Instead of a massively long series of blogs about games you don't care about, I have this. A pic you never thought you would see.
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SupremeAC (9m)
Instead of a massively long series of blogs about games you don't care about, I have this. A pic you never thought you would see.
That is quite awesome.
Stop bickering kids or I'll turn this car around. Minuses for the both of you now! And if you keep it up Santa won't bring you any presents! Now shut the hell up! You're ruining this wonderful day for your mother!
WTH is this I wasn't even referring to you, just in general how everyone is having best of blogs near Christmas. I didn't even read your blog.
And pot calling kettle black, when people made lovingly created threads you saw fit to mock it in your list thread.
And when I did a passionate blog about why I enjoyed a game you mocked it with a Do you ever wonder why I am pimping Cock Out?
Sheesh, way to ruin Christmas.
What the fuck just happened here? This wasn't meant to be serious. Let's try not to get too heavy when it's not necessary. Please
You obviously have some problem with me. You need to either ignore my posts completely or get over it, I'm sick of going back and forth with you on all this pointless crap.