my schedule, but during the week I rarely have time to play any games.  I really need to get back into handheld gaming. Much easier to play while at work.
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Mon, 01 Feb 2010 18:30:44
i played a little bit.  tried the arcade mode and also played some online.  i've really never played a fighter like this before and i feel slightly overwhelmed by the incredible amount of things going on at any given moment.  visually it really is a sight to behold and a feast for the eyes but also having said that ... i did have a severe headache after playing for about half an hour.  i need to have frequent breaks or i see myself having some kind of seizure.

at first i tried playing with just Ryu and Chun Li because they're about the only two characters i've used in a fighting game before.  but i soon realised that this is so different  to street fighter that having played with ryu or chun li before didn't really mean i'd be any better off using them over the other characters.

so i started experimenting with characters left right and centre.  in the end i think i started to go for teams with one quick and agile guy (usually jun the swan or ryu) and one strong/ beast type character (usually soki or tekkaman).  but it's still very very early for me.

so far i'm playing without any particular strategy/strategies.  i didn't even read up to learn any special moves (which funnily enough doesn't stop me from pulling crazy stuff off).  just getting a feeling for this and enjoying myself.  i seem to be able to get to the boss in arcade the vast majority of times regardless of who i choose but i've only ever beat him once, and it was with ryu and soki (i did most of the damage with ryu from a distance ... cheesy i know but what can you do).  i'm slightly pissed off by him (especially his 3rd form).  how does he rank among cheap bosses in fighters?

i played some free matches online.  some of them were simply perfect with regards to lag (as in there was none what so ever), actually most were lagless.  i've also had some lag with a few guys, but nothing terrible.  the connections so far (though i really haven't played so much online) have been on the whole better than what i've had in SFIV.  i didn't do too shabby either, even though i will readily admit that i don't know what i'm doing Nyaa  i won about half my matches (i even won against a guy who had an "ace" label, though i'm classed as "beginner".

i have added you (Leo, Yoda, Robbio).  hope we can have a few rounds soon.


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Mon, 01 Feb 2010 22:11:27

Yami is really not that hard. You just have to find a way to get in close and the usually you can do about 25% damage the his whole health bar before you have to retreat or just smacked away.  Keep your defense up, dash in when you have an opening and then just go to town with strong attacks.

If you're winning half your matches you're already doing better than I am.    I'll try to be on early Wednesday night or late afternoon so we can try to play then.  Tonight I've got work and tomorrow is my wedding anniversary so the hell with you guys, I'm getting some.  

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Tue, 02 Feb 2010 10:23:24

Have you guys faced off yet?

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Tue, 02 Feb 2010 13:03:08
We have. I won one or two by time-out. Robio and Yoda beat me a few times as well. Haven't played Bugs yet. Haven't fought anyone since discovering the team I like the most. We'll all have to arrange something.
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Tue, 02 Feb 2010 13:59:16

phantom_leo said:
We have. I won one or two by time-out. Robio and Yoda beat me a few times as well. Haven't played Bugs yet. Haven't fought anyone since discovering the team I like the most. We'll all have to arrange something.

yeah.  it'll be good to arrange to have some rounds.  i PMed spirit_of_87 at gamespot and exchanged codes with him so it will be great to get him to join in the fun.

can't wait to meet Leo's discovery team!!


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Tue, 02 Feb 2010 15:51:05
i have Leo's name on my friends list whereas the others i added are just numbers still.  does that mean we were together online at some given moment, or just that we've both been online since adding each other?


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Tue, 02 Feb 2010 16:12:09

bugsonglass said:
i have Leo's name on my friends list whereas the others i added are just numbers still.  does that mean we were together online at some given moment, or just that we've both been online since adding each other?

That means they either haven't added you yet... I think... or they haven't gone online since you added them. The Friends Roster just needs mutual confirmation before it displays another's name.

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Tue, 02 Feb 2010 16:20:53
I haven't touched the game since Sunday so I haven't had a chance to add you back yet.  I will probably get back to the game tomorrow.
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Tue, 02 Feb 2010 17:00:22
so i played a handful of ranked matches online.  every one of them i was matched against people who ranked as things like "ace" or "superchamp" and had over 2000 battle points, in comparison to my 50 Sad

needless to say i lost all of them.  i thought the game was supposed to match you with something resembling equal opponents.

oh well at least there was no lag, which is encouraging


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Tue, 02 Feb 2010 17:06:29

Yeah. I keep getting the same thing.

It seems Zero is the Akuma of this game. Every cheap bastard in creation chooses him. There have been matches where I simply put down the controller and let myself get beaten, just because it was pointless to even try.

We'll have to play each other for a while, THEN go online and kick collective ass in the name of The VG Press!

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Tue, 02 Feb 2010 17:15:11

phantom_leo said:

Yeah. I keep getting the same thing.

It seems Zero is the Akuma of this game. Every cheap bastard in creation chooses him. There have been matches where I simply put down the controller and let myself get beaten, just because it was pointless to even try.

We'll have to play each other for a while, THEN go online and kick collective ass in the name of The VG Press!

I haven't had too much of that, but yeah now and then I get matched up with someone clearly superior than me.  Then again, with my 16% win rate (it's dropped) virtually everyone is superior.  I'm so glad I dropped an extra $40 to get that arcade controller.  It's really made me a better player.

As far as Zero, yes absolute cheapest bastard.  The only way around him I've found is with Doronjo.  Her rock throw attack is used when she's mid-air, so while the bastard is ripping out his sword/fireball/range attack you can jump over them to dodge the attack and then drop his ass with a medium rock throw attack and never put yourself in harm's way.  

The only drawback is that Zero still has amazing recovery time so you'll never be able to charge him and take advantage of the opening.  But the average Zero player doesn't really know how to play him other than playing as a cheap bastard and you can make them panic by doing that.

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Wed, 03 Feb 2010 00:46:46
robio said:
I haven't touched the game since Sunday so I haven't had a chance to add you back yet.  I will probably get back to the game tomorrow.

Same, but I'm going on now if anyone wants to catch a game.  I won't be around tomorrow, though.


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Thu, 04 Feb 2010 21:12:48
my experience with this game continues to be a very positive one.  i'm really enjoying it.  the arcade stick hasn't arrived yet but i can't complain too much about the classic controller.

tonight i got to play online for the first time against somebody in my friends roster.  (not a vgpresser, just another friend here).  we played five rounds and i won all of them, which doesn't necessarily say much because i think he probably just started playing (although in fairness, so did I).  i have also won a few more ranked matches (even won a few against useless Zeros).

i hope we can have a few friendly matches among us here vgpressers over the weekend.  anybody want to start suggesting a time and day to try and get it arranged?  i understand my timezone is not the most convenient for you guys (i'm 7 hours ahead of eastern US time) but i'll do my best to stay up late if need be.


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